Monday, December 2, 2024

December Goals

Why did October drag and November flew by?  It's already Dec 2nd and I'm nowhere near ready for Christmas!

 -Lose 5 lbs (start: 243)

-Do well at ICGAHS Sold 45!  Tied with 2021 as best show sales:)

-Buy BP machine

-Finish Heart Song Not quite, but getting closer!

-Add words to new fairy story Check....

-Finish watching 2.5 Men Check!  11/16!

-Buy tix to Beautiful Noise (May) Mom is refusing to go, so this might be tabled...used the earmarked funds to pay for Peoria and Saluki Con.

-Pay for Peoria and Saluki Con Check:)

Books Read:  1

            Print:  1

        E-book:  0

             DNF: 0

Karaoke Songs Added:  2

2024 Events:

December 4-5th:  GSH Vendor Fair Sold 7:)

December 7th:  KCPL Author Fair, 10-2pm Sold 5:)  (Still need paid for 2)

2025 Events:

Feb 15-16th:  Saluki Con, Carbondale, Il ($80 Pd 12/2)

March 22nd:  SI Con, Benton, Il

July 20-22nd:  Imaginarium, Louisville, Ky (Pd 9/12)

Sept 19-20th:  Cil-Con, Effingham, Il ($60 Pd 12/29)

Sept 27th:  Book Nook Book Fair, Peoria, Il ($75 Pd 12/27)

2026 Events:

April 11th:  Dreaming Dirty In Michigan (Pd $60; still owe $120)

December Goals:

-Lose 5 lbs

-Buy BP machine

-Finish Heart Song

-Do well at GSH Vendor Fair Sold 7:)  5 Wed, 2 Thurs

-Do well at KCPL Author Fair Sold 5:)

-Buy Beautiful Noise tix??

-Have fun at TSO Concert Check!  OMG...SO GOOD!  GREAT time with Erica and Sara!

-Have enjoyable Christmas Check:)  Had X-mas on 24th with kids, then quiet day on 25th.

-Make another payment to Dreaming in Michigan

-Start chipping away at med bills

-Fix MBA Almost done!  Just have to replace trim, paint vanity, and figure out where to put everything back, lol!

-Cut carpet out of S's room

-Upload digital copies to Patreon ...

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) 

-Read more in evenings

December Reading Schedule:

Memories of Moscow-Harold Lipman 12/2:  Am on Ch 40
Becoming-Michelle Obama RR!  I remembered much about 2009-16 and have to admire her tenacity and ambition. Still doesn't change the way I feel about his presidency, though I have to admit I was wrong about a few things.
A Royal Duty-Paul Burrell DRR!  Esp fans of Diana....there was SO much misinformation out there....but here is an insider's view into her life.
Wildwood Creek-Lisa Wingate RR....the only thing stopping me from the 'D' is I was disappointed in the ending.  I wanted to see how the two stories were going to eventually come together, and Allie be related to Bonnie, but no.
Unfortunately Yours-Tessa Bailey DRR!  After reading it, wondered when certain words had entered the mainstream books; I love her sex scenes; they're so FRESH! And this one had dirty bedroom talk, which I can't remember reading in another book.  Very well done!
Redemption of the Duke-Gayle Callen DRR!  Wonderful story and not at all 'typical'. There's a bit of a mystery that kept me guessing:)
Voyager-Diana Gabaldon Spend two days speed-reading this book, once I realized it had been on my bedside table for an ENTIRE YEAR.  I remember seeing the ending on TV, but OMG....the twists and turns that ultimately ended them from Scotland to France to Jamaica to finally Georgia!  Again, these books are almost too long.  But I read them b/c I can no longer watch, and some of the dialogue is HYSTERICAL!  I especially LOVE when Jamie discovers Fergus and Marsalie are hand-fasted!!
Stitched With Love-Cathy Marie Hake, et al DNF I like Christian Romance, but this was just not holding my attention.  Maybe again at a later date.
A Wild Yearning-Penelope Williamson DNF Again, this just was not holding my attention.  It began wandering after Ch 6.

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