Wednesday, July 31, 2024

August Goals

How well did I do last month?

 -Lose 5 pounds (240)

-Finish short story for Holiday antho Check:)  8700 words

-Celebrate daughter Sara's birthday I had to work, but the family took her to Applebees.  Poor kid had drs appt, so we watched Ram for her.

-Enjoy 4th of July Check:)

-Celebrate Ram's 1st b-day Check:)

-Have fun at Imaginarium Check:)  Sold 4, gifted one.

-Do well at Geekz and Things Sold 1; swapped 1:)

-Work enough hours to continue paying off CC and med bills

-Enjoy Olympics

     -Opening Ceremony:  Excellent in some ways, distasteful in others

     -Women's Springboard Synchronized Diving:  China Gold, USA Silver, GB Bronze

     -Men's Gymnastics:  Brody fell twice in Qualifying, once on Pommel, twice on High Bar.  For Final,  China Gold, Great Britain, Silver, USA Bronze

     -Women's Gymnastics:  France had too many mistakes, so didn't qualify for finals.  Final:  USA Gold, Italy Silver, Brazil Bronze

     -Women's 10 M Platform Synchronized Diving:  China Gold, N. Korea Silver, Great Britain Bronze USA 6th

     Men's All-Around:  Pommel Horse:  Frederick Richard misses 1st skill; falls off; ends 15th

                                   Vault:  Paul Juda steps outside the lines; ends 14th

                                   Final:  Japan Gold, China Silver and Bronze

     Women's 1500 Free:  Katie Ledecky wins!  France Silver, Germany Bronze

Health Update:  With the warmer temps, am wearing the compression brace on my right leg again.

Books Read:  7

            Print:  4

        E-book:  3

             DNF: 1

Karaoke Songs Added:  4

2024 Events:

August 10th:  Collectors, Carnival, and Crafts, Gibson Co Fairgrounds, Princeton, In Pd 6/2024

August 24th:  Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In Pd 4/2024 Sold 1

September:  TBD

October 19th:  Wabash Valley Geekz and Things ($40) 

November:  Indpls Christmas Gift And Hobby Show

December:  Kringle Market

2025 Events:

May 15-17th:  Book Lovers Con, Paris Hotel, Las Vegas, NV ($280) Did Not get in...I'm SO

2026 Events:

April 11th:  Dreaming Dirty In Michigan Pd $60; still owe $120

August Goals:

-Lose 5 lbs (start:  238)

-Spend 2 days with Mom, celebrating her birthday Check!

-Do well at Watermelon Festival Sold 3:)

-Enjoy the Olympics

     Women's All-Around:  USA Simone Biles Gold, Brazil Rebecca Andrada Silver; USA Suni Lee Bronze

     Women's Balance Beam:  China bobbled; Suni Lee fell off; Brazil fell off; Italy (Manila) wobbled, but stayed on; Romania fell off TWICE; Italy (Alice), clean!; Simone fell off; Brazil (Rebeca) clean! Final: Italy (Alice) Gold (1st medal EVER in Gymnastics; China silver, Italy (Manila) Bronze. 

     Women's Floor:  Brazil (Rebeca Andraje) clean; Japan out of bounds and a wobble; Romania out of bounds; Simone out of bounds twice; Romania (2) clean; Jordan Chiles clean.  Final: Brazil Gold, Simone Silver, Jordan Chiles, Bronze

     Women's Vault:  Simone Gold; Brazil (Rebeca Andrade) Silver, Jade Carey Bronze

    Women's Uneven Bars:  China fell off; Italy solid; Belarus solid; GB fell off; China solid; Algeria solid; Germany solid; Suni Lee solid. Final:  Algeria Gold, China Silver, Suni Lee Bronze

     Men's Floor:  Spain out of bounds on dismount; Israel solid; Philippines solid; China out of bounds 1st pass; Kazistan solid; GB solid; Ukraine solid; GB solid.  Final:  Philippines Gold (1st ever!!); Israel Silver, GB Bronze

     Men's Pommel Horse:  Ireland Gold, Kazistan Silver, USA Stephen Nedoroscik Bronze

     Men's Rings: China Gold and Silver; Greece Bronze

     Men's Vault:  Phillipines Gold; Armenia Silver, GB (Harry Hepworth) Bronze

     Men's Parallel Bars:  China Gold, Ukraine Silver, Japan Bronze

     Men's High Bar: Chinese Tai-Pei fell; Japan clean; Columbia clean; Cypress fell on dismount; Japan fell and fell on dismount; China couldn't hold onto the dismount; Croatia fell twice; China fell on dismount.  Final:  Japan Gold; Columbia Silver; China and Chinese Tai-Pei (tie) Bronze

     Women's 10M Platform Diving:  China Gold and Silver, N. Korea Bronze

    Women's 200 M sprint:  USA Gabby Thomas Gold; St. Lucia Julian Alfred Silver; USA Brittany Brown Bronze (she looks like Jimmie Walker in drag, imho....)

