Thursday, August 8, 2024

BB25 Intro Players

 Ep 1:

LOVE Rubina's intro!

Cam: Football player, but zen...really?

Mackensy:  A) spells her name wrong b) construction worker c) volleyball player

Joseph:  Video store worker; seems strategic

Angela:  Realtor; mom-type

Kimo:  Hawaian, LGBTQ; super fan

Chelsie:  Motivational speaker

Tucker:  Looking for a showmance

TWIST:  Vote in another player (female)?  Players vote 4-4, so no

REVEAL:  "Ainsley" is actually BBAI

Comp 1:  Color or Fear Factor

Color:  Help BBAI learn colors:  

             Angela: Only hits 1 color

            Joseph:   Gets 4 colors

            Rubina:  Gets 4 colors

            Makensy:  Gets 4 colors in fastest time WINNER of UPGRADE:)

Fear Factor:  Help BBAI learn about fears

            Tucker:  1:03

            Kimo:  :52

            Cam:  :  46

            Chelsie:  1:16 LAST PLACE! Will have her game DOWNGRADED....

Quinn:  Musician, long hair, superfan

Brooklyn:  'Spicy cupcake', pageant coach

Matt:  Urban Cowboy, southern gentleman

Lisa:  Celebrity chef, 'vibe curator'

Leah:  'Chubby chaser'???, owns underwear company

Cedric:  Former Marine Intelligence, nickname 'Playboy'

T'Kor:  Crochet queen; Queen of the Nerds; from LGBTQ parents

Kenney:  Police officer

TWIST:  Vote for houseguest!  Vote is 2-6; not voted in

Comp 2:  AI Chip Installed or Facial Recognition

AI Chip:

            Quinn:  :54 Upgrade!

            Leah:  1:03


            Brooklyn:  1:00

            T'Kor:  1:00

           Matt:  1:00

           Lisa:   1:00

           Kenney:  1:00

           Cedric:  1:00 Downgraded

Chelsie and Cedric:  Downgraded to 'Mascot', meaning they can't play in the 1st HOH or POV, BUT ARE ELIGBLE for eviction.

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