Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Words to Live By 12-20-24

 A few weeks ago I happened to be in the company of two colleagues who do not share my political views, and that's okay.  But what bugged me the most was the FEAR they exhibited, and "we will be planning to see how we can best survive this setback."

I soooooo wanted to chime in and say I'd been praying for 4 years for her side to 'wake up' and see the damage they've done to our country, and that my FAITH is what was getting me through every day.  After several minutes of biting my tongue, I found an opportunity and simply said, "You gotta have faith."

They nodded, probably NOT realizing we were on opposite sides of the aisle!

Then today, in my daily devotions, I read this:

"What will the new year bring? Do I stick with fear or move forward with hope?  My faith tells me to move forward with hope. To trust in the living Word of God-and let Him be a light unto my path."

-J. Brent Bill, Walking In Grace (formerly Daily Guidepost)


No matter what side of the political aisle you're on, you need to trust God.

Four years ago, yes, I cringed as someone I did not want in the White House was voted in and began a four year-trek into the worst example of Elder Abuse in action.  Yes, I do NOT believe he was actually in charge, but those around him were propping him up when the man should have been made to retire gracefully.  He became a joke for pundits everywhere....and it was sad to see.

But instead of getting angry.....or retreating into a 'snowflake safe space' (I'm being VERY sarcastic here), I simply went on with my life as before, watching the news in horror as the crime rate soared; state governors retaliated like children at times; and biological MEN taking over women's sports.  

Let me digress a moment.  I remember seeing a story about a transgender WOMAN competing on the men's swim team several years ago. Yes, s/he didn't break any records, so there was no bruha over it.  In fact, one of my favorite stories growing up was abuot a girl who was so good, the coach put her on the MEN'S tennis team!  And I was one of the early women percussionists in my HS band.

Okay; not sure where I was going with that.....

The point is, you can't simply hide your head in the sand and wait four more years like a toddler who no longer wants to play. Life must go on, and you have a CHOICE. You can choose to live your life in FEAR or continue on in FAITH.

God has a plan; you just aren't seeing it.

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