Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: A Look Back

What a year it has been!  Hard to believe we're about to ring in a new one!

Jan:  Started the 2014 off to a bang, when Endless Love was nominated and won 1st Runner Up in the LRC Annual Reader's Poll:)  It was a huge honor to be nominated (my 1st!), and I was even more touched by the people who voted for me.  Thank you all, so much!

This was also a transition month for us, as the spouse and I became full time caregivers to our 18 month old granddaughter, since our daughter began working the overnight shift at McDonalds.

Feb:  After spending a few weeks cleaning up 'Star Crossed Lovers' and sending it off to a few beta readers, I sent it off for submission.  Then sent off my laptop for repairs before the warranty ran out.  Bronchitis claimed me again, plus I watched to Sochi Olympics and watched as Seattle Seahawks destroyed the Denver Bronchos in the Super Bowl.  Peyton Manning showed up, but the rest of his team didn't....

I also broke down and got my 1st pedicure, painting my toenails a lovely shade of red:)

March:  My youngling was complaining of being bullied, and when I asked the teacher about it, she hadn't noticed anything.  I was getting increasingly irritated by the daily fight every morning to get W out of bed and to school, and seriously began looking into home schooling him.  I met with two teachers from K12 and received encouraging results.  I decided to apply and leave it in God's Hands.

I also spent a wonderful weekend in Madison, In, and doubled my sales from last year:)  In 2015, the event is going to be held INDOORS, so definitely looking forward to a return trip!  Spend the first half of Spring Break with my parents, then the honorary grandkids spent a week with us.

April:  Our router died, and suddenly my laptop would NOT recognize it!  The only way I could access the internet was to use the desk top.  My publisher rejected SCL....said plot was 'flat' and 1st sex scene 'unimaginable'.  Plus, this is when my publisher was being ripped to shreds by a disgruntled person on another forum, so I think I got caught in the 'see-we-don't-accept-just-any-wip'.  I sent it off to Publisher #1.  My Uncle Mac passed away, so spent the day before Easter in Mooresville, and catching up with cousins I'd not seen in over 15 years.

May:  Had 2nd pedicure, this time spring green:)  K and I went to the Indy 500, and was informed A and J were coming to spend 'a few weeks' with us.  I knew that really meant the entire summer, and when friend M asked if I could watch her child, I hesitated, but agreed when she said it would only be a few hours each day.  Still, I braced myself for a stressful summer.

Then K12 approved us for the following year, and I had mixed feelings over that.  How was I going to write, school W, and take care of little A?  D assured me he'd help out.

June:  I grew increasingly irritated with the neighborhood kids, and jokingly complained I was now running Aunt Molly's Home for Wayward Kids or Whose Parents Worked or Didn't Work, But Didn't Provide Entertainment.  Friend M and I went to see the Women of Duck Dynasty, and I spent a wonderful weekend at my JHS 30th Reunion.  We'd also driven up for the day for Miss A's 2nd birthday lunch at O' Charley's.  I also began to watch Star Trek: DS9 on NetFlix.

July:  After not hearing anything from Publisher #1 about the status of my submission, and having a conversation with #3 about improving my manuscript, I decided to pull it from #1 and resubmit it to #3.  It was accepted first by #3, then four hours later an acceptance arrived from #1!  I emailed #1 and respectfully declined the offer.

After realizing having the honorary granddaughter around was a plus (she entertained the now 2 year old granddaughter), she and her brother moved back home and into their new apartment.  MDQ had discovered a love of baking, and also kept us in cheesecake and pies.  Unfortunately, our food bill had nearly doubled.  My publisher also agreed to put AU #7, Love Weighs In, in print, so I might be eligible for an Author's Fair in Dec.  My copies arrived, and I sent one off for submission.

Aug:  My sister arrived for a week (her kids had been here for two, but due to the extra people in my house, we weren't able to come see them) and we met at my aunt's house first for a pool party, then celebrated Mom's birthday a week later at Red Lobster.  Youngling's school supplies arrived, and we spent a week in orientation, then going through the lessons.  Our morning struggles were over!

Edits arrived, along with a change of title.  Star-Crossed Lovers became Heart's Last Chance:)  I also attended the Watermelon Festival and discovered a 'plus' for being a regular at karaoke:  Ernie not only gave me paper clips when I ran out, but supplied me with free sweet tea all day long, and cooked me lunch:)  At the end of the month, I attended the Wine and Art Fair in Washington, and sold out of the print copies:)

I attended the MHS 30th Reunion, with mixed results.  Some people were happy to see me, while others remained cool.

Sept:  I spent a week with my mom, who'd been in the hospital with back pain, and decluttered the storage room and the top of her desk.  Heart's Last Chance released, and I spent two weeks on a blog tour.  We went roller skating with the K12 group in Evansville, and had a blast, though I was very disheartened to learn I'd lost my ability to skate.  I also had my eyes checked and discovered the pressure was up in my left eye.  I loved my new glasses:)

Oct:  I was invited to be a part of the Indy Christmas Toy and Hobby show in November, so I decided not to do any more craft shows, in order to build up my inventory.  I spent another five days with Mom, and this time W, A, and S came with me, which stressed me out more.   We went to the pumpkin patch with the K12 group and everyone had a great time, including A!  She went through the maze, played some of the games, and had a wonderful time.  For Halloween, W was a Ninja, and A Sophia the 1st.  Cold weather set in, so there was really no trick or treating.  Recheck of my eyes revealed pressure was still up.

Nov:  Spent yet another wonderful week with my mom, and reorganized her filing cabinet.  Finished writing the 4th book in The Chosen, then got back to work on #2.  I finished NaNoWriMo just barely over the word count minimum!  Recheck of left eye revealed a slight increase, so was referred for a full glacouma work up.

Dec:  G workup traumatized me, and I'm still too emotional to talk about it.  Celebrated K's 23rd birthday with steaks, and I chose to have mine celebrated at Gilbert's.  After T-day, I'd taken MDQ for a shopping spree at Maurice's, and the weekend of Dec 14th, the daughter and I went.  Both girls got clothing, and I found new shirts, jeggings, and a pair of riding boots.  Celebrated Christmas at home, then came back to my mom's to help out after her back surgery.

Come back tomorrow as I recap last year's goals and post my new ones!  Also, take a look back as to the reading and karaoke lists:)

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!!! 

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