Saturday, August 31, 2024

BB26: Week 6

HOH Comp:  Sound Bites!  Sounds the houseguests make as they eat, shave, tap fingers, and lotion up.

T'Kor wins!!  Nominates  Makensy, Cam, and Tucker

AI Instigator:  Tucker!

Act 1:  Tries to expose his and Rubina's relationship by using Quinn's avatar, but it backfires.....and T and R share their 1st kiss after she breaks down in tears.  T tries to let her know, "Hey, now we can hold hands in public."

Act 2:  Uses Rubina's avatar:  calls out Angela as the Queen of Twerking, then uses Angela's to call her the Rolling Butt of Chuck!

Act 3:  Uses Kimo's avatar: tells them Leah knows everything going on from 'the boys'.

Act 4: Uses his own avatar; tells them Quinn and Chelsie aren't to be trusted, and now he's on the block, and he's coming for T'Kor.

Houseguests think Angela is the instigator....

POV:  T'Kor, Cam, Tucker, Makensy, Joseph, and Angela

Prizes and Punishments Comp!

TK:  Eliminated 4th; wins punishment to clear 'radioactive' things; trades for veto; swapped for $$

C: WINS! Wins BB AI assist; swaps Tucker for Veto

Tu:  Eliminated 5th; wins $$ and takes the veto; swapped for AI Assist punishment! Gets asked idiotic questions at all times of the day and night (How tall are giraffes? What does a hippo weigh?  Who was the first to live in Buckingham palace?)

M: Eliminated 3rd; wins last chance luau (trip to Hawaii); keeps it

J: Eliminated 1st; gets veto; loses veto for Mattirix:  24 hours solitary confinement with Matt's avatar, just talking incessantly!

A: Eliminated 2nd; wins Trapped in Mattrix; swaps for veto; gets the radiation punishment; has 12 hours to clean up one orb at a time; otherwise, she does NOT get to play in the HOH comp.. Periodically, she gets slimed with what looks like Pepto-bismal to 'decontaminate' herself.  Completes it in 9.5 hours:)

POV Meeting:

Cam takes himself off;  T'Kor puts up Angela. Tucker's not happy it wasn't Leah, but Angela's paranoia has T'Kor feeling unsettled.

AI Arena: Tucker, Angela, Makensy

Mack wins!  Chelsie, Cam, Leah, Mack, and possibly Quinn are thinking about taking a shot at Tucker, but Quinn's still unsure, because if he votes with the others, he runs the risk of pissing off T'Kor, Kimo, Rubina, and Joseph.  Will T'Kor have to break a tie, or will Quinn get Tucker out?


Tucker is evicted, 5-3 (and his AI Assist outfit!)

Nooooooooo......I liked the fact he wanted to play hard, and was hoping he'd go farther!  But agree....this was probably their ONE shot to get him out.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

BB26: Week 5

 HOH Comp:  The Wall!

Angela lasts less than 4 mins.

Quinn vs Tucker:  Who will fall?  Quinn falls off

Tucker wins!

He nominates Quinn, Cam, and Brooklyn

OMG....Angela and her charcuterie board....that Brooklyn and Mack are eating IN FRONT OF HER, because she's a have-not this week!  Rude on 2 points.....a) she didn't ASK Angie if she could eat it, and b) IN FRONT OF HER???

POV:  Tucker, Quinn, Cam, Brooklyn, Makensy, and Joseph

Hide-n-Go Veto!  Hide your veto card, then one by one contestants tear up the house, looking for it:)  Brooklyn is terrified, since she likes a clean house, lol!

Joseph's:  Angela's bed in her bag; found by Cam; eliminated

Brooklyn's:  Quinn's dirty laundry bag; found by Quinn; eliminated

Quinn's:  His garment bag; found by Cam; eliminated

Cam's:  Inside a pillow, with a blanket to 'mask' it; found by Brooklyn; eliminated

Tucker's:  Behind 2 drawers; never found!  Wins POV!

Mack's:  In the planters by the door; found by Tucker; eliminated

Tucker's pissed b/c BROOKLYN tossed his clothes, but he thinks it was QUINN!

Mack's also upset with the tossing of the house....Joseph even put the garbage back, when someone tossed it on the floor.

POV Meeting:

Tucker wins; uses it to take Quinn off.  Puts up Chelsie.