     Men's 1500:  USA Cole Hocker Gold; GB Josh Kerr Silver; USA Yared Nuguse (from Indpls!) Bronze

    Women's Beach Volleyball:  USA loses to Canada in Round 16.

    Men's Beach Volleyball:  

    Women's 3M Springboard Diving:  China Gold and Bronze; Australia Silver

    Men's 3M Springboard Diving:  China Gold and Silver; Mexico Bronze. USA's Carson Tyler 4th!

    Men's 10M Platform Diving:  China Gold (swept diving gold!); Japan Silver (1st diving medal ever!); GB Silver.  2nd Chinese diver had a bad day and ended in 12th.,

     Rhythmic Gymnastics Team:  China Gold, Israel Silver, Italy Bronze

     Rhythmic Gymnastics Single:  Germany Gold, Bulgaria Silver, Italy Bronze

     Closing ceremony:  Amazing!  Loved the Tom Cruise stunt and throwing it to the California beach!  Still can't understand Billie Eilish.

-Do well at Collectors, Carnival, and Crafts Sold 6:)

-Do well at Geek Fest Sold 1.....

-Finish SE9 of 2.5 Men Check:)  Now beginning SE10.

-Start watching BB26 Check:)  Am up to Week 5....

-Work enough hours to continue paying off CC and med bills

-Cut carpet out of S's room

-Upload digital copies to Patreon ...

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) 

-Read more in evenings

August Reading Schedule:

Save The Date-Mary Kay Andrews DRR!  Loved this story and now want to read more:)
There's A Boy In The Girls' Bathroom-Louis Sachar RR!  Cute story:)
Watership Down-Richard Adams Was actually in tears at the end.....think I read MOST of it.

Karaoke Songs:
September-Daughtry Did MUCH better!
Take Me Home Country Roads-John Denver (with Gary) LMAO....G forgot I back HIM up, not the other way around!  Still good, once he remembered!
Let It Be-Beatles Nailed it:)

The Kid Is Hot Tonight-Loverboy Did well:)
Shambala-3 Dog Night Not too bad:)
Shame on the Moon-Bob Seeger Did well:)
Fever-Peggy Lee Nailed it!

The Letter-The Box Tops Slightly too low....
Shape of My Heart-Backstreet Boys???? Only if Gary sings the verses.... G not there; try again next week.
Shattered Dreams-Johnny Hates Jazz  Not too bad
Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'-Journey Voice a little scratchy, but otherwise nailed it.

8/29: Cancelled; brewery closed for private event

Monday, July 29, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W22

 Day 92:  Hot, 90s

Arrived and took over for Kem, things were slow. Even at 5, things weren't as hectic.  Did the prelim duties and swept the floor. Did soda count. HC Kay sent me to lunch at 7:30, and when I returned, she was busy. Pulled trash, put away the soda, and sanitized the coffee bar.  Customer bought me a candy bar; it tried to kill me, lol.  Locked the doors at 10; Loader Con took the trash; ASM Ian brought in the concrete. After DS Kari cleaned me out, returned items to Tools and Flooring. Clocked out at 10:20.

Must remember to take a copy of DD with me; customer Ted wants a copy.

