Monday, February 17, 2025

Saluki Con Recap

 Drove over in steady rain, and I'm VERY thankful this venue has a covered loading dock.  Sure, the hard part is putting everything on the dock, climbing the short stairs, then putting it all back in my wagon and navigating the antiquated elevator.  Thankfully, there was a cheerful volunteer who took me up and down, then showed me how to do it myself, since I had a 2nd trip.  Managed to park the car in a close parking space, then commenced setting up my table.

I was very close to my Con-Son, Todd, and right next to my friend and poet Jessica, and also right next to Katie and Matt, organizers of SI Con (who, very nicely are allowing me to pay the day I arrive, providing I have it by then!).

I also talked to the Burg Comics guy (blanking on name....Scott?) about Super Con during Superman Celebration, in case I don't get accepted to Artist Alley again, and he assured my I'd be welcome back, and to look for an email by the end of the month.

Saw Lonnie and Jessica Johnson, and was reacquainted with their daughter Tessa.  Lonnie even has a brand new Superman suit, and it looks great!

Chatted with the PA of another romance author, and was blown away by the fact her books were only $5. Tried to buy one, but kept missing her. I did leave my card at her table, and took one of hers. I'll have to reach out and see if we'll be at any upcoming events together.

Sales-wise, it was rather dismal. Sold one copy of Hotel Stories and another of the sample chapter one. Several were interested, but since the whole thing is due to release soon, they said they'd wait.  I also felt as if I was in another 'black hole'....people would talk to Jessica, bypass me and go either across the aisle to the keychains and dish towels or skip over me to visit Matt and Katie's booth.  Needless to say, I DID hand out a lot of cards, talk to everyone who asked about my books, and handed out a lot of the sneak peeks.

Began packing up at 4:15, since the Sean Astin speaking event was happening at 5:15, and I had to drive home. Got everything loaded into the car by 5, and kept trying to catch the other author, even going back upstairs after I had everything loaded in the car, but to no avail. I then plugged the Shyrock Auditorium into my GPS (was told it was north of where I was, with a gigantic red dome....not easy to miss, right?), and headed off.....but didn't find it. Not even a large arrangement of cars to tip me off I was in the correct place. I flagged down 2 girls and asked if they knew where it was, but they barely spoke English and said no.  So I proceeded to drive off......and got lost. Pulled over, punched in Arby's in Marion, and went on my merry, but grumpy way.

Ate dinner at Arby's in Marion, Il, then said a prayer for safety, and headed home.

From talking to other vendors, the main complaint was the rain and the fact the event was early in the year, and people were keeping a tight rein on their money, due to election and all the changes.  So hopefully in March, people will have their tax refunds and be in a spending mood again.

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