If you saw yesterday's post, you'll know I dropped the ball on a LOT of goals. I'm sincerely going to try to make more of an effort on my monthly ones, maybe even modify them a bit, since several of the Home Repair ones are subject to the spouse's whims.
-Lose 5 lbs Bleh....scale is going in the OPPOSITE direction; gained a few pounds. 245.
-Buy BP machine Was hoping I'd get one for Christmas; didn't happen.
-Finish Heart Song Made it to Ch 9, so getting closer!
-Do well at GSH Vendor Fair Sold 7:) 5 Wed, 2 Thurs
-Do well at KCPL Author Fair Sold 5:)
-Buy Beautiful Noise tix?? As of this post, Mom is still insisting she does NOT want to go, so have held off. Will keep working on her....I have until March.
-Have fun at TSO Concert Check! OMG...SO GOOD! GREAT time with Erica and Sara!
-Have enjoyable Christmas Check:) Had X-mas on 24th with kids, then quiet day on 25th.
-Make another payment to Dreaming in Michigan Not in budget just yet; I've been concentrating on paying down my credit card.
-Start chipping away at med bills Not yet.....
-Fix MBA Almost done! Just have to replace trim, paint vanity, and figure out where to put everything back, lol!
-Cut carpet out of S's room Not yet...
-Upload digital copies to Patreon Not yet....
-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) Not yet...
-Read more in evenings YES! Managed to read 7 books!
Books Read: 7
Print: 7
E-book: 0
DNF: 2
2025 Events:
Feb 7th: Winter Market, 1972 Vincennes, 4-8pm ($40)
Feb 15-16th: Saluki Con, Carbondale, Il ($80 Pd 12/2)
March 22nd: SI Con, Benton, Il
March 29th: Big River Comic Con, Hannibal, MO (Pd 1/15)
April 3-4th: GSH Vendor Fair
July 20-22nd: Imaginarium, Louisville, Ky (Pd 9/12)
Aug: Watermelon Fest
Aug: CCC
Aug: Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In
Sept 19-20th: Cil-Con, Effingham, Il ($60 Pd 12/29)
Sept 27th: Book Nook Book Fair, Peoria, Il ($75 Pd 12/27)
Nov 12-16th: ICGAHS ($700-making payments)
2026 Events:
April 11th: Dreaming Dirty In Michigan (Pd $60; still owe $120)
January Goals:
-Lose 5 lbs (beginning 245)
-Send Christmas Cards Check:)
-Buy new soap dish, toothbrush holder Check!, and toilet roll holder for MBa
-Add words to Heart Song Check:)
-Send Future Unknown to editor Check! and pay editor
-Add words to new fairy story Check:)
-De-decorate house Check!
-Buy BP machine
-Pay for SI Con Still haven't received invoice
-Pay for Big River Comics Check! Pd 1/15
-Pay down CC Sort of....but need it for hotel stay 2/15 and start pecking away at med bills Not yet
-Read 6 books Check! Read 9, lol
-Finish current e-book Check!
(baby steps, right???)
January Reading Schedule:
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