Outfit:  Black Mom tee, long capris, dark blue studs

Day 93:  Rain showers, 90s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Had to make a mad pit stop around 4. Did prelim duties at 5, then HC Austin asked me to do a soda count.....and the people flooded in. Rain began around 7. Went to lunch at 7:10, and when I returned, had to deal with an entitled person who pissed off ASM Chris.  C wouldn't honor the 20% he was 'promised', so said he'd start going to Home Depot instead. C told him to 'have a good life' and left the area.  I gave him 10% and sent him on his way. Pulled trash and sanitized the coffee bar, did a quick sweep, then locked the doors at 9:55. Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took my trash. After HC Shel cleaned me out, returned items to Aisle 50, Tools, and Paint, and put up my vest. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black AK Hwy tee, long capris, thin gold hoops

Day 94:  Rain, High 80s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Was slow for a while, due to the rain, then did prelim duties at 5 and LU. Swept floor. Went to lunch at 6. Returned and finished sweeping, then pulled trash, mucked the mats, and sanitized the registers, coffee bar, and counters. Got a credit app, so punched the tree and won a lantern. Locked the doors at 9:55; HC Austin cleaned me out; Loader Con took my trash and brought in the concrete. Had to wait while he brought in 5 stacks of lumber, the closed the garage door. Returned items to Plumbing, Electrical, Tools, Lighting, and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:40.

Off the next 4 days!!!

Outfit:  Blue/white stripe tee, long capris, double hearts

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony

 I was finally able to watch to Opening Ceremony, and was both thrilled and appalled.

First the good things:

-Enjoyed the entertainment sprinkled in with the Parade of Nations. Even though I don't speak French, and didn't entirely understand the Lady Gaga performance, I still enjoyed it.

-I WISH they had continued the geographic location of the nations as they were introduced; I did not recognize several countries, and would have liked a map of where they were located.  BUT, the boat parade was wonderful, and a nice change of pace from the athletes walking into an arena.

-LOVED the way Paris showcased their culture, through the segments...Enchante, Synchrony, Liberte, Festivale, Fraternite,Equality, etc. I thought it was a great way to show off the city, with the Masked Torchbearer traveling through the Louvre; channeling the Phantom of the Opera; racing through Louis Vittain; running across the rooftops.  I hope he will be 'unmasked' during the Closing Ceremony. 

-Torch:  I'll admit, I teared up when I saw the Oldest Living Olympian, who got to carry it before passing it on.  The balloon was a surprise; I thought it was a giant cauldron.  I'll agree with the commentators; it was rare for non-host country people in the final relay:  Serena Williams, Nadia, and Carl Lewis.

-Commentary:  I'll agree with the critics....there were a couple of times there was 'dead air', as the co-hosts were too caught up in the pageantry to keep the dialogue running.

-Celine Dion was amazing!  I absolutely love her.

-The dancing was amazing, even in the pouring down rain.  Nobody slipped (at least on camera!). Sane for that runway for the mock fashion show....some were wearing HEELS and never slipped.

Now the negatives:

-A lot of people are in a snit over the scene on the bridge, which was NOT the Last Supper, but a scene out of Greek Mythology, with Baccheaus/Dionysus.

-I noticed the focus seemed to be more on the people of color, with the exception of one swimmer. I'm sorry; I'm not a fan of Sha'cari or Simone, and it turned my stomach when one of the reporters seemed to gush over her family and get her on Facetime.  Geez....let the lady get some rest!

-There was one segment I didn't care for....same sex holding hands; men wearing skirts; a menage depicted.  Thankfully, I was able to fast-forward through it.

-I wasn't a fan of Simone when she first arrived on the scene, but I did acknowledge her talent. I lost respect for her in Rio when her anxiety got the best of her, and she pulled out of the Team Event.  Why?  You just made the other 4 have to work twice as hard, you selfish brat!  Suck it up, meditate, do whatever you need to in order to do your damn best!  Don't let the pressure get in your head and make you quit. Otherwise, you are NOT the GOAT everyone says you are.

-Finally, the song 'Imagine'.  I'm a John Lennon fan, and when the singer began, it was enough for me, so was able to fast-forward through it.  I was also not a fan of the Beyonce segment.....when did she go blonde?  Bleh.


On an unrelated note, I saw a post on FB that just steamed me. Now you know, I don't get irritated enough by what I see on social media to post here, but this just got me.

One of my friends, who does not share my political views, posted she was 'stepping away' because too many friends had differing views and are 'misguided' and she can't 'bring them out of their Kool Aid induced beliefs.

One of the comments made me want to applaud.  She wrote, "I don't understand why other's opinions would disrupt your peace...why does it upset you for someone else to support a different viewpoint? I think you need to let go of the belief we should all share the same view..."  BRAVO!

If you're a snowflake who can't handle the fact someone doesn't agree with you, GET OVER YOURSELF!!!  It's OKAY to agree to disagree!

