Friday, November 30, 2018

Flashback Friday

Nov 2008
This was the year of the 1st Turkey Fryer!  We had a 22 lb and a smaller 12 lb.  The large one went in the fryer, while 'Junior', as he was dubbed, was sent across the street to be cooked traditionally.  Everyone loved both, and our combined family's (ours and the neighbors across the street who were feuding with their relatives) had an enjoyable day.

K got contacts for the 1st time.

Blogger was acting up, and I was unable to comment on anyone's blogs for about a week.

For NaNo, I decided not to put any pressure on myself, to avoid the disaster of the previous year.  I don't think I even reached the 1000 word mark.

I shopped on for the 1st time on Black Friday.

My brand new jeans decided to hide from me behind the shop vac.

Hubby brought home our tree and ornaments from storage; we'd previously been using his mom's tree and ornaments, which we sent north to Jamie and the kids.

Love Finds A Way turned 1, and its sales outsold Love Is Sober, 62-34.  I set up at Zander's for the Santa Stroll, and it was so cold, the dance teams performed inside Zander's.  I had a captive audience....except everyone's BACKS were to me!  A common theme I heard that year was 'Money's Tight'.  Gas was $2 a gallon, and Barak Obama had been elected.

I had voted absentee, since my license still said I lived in Morgan Co.  To this day, I have no idea if I voted for John McCain, whom I thought had automatically lost when he picked Sarah Palin to be his VP, or Barak Obama, whom I thought needed another four years in the senate before running.  I closed my eyes, marked the ballot, then folded it up and stuffed it in the envelope without looking at it.

Next Month:  Christmas, and a Very Enjoyable Birthday!

Present Day:
Our tree and decorations are up; my NaNo word count is over 8K, and both W and A are doing well in school.

My friend Kris C said goodbye to her father this week, and Erica and I went up for the funeral on Tuesday, in a damn snow storm.

The price of gas has dropped to $2.27, and not sure if I reported this or not, but in the last election earlier this month, the Dems took back the senate, while the Repubs held onto the house.  At press time, it looks as if Nancy Pelosi will get Speaker again (gag).  In Indiana, Mike Braun defeated Joe Donnelly.  I voted Libertarian, with the exception of our Sheriff race. D's friend Brian was running, but didn't win.

Monday, I start baking cookies, and should have the goals posted!

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