Day 195: Cold, mid 30s; 66 t/a
Arrived and took over for Kem. 1st customer had 3 carts, and took me 40 mins to ring it all up. Did the prelim duties. At 5, did my LU and AP4Me. HC Austin sent me to lunch at 6:30. Returned and swept, pulled trash at 7:30. Mucked the mats, santized the coffee bar. Final customer had 2 carts. Locked the doors at 8:55; Loader Joe took my trash and brought in the concrete. Returned items to Aisle 50, Plumbing, and Electrical. Put up my vest and clocked out at 9:20.
From the Stupid Files.....
-Customer A told me they were a Pro customer, and as we were trying to get them over the $1500 mark (only needed $120 more!), Pro Kathy pointed out he was a MLRW customer, not Pro. Thankfully, he agreed to convert his account, so it all worked out.
-Customer B told me he had an LCA account, but the phone # didn't match. So I clicked the LBA and it worked. Customer then looked confused as to why he didn't need to swipe his card! " TOLD me you had the LCA, but it wasn't found, so I tried the LBA and there it was!"
Outfit: Blue Whitehorse sweatshirt, dark jeggings, small textured gold hoops
Off tomorrow, unless I get called in.
Day 196: Rain, mid 30s; 66 t/a
Arrived and took over for Kem; was slow. Did my LU; prelim duties at 5; went to lunch at 6:50; pulled trash at 8; sanitized the coffee bar and the top of the Pepsi cooler; swept; mucked the mats; swept the concrete dust from the concrete boards; locked the doors at 8:55. HC Kay cleaned me out; Loader Joe took the trash and Loader Jax brought in the concrete. Returned items to Electrical and Hardware. Clocked out at 9:20.
From the Stupid Files.....
1) Was having issues counting. Customer had 6 2x4s; I counted 4, then 5, then 6.
2) Customer had three carts, and expanded to 4 by the time we were finished. Did manage to save him 22% by running it through VSP.
Outfit: Red turtleneck blouse, new dark jeggings, crystal teardrops
Day 197: Sunny, cold, 30s; 79 t/a
Arrived and took over for Kem, and was introduced to Sarah, a new trainee in LG. She was with me for 30 mins, and things were slow. ASM Ian gave me the last 3 macrons he'd brought back from Fla, then things picked up. At 5, Theresa sent me to lunch. When I returned, did the prelim duties and LU. Swept, sanitized the coffee bar and registers, mucked all the mats. At 7:30, pulled trash. At 8:30, sanitized the counters. Final customer left at 9. Loader Jax brought in the concrete and took my trash to the hopper. Returned items to Tools and Aisle 1. Helped rearrange the wheeled carts and clocked out at 9:45.
From The Stupid Files.....
Loader Jax. While I'm proud of him for getting his forklift license and being more proactive with the Code 50s and helping customers, he asked me three times about the plywood thickness.
I also had a customer looking for Luan for their floors; I called Brent and asked him to help them out, which they did.
Outfit: Black baby cable sweater, white turtleneck, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, silver spirals
Off tomorrow and the weekend for Saluki Con! Yearly meeting is Sunday at 6:30am....yuck.
Day 198: Yearly Meeting:
5am: D asks me, "What time is your meeting? Be careful out there; thick fog."
5:45: My alarm goes off; I look out the window. "Fog, my ass! That's SNOW!"
Left the house around 6, started the car, cleared my windows, and took off carefully. Was halfway to Hart St before I discovered I was actually driving right down the center of 2nd St.
Sat with Adrianne, and drank 2 cups of chocolate milk. Ate a few strawberries and 2 biscuits. Matt honored the Million Dollar club (Matt T, the Pro Team, Brea); HC Kait received the 'Team Player' award, as did Brighton; Pro Jeremy got the top sales leader and credit award. Discovered we WILL be getting our bonuses in March! (Gee, thank you so much Marvin, for handing those out....guess you or SOMEONE's been paying attention to the social media gripes???) Our door prizes are delayed, due to shipping, so we'll get those later, though Mark made two tables. Nellie won the 1st one and (drum roll) I won the 2nd! Just what I didn't need; another table. But it's Ramsay-height, so eventually we'll bring it in and he can play with his toys on it. Or eat snacks. Same for Belle and Olivia.
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