*steps off soapbox*

Monday, July 22, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W21

Day 87:  Hot, 80s

Was asked to come in at 4, so did, and was only slightly busy for the 1st hour.  Did the prelim duties, then was slammed until 6. Did my AP4Me and LU, then took a pit stop. Chas sent me to lunch at 7:20; returned items to Aisle 10 and Paint first. After my 30 min lunch, returned and fronted soda. At 8:30, pulled trash and sanitized the coffee bar and registers. Wiped off the top of the Pepsi cooler. Final customer arrived at 9:55. Locked the doors; Loader Joe took the trash and brought in the concrete. After HC Shel cleaned me out, returned items to Electrical and Flooring. Put up my vest, took another pit stop, and clocked out at 10:20.

Outfit:  Black SWICC tee, faded cut off capris, treble clefs

Day 88: Hot, 90s

Arrived; Alice had left at 4. Did the prelim duties and was fairly busy for an hour, then the customers just trickled in. Did my LU and swept the floor. Jacie sent me to break at 8:30. When I returned, finished sweeping the floor, pulled trash, sanitized the registers and coffee bar, and helped Jacie fill the soda coolers. After ASM Charlie brought in the concrete and OSB, I took the trash to the hopper and returned 4 pieces of wood to Aisle 49. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Gold tee, faded cut off capris, sapphire hoops

Day 89: Hot, 90s

Was asked to come in at 4, and once I arrived, had very little'down' time. Did manage to get my LU done and my paystub printed out, and the place swept. Didn't get to go to break until 9. After I locked the doors at 10, HC Kay cleaned me out. Brought in 9 carts, then Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash. Clocked out at 10:45.

Outfit:  Spare Parts tee, faded cut off capris, silver chains

Day 90:  Hot, 90s

Arrived at 4, and the 1st hour was busy. At 5, did the prelim duties and my LU. Spot-swept the floor, since my dustmop was AWOL. It rained somewhere between 6-7, but didn't last long. Pulled trash at 8:30, then Halle sent me to lunch at 8:45. When I returned, I spot-swept again and sanitized the coffee bar, listened to the Star Chamber. Locked the doors at 10, and Loader Harlan brought in the concrete and took my trash to the hopper. HC Shel cleaned me out; I put up my vest and took some items to RTM for Adrianne, while she took my item to OSLG. Fronted items in Aisle 10 with Dawson and Halle, then we all clocked out at 10:45.

Outfit:  Dept of having a good time tee, faded cut off capris, copper/larimar ovals 

Day 91:  Hot, 90s

Arrived and took over for Kem, then was busy for the next 2 hours. Did the prelim duties and LU, then was asked to get surveys. Got 2, but their phones "would only go to 7", so not sure it counts. Went to lunch at 7. When I returned, was busy putting away the soda, and pulled trash. Jaci sent me to break at 9, and when I returned, did a quick sweep and sanitized the coffee bar. Finished pulling trash. Locked the doors at 9:55; Loader Joe took the trash and brought in the concrete. Returned an item to Electrical, then put up my vest and took the leftover soda to the front. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit: Blue Vancouver Aquarium, faded cut off capris, sea horses

Off to Terre Haute tomorrow!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W20

 Day 84:  Hot, mid 90s

Arrived and joked I'd suffered from heat exhaustion just by walking from my car to the building! Took over for Kim; Alice was at self-checkout. Was busy; got 5 surveys in the 1st hour, and 9 by shift end:) Did the prelim duties; AP4Me; and LU. Discovered someone (corporate, maybe???) wants all dustmops to be at the back of the building. WTH?????  Will confer with ASM SCH on Wed. HC Kay gave me a pit stop break at 9, and when I returned, I sanitized the coffee bar and finished sweeping. Pulled trash; Loader Joe took it to the hopper, then brought in the concrete. I locked the doors at 10. Put up my vest and took returns back to Tools, Lights, Plumbing, Hardware, ISLG, and Aisle 1. Clocked out at 10:30.

In the you-never-know-who's-in-your-line file....had the OWNER of TX Rdhouse give me a $15 voucher. He'd asked me what I like to eat there, and when I told him I'd given up on the steaks, due to never getting mine cooked 'right', he told me to ask for him and he'd cook it for me personally:)

Outfit:  Gray-blue USA tee, dark cut off capris, blue sapphire hoops.

