Sunday, March 2, 2025

March Goals

For a short month, February seemed to drag.  Anyone else feel that way?  Didn't get a lot accomplished, due to the fact I only worked 12/28 days, and spent the others on the couch, curled up with the dogs and a good book, or watching TV.

-Lose 5 lbs (beginning 245)

-Do well at Creative Market  Sold 3:)

-Take record player back to Brown House Check:)

-Do well at Saluki Con Sold 2.....rainy day

-Start getting Sara's room cleaned up Not yet

-Buy new soap dish and toilet roll holder for MBa Not yet

-Finish trim, lights, medicine cabinet, and shower guard in MBa Waiting for warmer weather

-Make appt with foot dr about my right leg Not yet

-Add words to Heart Song Check!  Halfway through Ch 9

-Pay editor ($150) Not yet

-Add words to new fairy story Check!  Got backstory accomplished

-Buy BP machine Not yet

-Pay for SI Con Talked to organizers; I can pay day of:)

-Pay down CC and start pecking away at med bills CC, yes.

-Read 6 books Check:)  Read 13

-Finish current e-book Check:)

 Books Read:  13

            Print:  8

        E-book:  5

             DNF:  6

2025 Events:

March 14-15th:  Indy Comic Con, panelist (free, just parking fees)

March 22nd:  SI Con, Benton, Il ($60)

March 29th:  Big River Comic Con, Hannibal, MO (Pd 1/15)

April 3-4th:  GSH Vendor Fair ($50)

April 5th:  Bartholomew Co Comic Con (free!)

April 26th: Indy Author Event (volunteer???) Local Craft Fair???? ($25)

June 13-15th:  Superman Celebration, Metropolis, Il ($100)

June 21st:  Farmer's Market ($15) and Pride (donation)

July 20-22nd:  Imaginarium, Louisville, Ky (Pd 9/12)

Aug:  Watermelon Fest ($60 due by 7/18)

Aug:  CCC ($25 due 6/15)

Aug:  Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In ($40)

Sept 19-20th:  Cil-Con, Effingham, Il (Pd 12/29)

Sept 27th:  Book Nook Book Fair, Peoria, Il ($75 Pd 12/27)

Nov 12-16th:  ICGAHS ($700-making payments)

2026 Events:

April 11th:  Dreaming Dirty In Michigan (Pd $60; still owe $120)

March Goals:

-Lose 5 lbs (beginning 245)

-Have fun at ICC (panelist)

-Do well at SI Con

-Do well at BRC

-Start getting Sara's room cleaned up 

-Buy new soap dish and toilet roll holder for MBa 

-Finish trim, lights, medicine cabinet, and shower guard in MBa 

-Make appt with foot dr about my right leg 

-Finish Ch 9 of Heart Song 

-Pay editor ($150) 

-Add words to new fairy story

-Buy BP machine 

-Pay for Geek Con ($40)

-Pay down CC and start pecking away at med bills

-Read 6 books 

-Finish current e-book 

March Reading Schedule:

Ms Demeanor-Eleanor Lipton
Spare-Prince Harry
Down the Rabbit Hole of Narcissism-Natalie Mosely Klenotic
Loving Out Loud-Michael DeCamp
When My Heart Speaks-Steven Petty
Women of the Bible Speak-Shannon Bream
Yesterday's News-Katie Cawood
Wreck The Halls-Tessa Bailey
Someone Else's Shoes-Jojo Moyes
Moonshine Review-Barbara Evers, et al
Pieces of Her-Barbara Evers
Same Time Next Summer-Annabel Monaghan
The Choice-Anne Greene (misplaced??)
Louise Penney book
A Quiet Strength-Janette Oke
Valley of the Shaman-Arlen Andrews
Joyful Poems For Children-James Whitcomb Riley
I Heard God Laugh-Matthew Kelly
Life Is Messy-Matthew Kelly
Franklin and Eleanor

Fisher Of Men-Phoebe Alexander
Sharing You-Molly McAdams
Switched-Cassie Mills
His Brother's Baby-Blanche Merriott
Hunted-Jill Kaelin
Isn't She Lovely-Lauren Layne
Logan's Lessons-Tonya Ramagos
Enemies On Tap-Avery Flynn
The Fake Holdiay Romance-Tawdra Kandle
Fooling Around With Cinderella-Stacy Juba
A Game Of Gossip-Sandra Sookoo
Two-Bit Wizard-Keith Thompson
This Is Not The Story You Think It Is-Laura Munson
The Stanhope Challenge-Cerise Deland 
Dark Side of Disney-Leonard Kinsey

TBB (on wish list-was tired of not finding them!)
The Marriage Bargain-Jennifer Probst (2013-$10)
The Marriage Trap-Jennifer Probst (2013-$15)
The Marriage Mistake-Jennifer Probst (2013-$10)
The Marriage Merger-Jennifer Probst (2013-$10)
Into Thin Air-Jon Krakauer (2013-$15)
The Cookbook Collection-Allegra Goodman (2013-$11)
The Girfriend-Abigail Barnett
The Summer Without Her (Men???)-Siri Hustvedt
Searching For Someday-Jennifer Probst (2014-$8)
Hard As You Can-Laura Kay (2014-$9)
The Year of Living Biblically-A.J. Jacobs (2014-$15)
Retaliation-Yasmin Shiraz (2014-$10)
Accused-Yasmin Shiraz (2014-$10) 
Romulus-Marilyn Campbell ($5)
Gaslight Chronicles-Cindy Spencer Pape ($8)
So Far Away-Dakota Madison, et al
Defending Devon-Shannon West
Love Realized-Melanie Codina
Love Resisted-Melanie Codina
Assumptions-Melanie Codina
One The Run-Jade C. Jamison
Decker-AD Ellis
Sawyer-AD Ellis
Twins-RG Miller
Saving Sarah-Nan Reinhart
Monster Among The Rose-Linda Kage
A Life Before-Julien Ayotta
Flower of Heaven-Julien Ayotta
Dangerous Bloodlines-Julien Ayotta
Dare To Love-Sandy Sullivan
If I Fall-Lydia Michaels ($5)
If You Want Me-Tara Mills
Tomorrow-Samantha Kane
Backdoor Billionaire's Bride-Roz Lee (2019-$5)
The Play-Tawdra Kandle