AI Arena:  Cam, Chelsie, Brooklyn

Chelsie correctly puts the images on the screen from the scrambled letters:)


Brooklyn is evicted, 8-1

Monday, August 26, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W26

 Day 108:  Hot, humid, high 90s

Joked that I was already wilted when I arrived, and after a 'rush', the crowd left. Cooled off as I did my AP4Me and LU. Didn't do a whole lot; just did the prelim duties, checked out customers, sanitized the coffee bar. Went to break at 8, and when I returned, pulled trash and fronted soda. Locked the doors at 10 and took the trash to the hopper. Loader Con brought in the concrete; after HC Shel cleaned me out, returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit:  Gray USA Flowers tee, long capris, gold and crystal danglies

Day 109:  Hot, humid, high 90s

Was busy the first hour of my shift, then needed an emergency pit stop. Came back and spot-swept, then things were slow. HC Shel asked me to do soda count, then pulled trash.  She brought down about half of what was needed. Final customer left at 10....after returning boards we'd cut too short last night.  I didn't know we could, but if it was our mistake...then okay.....

Had a customer trying to go through VSP.....there's a new system and it took me 3 tries to figure it out....then he had an issue with his card.  Ended up calling customer service and switching to a new register, b/c his card wouldn't swipe.  Had to look it up....and it went through!  After the CS guy hung up on me....

Returned an item to Roofing, then put up my vest.  Took the extra soda back and clocked out at 10:20.

Off tomorrow, to watch Ramsay while S is having her hysterectomy.

Outfit:  Gray Plank LU tee, dark cut off capris, Yukon Colors.

Day 110:  Hot, high 90s

Shift went fast!  Arrived and was busy for the first 45 mins, then things slowed.  Did prelim duties, LU and my harrassment training, then fronted soda, was busy for maybe 30 mins, then dead again. Sabrina sent me to break at 7:30 and when I returned, had maybe 4 customers before it died again.  Loader Vincent came in; he and I talked....and talked.....and talked.....I pulled trash and sanitized the coffee bar, and locked the doors.  Did a quick sweep in front of the Pro counter and took the trash to the hopper while HC Kay cleaned me out. Returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit:  Red Classy tee, dark cut off capris, silver diamonds

Off tomorrow to take Mom to cardio appt!

Day 111:  Rare Sat Cloudy, low 80s

Was a good shift!  Arrived at 2, and was immediately busy on #2, then helping Marilyn after Robin arrived from her break. After M left, R and I were each busy. Was able to do my LU. Took my break at 3:30, then R left at 4 to cover Deja's break, then took her 2nd. I went to lunch at 5 (met D and W at Denny's when Dogwood was closed). Gave Loader Vince his $24 and the keys to the van so he could pick up his pkg. He slipped them back to me when he returned from his break. Robin left at 6, and things were at first busy; Loader Jared stepped in to help. I got the place swept. HC Austin sent me to break again at 8:45, and when I returned, pulled trash. Final customers were Barry, who bought the six discounted windows and another customer, whom ASM SCh rang up, then we had to return a few items. While he was getting his truck and trailer, I locked the doors; ASM Shan pulled my drawer. ASM SCh had everything under control, so I left and returned items to Tools, Plumbing, and Toys (area by the ASCO). Clocked out at 10:25.

Was able to see former ASM Maria, and Max and Monica, choir director Becky's son and wife.  They now have 4 kids, Nicholas, Ruby, Indie, and Plum:)

Outfit:  Lt blue USA tee, dark cut off capris, sea horses

Day 112:  Rare Sun cloudy, low 80s

Arrived to discover I wasn't supposed to be there until 3:30; clocked in anyway and did my LU.  Went down and Marilyn was swamped!  Helped her out until 4:15 when she finally left. Hopped back on 1 around 4:30 and was busy all night! Kate sent me to break at 6:30, and when I returned, pulled trash and swept a little. Final customers left at 8. Whew!  As I was locking the doors, some dude rolled up on his motorcycle, then spotted me locking the door and left. Loader Con brought in the concrete; HC Kay cleaned me out. Put up my vest and returned items to Hardware and batteries.

Had one customer ARGUE with me over her card; it wasn't activated and all she could say was 'they've used my phone #" Her son finally paid for it, then I noticed they still hadn't left the lot.  Half an hour went by and they exited, saying CS had helped her activate her card:)

I also gouged my right ring finger on a pipe cutter as I was getting out the trash bags...blood oozed everywhere.  I couldn't keep pressure on it AND unwrap the bandaid; a customer kindly helped me.

Clocked out at 8:30.

Off tomorrow!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

BB26: Week 4

 HOH:  Angela wins again!