Am off tomorrow, to hang out with the grandkids while S and A got to Holiday World:)

Day 85: Hot, low 90s

Was called in early, due to Scott not feeling well.  Arrived at 2:30 to discover Alice in LG and Kem in a snit; said she wasn't going home until 3. I went back and did the Best Survey, then was paged as I was on the last question, and forgot to mention being upset over no quarterly bonus.  But I did bitch about the health care!

Went down and hopped on #2, then when we got the line busted, and Kem left at 3:15, I went back on #1. D arrived at 4, just as Alice came down and sent me to lunch. D slipped on the spilled sand and fell down; took me to Denny's. Came back an hour later; swept up the sand that Charles was asked to sweep, and couldn't find my dustmop. Talked to Mike and ASM Shan about D's fall. Clocked back in; Alice left; did prelim duties, then was busy until 7.  Spot-swept; pulled trash at 8:30, then had to have Loader Joe watch the register while I took a pit stop and tracked down the trash bags, because we had the wrong ones.  At 9, HC Austin sent me to break. Returned and spot-swept, sanitized the coffee bar; did my LU. Locked the doors; Loader Joe brought in the concrete; HC Austin cleaned me out; returned items to Plumbing, Tools, ISLG, and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit::  USA Flowers, dark cut off capris, diamond studs

Tomorrow:  Dyeing my hair pink for Imaginarium:)

Day 86: High 70s

Arrived; everyone seemed to like my pink hair. Did the prelim duties; found my dustmop and swept, but then realized my dustPAN was MIA, so swept it out the door. Was strangely low-key today. Did my LU and wrote, and at 8, had to hop to #2, due to being out of $1s. HC Shel sent me to break at 9 (took my broom back) and when I returned, pulled trash, sanitized the coffee bar and counters. When HC Shel cleaned me out, took the trash to receiving and returned an item to Flooring. Put up my vest; ASM Alex helped Loader Harlan bring in the concrete; clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Mama Bear tee, dark cut off capris, lt blue studs

Off to Imaginarium tomorrow!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W19

 Day 79: Hot, 90s

Arrived at 4 to help friend Jackie get a wheelbarrow and weed-whacker, then D's aunt Jane get an appointment for a window consultation. Clocked in and took over for Alice, and was busy for 30 mins before doing the prelim duties. Did my LU and AP4Me. Was busy all the way up until 9, when HC Kay sent me to break, and when I returned, swept what I could, pulled trash, mucked the mats, and santized the coffee bar. Locked the doors at 10. ASM Ian brought in the concrete and took the hopper around.  I returned items to Aisle 10, then put up my vest. Had gotten a credit app earlier, so punched the tree and won a Scrub Mommy. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Gray Purdue tee, long capris, dark blue studs

Day 80: Rain, 70s

Was asked to come in at 3, due to Alice not feeling well and leaving early. Was slow the 1st 2 hours; did prelim duties and LU. HC Kay sent me to lunch at 5. Came back and it was raining; had a modest amount of customers leaving. At 7, the storm hit; swept, watched the storm, watched Between 2 Brians. and sanitized the registers, counters, coffee bar, and snack machines. Pulled trash at 8:30; mucked the mats. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Con brought in the concrete. HC Austin cleaned me out; returned items to Fashion Bath, Aisle 30, Hardware, and ISLG.  Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black AK hway tee, long capris, thick gold hoops.

Day 81: Hot, 86

Arrived early and bought my new pop up canopy with my $38 in MyLowesBucks, and $58 on the charge card:)  Took over for Alice, did the prelim duties and my LU, and was busy for an hour. Then swept, mucked the mats. HC Austin sent me to break at 8, and when I returned, pulled trash and sanitized the registers and coffee bar. Had CFH at 9:15....argued with me for 10 mins over the price of his lumber before he finally realized I was telling him he had the wrong item #!  Locked the doors at 10; Kait brought in the concrete; I took the trash to the hopper, then went outside and met Tasha at my car, to give her the old Playboy mags. Went back inside; clocked out at 10:35.

Outfit:   Gray LU tee, long capris, thick silver hoops

Off tomorrow, to take Mom to get her hair done:)

Day 82:  Sunny, high 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice, then did the prelim duties. Was busy until 7, then shuffled and fronted the soda, did my LU, and swept. HC Austin sent me to break at 8:20, just as S, A, and R walked in. Spent my break with them, and cleaned out the coffee carafe. They left; I pulled trash and finished sweeping. Sanitized the coffee bar. Locked the doors at 10, and Loader Con took the trash and brought in the concrete. Returned items to Plumbing, RTM, Paint, Hardware, and Storage after HC Austin cleaned me out.  Clocked out at 10:30.

