For a short month, February seemed to drag. Anyone else feel that way? Didn't get a lot accomplished, due to the fact I only worked 12/28 days, and spent the others on the couch, curled up with the dogs and a good book, or watching TV.
-Lose 5 lbs (beginning 245)
-Do well at Creative Market Sold 3:)
-Take record player back to Brown House Check:)
-Do well at Saluki Con Sold 2.....rainy day
-Start getting Sara's room cleaned up Not yet
-Buy new soap dish and toilet roll holder for MBa Not yet
-Finish trim, lights, medicine cabinet, and shower guard in MBa Waiting for warmer weather
-Make appt with foot dr about my right leg Not yet
-Add words to Heart Song Check! Halfway through Ch 9
-Pay editor ($150) Not yet
-Add words to new fairy story Check! Got backstory accomplished
-Buy BP machine Not yet
-Pay for SI Con Talked to organizers; I can pay day of:)
-Pay down CC and start pecking away at med bills CC, yes.
-Read 6 books Check:) Read 13
-Finish current e-book Check:)
Books Read: 13
Print: 8
E-book: 5
DNF: 6
2025 Events:
March 14-15th: Indy Comic Con, panelist (free, just parking fees)
March 22nd: SI Con, Benton, Il ($60)
March 29th: Big River Comic Con, Hannibal, MO (Pd 1/15)
April 3-4th: GSH Vendor Fair ($50)
April 5th: Bartholomew Co Comic Con (free!)
April 26th: Indy Author Event (volunteer???) Local Craft Fair???? ($25)
June 13-15th: Superman Celebration, Metropolis, Il ($100)
June 21st: Farmer's Market ($15) and Pride (donation)
July 20-22nd: Imaginarium, Louisville, Ky (Pd 9/12)
Aug: Watermelon Fest ($60 due by 7/18)
Aug: CCC ($25 due 6/15)
Aug: Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In ($40)
Sept 19-20th: Cil-Con, Effingham, Il (Pd 12/29)
Sept 27th: Book Nook Book Fair, Peoria, Il ($75 Pd 12/27)
Nov 12-16th: ICGAHS ($700-making payments)
2026 Events:
April 11th: Dreaming Dirty In Michigan (Pd $60; still owe $120)
March Goals:
-Lose 5 lbs (beginning 245)
-Have fun at ICC (panelist)
-Do well at SI Con
-Do well at BRC
-Start getting Sara's room cleaned up
-Buy new soap dish and toilet roll holder for MBa
-Finish trim, lights, medicine cabinet, and shower guard in MBa
-Make appt with foot dr about my right leg
-Finish Ch 9 of Heart Song
-Pay editor ($150)
-Add words to new fairy story
-Buy BP machine
-Pay for Geek Con ($40)
-Pay down CC and start pecking away at med bills
-Read 6 books
-Finish current e-book
March Reading Schedule:
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