Friday, October 12, 2018

Flashback Friday Catch Up

Oct 1978:
My Uncle Bill (my favorite uncle) arrived for visit:)

Cathy C made my choir dress....mauve with 'chilly shoulders', ruffled flowered around bodice. There was some confusion over how to wear it; some girls arrived at the concert with their arms through the straps, instead of just around their shoulders.

My sister celebrated her 8th birthday with Campbells, Mcintire clan, including Michelle and Aunt Linda.

I have no idea what I went as for Halloween that year....

Next Month:  Thanksgiving!

My Thursday night Astronomy class was fun!  For years, I'd not understood the blurred voices of the astronauts as The Eagle touched down on the moon, and my teacher cleared it up for me:

"Tranquility Base here....The Eagle has landed!"
(I'd heard it as 'ingoldy base here....' yeah, I guess I've always had a hearing problem??)

Anyway, Saturn was close enough to be seen through a telescope, so our professor took us upstairs so we could view it.  I think I amused him, because when it was my turn, I saw a white dot with Mickey Mouse ears, which drew laughs.  He later revealed it had been knocked out of focus, but I wasn't able to view it any clearer.  Still, I can say I saw it!

Our dorm decided to offer trick-or-treating, so I put on my 'southern belle' outfit, and Erica dressed in her 'old-fashioned girl' look.  The girls across the hall decided to be the Tin Man and his Oil Can, so E changed her look to 'Dorothy', which made me Glinda the Good Witch:)  'Toto' was one of our stuffed dogs!

Next Month:  Working Thanksgiving

Present Day:  
We're getting closer to the Whispers Launch Party!  I've spent this week recuperating from a busy Imaginarium weekend.  My ankle/Achilles tendon bothered me all weekend, but Monday I stayed off my feet, and Tuesday I could walk semi-normally again.  WTH???  Wednesday, I had twinges of pain, and I think I'm gonna have to buy new tennis shoes next week.  I go see the Ortho doctor next Friday, so maybe that threat is shaping my feet up?

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