Off tomorrow for Ram's 1st birthday party:)

Outfit:  Indian Motorcycle Vegas tee, long capris, thin gold hoops

Day 83:  Rare Sun Hot, 94

Arrived and met new cashier Deb. We were slow, so did my LU and helped a customer in Tools. At 4:30, HC Kay called and asked me to send Deb to self-checkout. Was still slow, so wrote until 6pm. and only had a handful of customers.  Did see Mel and Nan:)  At 6, HC Kay sent me to break. Afterward, did the prelim duties, and ASM SCH asked me to get some surveys. Ended up getting 5:)  Pulled trash, and at 7:30 went over and swept the two messiest parts...Aisle 19 and 20.  Just as I got it swept to behind my counter, the rush hit, lol....and didn't get it swept up until after we closed at 8. Loader Harlan brought in the concrete, then took my trash to the hopper. I closed the garage door and returned items to Tools, Paint, Hardware, Batteries, and ISLG. Clocked out at 8:35.

Outfit:  Black lace tee, faded cut off capris, silver crosses

Monday, July 1, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W18

 Day 73: Sunny, low 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice. Was busy instantly, and did manage to get the prelim duties done. Fronted soda and swept.  Had to call HC Kay at 8:30 for a pit stop, then pulled trash, finished sweeping, did my AP4Me and LU. Locked the doors at 10, and final customer left at 10:05. Closed the garage door when ASM Ian was working in Aisle 21 and Loader Joe was on the forklift in Aisle 19.  Took the trash to the hopper after HC Kay cleaned me out, and returned items to Electrical and OSLG. Some guy had brought me 2 tomato plants without any barcodes, and couldn't find them by searching.  Clocked out at 10:30.

Also had a situation where I couldn't get a tadpole off, so sent them out the door with it still attached. Connie from paint came down and asked me about it.....then when I asked ASM SCh at closing what to do if it ever comes up again, ASM Alex said just to cut it off.

Outfit:  Red LU tee, faded capris, gold oval danglies, the last of my earrings:)

Day 74: Hot, 90s

Arrived and was immediately busy; in fact, Alice didn't leave until nearly 5:15. Had a customer who barely spoke English, who said they were with a local contractor, but they weren't authorized on the account, and SM Jeff was right behind them!  Finally, they called one of the owners, who spoke to me, and okay'd it.  SM J moved over to Alice's line. Did the prelim duties and my LU, plus changed my PW! #Banditkitty009. Was fairly busy until 7, then began sweeping.  HC Shel sent me to break at 8:45, and when I returned, pulled trash, sanitized the registers and coffee bar, and wiped down the counters. Locked the doors at 10, and after HC Shel cleaned me out, and Loader Con brought in the concrete and took the trash, closed the garage door and returned items to Electrical, Hardware, Aisle 1, and parked a riding cart.  Also sent another item to RTM, and put up my vest.  Clocked out at 10:45.

Outfit:  Gray 'America' tee, faded capris, Yukon color danglies

Day 75:  Hot, 90s

Arrived and took over for Alice.  Was busy for 2 hours, then was able to finish the prelim duties. Did my LU and checked my schedule. Teased one customer when I went to ring up the second cart....he let loose a string of Spanish, and I thought maybe the 2nd cart was separate?  But no; I said, mock-serious, not to suddenly speak native, 'cause I don't speak it, and wasn't sure what you were telling me! They laughed....then held out his hand for candy.  Even their client did, and we had a good laugh over everything. HC Kay sent me to break at 8:30, and when I returned, finished sweeping, pulled trash, sanitized the coffee bar, and fronted the soda.  Final 2 customers left at 10, and the last one didn't leave the canopy until 10:30! I was called to the front; I called up to say I was helping Loader Con close up. Con took the trash, and after the customer left, brought in the concrete. I closed the garage door and returned items to Aisle 21, then swept Aisle 20 while Con was finishing up. Clocked out at 11:00.

Outfit:  Blue holiday tee, faded capris, thick white hoops, r/w/b 'bow' scrunchie.