Quinn activates his Deep Fake HOH and nominates Tucker, Cedric, and Makensy.  Angela is flummoxed by this.


Ainsley brings back Jag (winner BB25??  Did I miss one?), Tayler (BB24 (ugh!)), and Cody (All Stars.sweet!) to disect the first 3 weeks.  They're saying EVERYTHING I said!

POV:  Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Makensy, Joseph, and Brooklyn

Binary Bridge:

Brooklyn vs Cedric:  3:13 Cedric

Mack vs Angela:  7:15 Mack

Tucker vs Joseph:  1:55 Tucker

Cedric vs Mack:  1:32 Cedric

Cedric vs Tucker:  Tucker wins!  

Seriously, Tucker, you're thinking about tempting Fate AGAIN?? Thankfully, he decides to use it on himself.

"Angela" (really Quinn) puts up Rubina

AI Arena:  Makensy, Cedric, and Rubina

Mack wins!  It came down to a photo finish between her and Rubina, but Mack hit her button first.

Kimo and T'Kor consider voting out Cedric.


Does Leah have her dress on BACKWARDS????

Cedric is evicted 6-3

Monday, August 19, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W 25

 Day 102: Lower Humidity; 80

Was called in at 3; was busy entire shift, due to full moon???  Was able to get my LU and AP4Me done around 9:30; spot-swept the area; sanitized the coffee bar.  Went to lunch at 7:15 and had to 'rescue' D in aisle 17, when he needed plumbing assistance (thanks Brent!).  Had to take several items back to Plumbing, Electrical, Lights, Tools, Hardware, and the front end. Clocked out at 10:40.

Outfit:  Black eclipse tee, faded cut off capris, eclipse danglies

Day 103: Low humidity, high 70s

Good, low-key day!  Was able to get ALL the closing duties accomplished!  Took a pit stop at 8:30; HC Shel sent me to break at 9:05. Did my LU and sanitized all the registers and coffee bar. Locked the doors at 9:50, since we had NO cars in the lot.  Had a 'rush' from 7:15-8, but that was about it. Returned items to Plumbing, Electrical, Tools, Aisle 10, Paint, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:35.

Outfit:  Gray America tee, long capris, double stars

Day 104:  Lower humidity, high 70s

Another repeat of yesterday!  Was slightly busy between 4-6, then took a pit stop at 6:30 and got the entire area swept until HC Austin sent me to lunch at 7:30. Returned; pulled trash, did my LU. Took my next break at 9:15 and then Brent from Millwork wanted me to look up a door.  Found it, and rang him up. Sanitized coffee bar, then pulled the rest of the trash. ASM Shan watched the door after Loader Bright took the trash (Joey was unloading the OSB truck), then returned an item to Electronics and put up my vest. Clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit:  Red LU tee, long capris, thin gold hoops

Day 105:  Low humidity, low 80s

Another good, low-key day!  Can't remember the specifics.....

Outfit:  Black USA tee, long capris, thin gold hoops

Day 106: Hot, high 80s

Took over for Alice; was busy until Katy sent me to lunch at 6:30. Returned and was still busy for another hour, then things slowed down. 'Beat up' Connor Klein with a paint roller after he wondered why I needed his phone #....."for your pro points!"....Then swept the area, sanitized the coffee bar and registers. My new loader Vincent came from the Brownsburg store, so he already knew what to do:)  Jared is also back!!!  Loader Con brought in the concrete; I locked the doors; HC Austin cleaned me out. Returned items to Plumbing, Hardware, Tools, and ISLG. Clocked out at 10:40.

Outfit:  Gray Purdue tee, long capris, small gold textured hoops

Day 107: Rare Sun Hot, high 80s

Arrived and helped Amy for 2 hours. Took a pit stop at 4:45, and after A left at 5, fronted soda and consolidated the trash.  Was steady, not swamped.  Did have a 'rush' when I returned from my break at 6:30, but only had maybe 5 people one after the other. Sanitized the coffee bar, pulled trash, and made sure everything was tidy. Locked the doors at 8 after last customer left. Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took my trash. HC Kay cleaned me out; returned an item to Appliances, took another pit stop, and clocked out at 8:20.

