Sunday, June 2, 2024

June Goals

May seemed to fly by!  My NYC trip was AMAZING!!!  Pics are on FB:)

-Lose 5 lbs (start 238) Oops, gained 2 lbs....

-Fix errors in Defending Destiny  Can't do it until July, unless I want to cough up $25...

-Add words to existing WIPS Check:)

-Do well at Pop Up Market  Sold 1, but was able to eat at Frank's.

-Do well at SpringFest Sold 4:)

-Do well at Magic of Books Only did an even trade, but got to see 3 friends (Lori Roberts, Ariella Talix, and Kim Hoffman!)

-ENJOY NYC and Broadway Musical, plus sight-seeing and Concert Check!!!  

-Cut carpet out of S's old room Not yet

-Pay next installment for NYC trip ($522.28) Check!; start saving for NYC 'extras'.Check!

-Work enough hours to pay^^^^^ Check:)

-Upload digital copies to Patreon Not yet..

-/Begin short story due in June Not yet....

-Finish short story for BKM  Not yet...

-Finish SE8 of 2.5 Men Have reached Ep 12

-Finish Amazing Race 2023 Check!  Brothers won, team Beard 2nd, Father/Son 3rd Was hoping Rob and Cory (F/S) would win; Rob is deaf, and it was really cool to see the ASL signing!

-Watch current season of Amazing Race Check:)  The Boyfriends (Cesar and Ricky) won their 7th 1st place win:)  Pilots came in 2nd, followed by Team Orange, Rod and Letitiia.

-Finish watching Survivor Check!   Kenzie won!

-Finish watching BB 2021.Check:) NOW I understand 'the cookout' reference in 2022!  1st time there were ONLY People of Color in the final 6. Xavier won, with Tiffany voted Fave Houseguest.

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) Not yet

-Read more in evenings Check!

Health Update:  With the warmer temps, am wearing the compression brace on my right leg again.

Books Read:  7

            Print:  5

        E-book:  2

2024 Events:

June 7th:   Arts and Drafts, 1st floor of Vincennes Brewing Co, 2nd and Main Sold 1:)

June 8th:  Superman Celebration, Metropolis, Il ($125) Super Con Bldg, 715 Market St, Metropolis, Il Sold 8:)

June 14th:  GSH Author's Fair, GSH Hedde Center Sold 1, traded 1

June 22nd:  Farmer's Market and PrideFest, downtown Vincennes Sold 5 at each:)

July 19-21st:  Imaginarium, Louisville, KY Pd 11/2023

July 27th:  Wabash Valley Geekz and Things

August:  IABE, Terre Haute, IN ($85) Pd 12/1 CANCELLED  Hannah House???

August 10th:  Collectors, Carnival, and Crafts, Gibson Co Fairgrounds, Princeton, In 

August 24th:  Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In

September:  TBD

October:  TBD

November:  Indpls Christmas Gift And Hobby Show

December:  Kringle Market

June Goals:

-Lose 5 lbs (start 240)

-Add words to existing WIPS Check!

-Do well at Arts and Drafts Sold 1, to former coworker:)

-Celebrate Alex's 12th b-day Didn't actually celebrate WITH her; I was at A&D, and bought her Once Upon A Platypus at Superman, which I'd wanted to get her 2 years ago:)  Cute story; I hope she enjoys it!

-Do well at Superman Celebration Was only there for one day (Sat) and sold 8:)

-Do well at GSH signing Sold 1, traded 1.

-Do well at Farmer's Market Sold 5:)

-Do well at Pride Sold 5:)

-Cut carpet out of S's room

-Upload digital copies to Patreon ...

-/Begin short story due at end of month Check!

-Finish short story for BKM Reread it; think it IS finished!

-Finish SE8 of 2.5 Men Check!  Began SE9 6/16

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) 

-Read more in evenings

-Celebrate Olivia's 2nd birthday

June Reading Schedule:

No Greater Love-Mildred Tengbom DRR!  Read this as a teenager, so it was nice to read it again as an adult, and see the historical significance of her story.
Our Journey-Cassie Abel DRR!  Beautiful, honest look at what being a caregiver to a loved one with ALS is like.  Tear-jerker and page turner!
Splinters-Bernie Niehaus Enjoyed it; a little repetitive in places, but enjoyed learning the history behind Niehaus Lumber:)
It Happened One Summer-Tessa Bailey Birthday Present from W:) OMG, WHY did I wait so long to read this?  DRR!  Amazing story, with one of the freshest sex scenes I've ever read!!!  New auto-buy author!!!
Hook, Line, and Sinker-Tessa Bailey Birthday Present from W:)  DRR!!  Another amazing story!!!

Much Ado About A Storme-Sandra Sookoo Good story, with an exciting mistaken identity plot:)
The Most Wonderful Earl-Sandra Sookoo Good story; fave phrase 'Merciful Heavens'

Karaoke Songs
September-Daughtry Ugh.....blew the middle.  Will practice more and re-sing.
Set Fire To The Rain-Adele MUCH better this time!
Everything-Stereo Fuse Too low, but people applauded:)
Friends and Lovers-G. Loring/C. Anderson Best one of the evening....and did better on Carl's part than on Gloria's!  LMAO....

Seven Bridges Road-Eagles Nailed it:)
Like The Way I Do-Melissa Etheridge Not sultry enough
The Heart of the Matter-Don Henely Nailed it:)

6/27 (Jack and Molly Show, ha ha!)
Shadow Dancing-Andy Gibb Bleh...SO not in my range!
Shake It Off-Taylor Swift Not too bad....
The Heat is On-Glenn Frey Fairly good:)
Shake Your Groove Thing-Peaches and Herb DNH
Ricki Don't Lose That Number-Steely Dan Not too bad; hadn't really practiced, so the verses were 'off', but nailed the chorus!
The Best-Tina Turner Best one of the night!
I Get Weak-Belinda Carlisle Fairly decent:)

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