Day 76:  Independence Day Hot, 90s, threat of rain

Shift began on a bad note when something landed in my eye the minute I got in the car, and didn't get it out until 3 eyewashes and a lot of tears.  Alice left at 4:30, and was able to get the prelim duties finished by 5. Began sweeping....then the Benadryl I'd popped at 3 took over, and I got verrrrrry sleepy. I was supposed to have gone to break at 6, but by 6:30, it still hadn't arrived, so asked Pro Nel to watch the register while I took a pit stop and got some trash bags.  Returned to discover my break would be at 7. Took a 15 minute power nap.....then all hell broke loose.

Customer A had told me they were leaving their boards in front of the Pro desk. I came back, they were gone, so *assumed* the customer had returned.  No sooner had I taken over than A was back and wanted to know where their boards were. I explained; the hubby got irate and yelled, "This never happens at Niehouse!" I got on the phone to HC Kay, and she didn't know about it. Neither did Loader Jax (no surprise there!) Then saw Loader Con....and he 'fessed up he'd put them away.  Asked him to go apologize, which he did, and then I lowered the price of the boards, which made him even happier (a couple were rather chewed up). Then had 4 customers AT 8PM.....and even had to tell another person we were closed!

Clocked out at 8:30 and came home.  Kids arrived, we went over to GRC and watched the fireworks.

Outfit:  White flag tee, faded capris, r/w/b stars

Day 77: Sunny, high 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice; was busy for half hour, then did the prelim duties. Was busy again until 7, when began sweeping and fronting soda. Marci came in and got her NYC presents:) HC Austin sent me to break at 8, and when I returned, pulled the trash and finished sweeping, then sanitized the coffee bar.  Discovered yesterday WHY we keep running out of Lysol wipes; Pro Nel uses them to clean off the @#$$%^ counters! Locked the doors at 10; ASM Charlie brought in the concrete. HC Austin cleaned me out; I took the trash to the hopper, then returned items to Plumbing, Appliances, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black Lab/Flag tee, long capris, red wavy posts

Off tomorrow!

Day 78:  Rare Sun Sunny, 90

Arrived and hopped on #2 to help with line. Fronted soda, checked trash bags and emptied what I could. Marilyn went to break at 4:30, then left at 5. I was swamped for about 45 mins, then could complete the prelim duties, and began sweeping. Parked Loader Charles at the register around 7:15 and took a pit stop, then pulled trash. Locked the doors at 7:55 and told a couple at 7:59 they only had a minute before we closed, so they left. Afterward, ASM CB asked if I'd sweep the front of the store. Swept tools, Plumbing, Electrical, the front end, and Hardware, plus a little of ISLG before he said it was good and let us clock out at 9.

Outfit:  Black blouse, long capris, silver spirals

July Goals

Where did June go?  Just seems like I've only just returned from NYC and Metropolis, and now it's another month.  So how did I do?

 -Lose 5 lbs (start 240) Maintaining....ugh.

-Add words to existing WIPS Check!

-Do well at Arts and Drafts Sold 1, to former coworker:)

-Celebrate Alex's 12th b-day Didn't actually celebrate WITH her; I was at A&D, and bought her Once Upon A Platypus at Superman, which I'd wanted to get her 2 years ago:)  Cute story; I hope she enjoys it!

-Do well at Superman Celebration Was only there for one day (Sat) and sold 8:)

-Do well at GSH signing Sold 1, traded 1.

-Do well at Farmer's Market Sold 5:)

-Do well at Pride Sold 5:)

-Cut carpet out of S's room

-Upload digital copies to Patreon ...

-/Begin short story due at end of month Check!

-Finish short story for BKM Reread it; think it IS finished!

-Finish SE8 of 2.5 Men Check!  Began SE9 6/16

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) 

-Read more in evenings

-Celebrate Olivia's 2nd birthday Check:)

Health Update:  With the warmer temps, am wearing the compression brace on my right leg again.

Books Read:  7

            Print:  5

        E-book:  2

Karaoke Songs Added:  7

2024 Events:

July 19-21st:  Imaginarium, Louisville, KY Pd 11/2023 Sold 4:)

July 27th:  Wabash Valley Geekz and Things ($40) Pd 7/12/2024 Sold 1, swapped 1:)

August 10th:  Collectors, Carnival, and Crafts, Gibson Co Fairgrounds, Princeton, In Pd 6/2024

August 24th:  Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In Pd 4/2024

September:  TBD

October 19th:  Wabash Valley Geekz and Things ($40) 

November:  Indpls Christmas Gift And Hobby Show

December:  Kringle Market

July Goals:

-Lose 5 pounds (240)

-Finish short story for Holiday antho Check:)  8700 words

-Celebrate daughter Sara's birthday I had to work, but the family took her to Applebees.  Poor kid had drs appt, so we watched Ram for her.

