Friday, July 11, 2014

Flashback Friday and News:)

First, the news:
See that pretty photo?  My 3rd PRINT book, Love Weighs In, arrived on Amazon earlier this week, and I snapped up a copy so I can submit it for the Author's Showcase next December.  I'm hoping to be able to buy two copies each month from here on out, to build up an inventory for signings.  It's very exciting to hold one's own book in my hands!  I'll keep you updated on the submission progress.  Now on to today's Flashback.

July 1974:
My mom's best friend, who lived in Detroit, MI, came down to visit her parents at their cottage on Lake Shaffer in Monticello.  We drove up and spent the day, reconnecting with her kids, Peter, Tim, and Vicki.  The boys were closer to my age, so we indulged in our favorite past time, playing Cops and Robbers and swimming in the lake.

After dinner, we sat on the dock and watched the fireworks.  I think Peter's grandpa even set off some of his own.  My  sister and I always enjoyed these visits, and looked forward to seeing them again in December.

Present Day:
Step-daughter called last night; she's moving into her new apartment next week, so the kids will be returning home just in time for school to begin.  I'm having mixed feelings:  On one hand, they've enjoyed their time with us and MDQ wants to stay; on the other, I'm looking forward to 'peace and quiet'.  I say it that way, due to the fact we'll still have a toddler in the house, and I'll be home schooling the youngling.  So I'm not exactly sure how much 'peace and quiet' I'll actually GET!

Meanwhile, tomorrow's my weekly 'stress reliever' at karaoke.  Here are the songs I hope to sing:
Hard Days Night (Beatles)
Harper Valley PTA (Jeanie Riley)
Hate Me (Blue October)
I Will Be (Leona Lewis)

Have a great weekend!

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