-Enjoy 4th of July Check:)

-Celebrate Ram's 1st b-day Check:)

-Have fun at Imaginarium Check:)  Sold 4, gifted one.

-Do well at Geekz and Things Sold 1; swapped 1:)

-Work enough hours to continue paying off CC and med bills

-Enjoy Olympics

     -Opening Ceremony:  Excellent in some ways, distasteful in others

     -Women's Springboard Synchronized Diving:  China Gold, USA Silver

     -Men's Gymnastics:  Brody Malone fell twice in Qualifying, once on Pommel, twice on High Bar.  For Final,  China Gold, Great Britain, Silver, USA Bronze

     -Women's Gymnastics:  France had too many mistakes, so didn't qualify for finals.  Final: USA Gold, Italy Silver, Brazil Bronze

     -Women's 10 M Platform Diving:  China Gold, N. Korea Silver, Great Britain Bronze USA 6th

     Men's All-Around:  Pommel Horse:  Frederick Richard misses 1st skill; falls off; ends 15th

                                   Vault:  Paul Juda steps outside the lines; ends 14th

                                   Final:  Japan Gold, China Silver and Bronze

     Women's 1500 Free:  Katie Ledecky wins!  France Silver, Germany Bronze

-Cut carpet out of S's room

-Upload digital copies to Patreon ...

-Finish SE9 of 2.5 Men

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) 

-Read more in evenings

July Reading Schedule:

Defending Sophie-Desiree Holt RR!  Really enjoyed this:)
Illegal Use of Hands-Desiree Holt RR!  Had problems putting this one down:)
Protecting Kate-DH RR!  Enjoyed this one:)
Never Gonna Happen-Linda Kage DRR!  LOVED this and had a hard time putting it down!
Save The Date-Mary Kay Andrews
There's A Boy In The Girls' Bathroom-Louis Sachar
Watership Down-Richard Adams
Advika and The Hollywood Wives-Kirthana Ramisetti
Life Lessons-Katie Cawood
An Elephant in the Garden-Michae Morpurgo
The Queen-Andrew Morton
A Journey of Faith-Edward Grinnan
Hearts Don't Lie-Sutton Bishop
Transient Pulse-Laura Juntunen
The Choice-Anne Greene
A Soldier Finds Grace-Katherine St. Clair
Letters In The Attic-Meredith Lindsey
Memories of Moscow-Harold Lipman
Becoming-Michelle Obama
A Royal Duty-Paul Burrell
A Fantastic Ride-Bob Rohrman
Redemption of the Duke-Gayle Callen
Wildwood Creek-Lisa Wingate
Stitched With Love-Cathy Marie Hake, et al
A Wild Yearning-Penelope Williamson
The Husband List-Janet Evanovich
Delusion In Death-JD Robb
New York To Dallas-JD Robb
Special Circumstances-Sheldon Siegel
Split Second-Catherine Coulter
Romancing Miss Bronte-Juliet Gael
Live Wire-Lora Leigh
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn-Betty Smith
Shores-Tiare H Johnston
Louise Penney book
A Quiet Strength-Janette Oke
Valley of the Shaman-Arlen Andrews
Joyful Poems For Children-James Whitcomb Riley
I Heard God Laugh-Matthew Kelly
Life Is Messy-Matthew Kelly
Franklin and Eleanor

Loving The Duke-Jessie Clever Good story!
Mean Girls-Lucy Felthouse Good story:)  Have a hard time believing 3 women would be that cruel though....
Greyson-JM Walker Too much drama
Control Us-JM Walker DNF...too much going on.
Along Came Tess-Sandra Sookoo
Secret Identity-Ava Cuvey, et al
Help Me Remember-Corinne Michaels (Want to get)

Karaoke Songs:
The House of the Rising Sun-Animals Not too bad:)
Shallow-Lady Gaga Did well, even the vocalizing!
River of Time-Judds Nailed it:)

Shallow Parady??? A Star Wars Is Born Did well on the one that didn't record; 2nd time, botched the vocalization.  Ugh.