Outfit:  Black blouse, long capris, silver crosses

Sunday, August 18, 2024

BB26: Week 3

HOH Comp:  "Ainsley Land"

T'Kor:  9

Quinn:  18

Kimo:  12

Cam:  0

Brooklyn:  0  

Rubina:  1

Joseph:  12

Angela:  9

Makensy:  Had 19, but fell, so 0

Cedric:  27  

Kenney:  21

Tucker:  21

Leah:  1

CEDRIC WINS!!  Nominates Angela, Kenney, and Tucker

POV:  Cedric, Angela, Kenney, Makensy, Leah, and Tucker

"Recharge My Core" Maze

Cedric:  40%

Mack:  65%

Leah:  35%

Angela:  20%

Tucker: 85%  

Kenney:  80%

Tucker wins; pulls ANGELA off!  

Cedric puts up Makensy.she activates her America's Veto.  Tucker is PISSED he didn't put Quinn up.  Now they have to wait until before the AI Arena to find out who the 3rd nominee is.

Tucker spills the beans on Quinn's power.

AI Arena:  Tucker, Kenney, and Quinn

Tucker, why do you look like Wolfman?

Tucker gets his 20 red balls in the tube before the others:)


Kenney is evicted, by a vote of 10-1.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

BB26: Week 2

 HOH Comp:  Chelsie wins!!

She nominates Kenney, Angela, and Lisa

OMG....Angela....just because some people are hanging out DOES NOT MEAN they are in a particular alliance!  3 of the four, yeah (Chelsie, Cedric, and Cam....T'Kor is not)....but get off this 'cookout' thing!  And Cam....the MINUTE you say 'we don't need to worry about that yet' means, um yes, you DO!

POV:  Chelsie, Lisa, Angela, Kenney, Brooklyn, and Joseph

Kenney wins!  Takes himself off; Tucker volunteers to go up as a replacement.

Oh the race card comes out....Angela, keep your damn mouth shut and your emotions under control!

Angela, you need to THINK before anything comes out of your MOUTH!

Oh you're picking on LISA, calling her a twit????  I'm beginning to think the BB producers need to intervene and remove her from the show. Or at LEAST give her a warning....this is nuts.

AI Arena:

Angela vs Tucker vs Lisa:  Tucker zips through his puzzle and takes himself off!


Lisa is evicted, 11-1

I'm wondering, based on the vote, if Lisa told everyone to vote her out?  T'Kor even said, "I don't want to do this, but..." and chose Lisa.

She walked out with her head held high; Angela was sobbing in shock.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

BB26: Week 1:

Have-Nots:  Kimo, Tucker, Cam, and Quinn 

Poss. alliance:  Brooklyn, Rubina, Chelsie, and Makensey

Upgraded Game Powers:  Makensy:  America's Veto!  

                                           Quinn:  Deep Fake HOH


1) Pick Teams:  Everyone but Mack and Tucker.

2) Disc shuffle:  Rubina's Team:  24

                            Quinn:  28 Wins; eliminates Rubina's team

                             Leah:  7

                            T'Kor:  14

3)  Compete against own teammates:

        Kenney wins

        Leah wins

       Angela wins!

4)  Score Must Be Odd #:  Angela wins!

Nominates Kenney, Lisa, and Kimo

OMG Angela....take a chill pill!  Yes, Matt's making mistakes, but now is NOT the time to lose your temper with him!  Reel it in, Mama.....Oh holy hell.....she's so paranoid!!!!  Relax and trust your gut, woman!  Not what you *think* is happening, based on what you observe through the cameras!  Geez....

OMG....really?  You've had NO sleep....why attack him???

POV:  Angela, Kenney, Kimo, Lisa, Brooklyn, and Joseph

BB Spelling Bee!

A:  O

Ke:  Camping

Ki:  0

L:  Transform wins POV!

B:  Flocks

J:  0

Veto Meeting:  Lisa takes herself off; Angela puts up Matt.

OMG you're going off on Kenney?  All because he told you he wasn't going to flip on his friend?  Geez.....have ya watched the game before?  You're coming off as the crazy cat lady!

AI Arena Comp:  

Kimo vs Kenney vs Matt:  Kimo wins!!!!

Eviction Night:  Matt or Kenney?

Lisa, what's up with your glasses???

Matt is evicted, 8-3.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W24

 Day 99: Sunny, low 80s

Was asked to come in at 4; Alice has Covid. Arrived and an hour later, my energy level plummeted. Did the bare minimum; did the prelim duties, pulled trash, did AP4Me and LU; fronted soda, and sanitized the registers and coffee bar.  Did sweep a little....then discovered Corporate's coming in the morning. Jaci and I filled the soda. Clocked out at nearly 11.  I may have to work on Tues and Thurs.

Outfit:  Blessed G'ma tee, dark cut off capris, thin gold hoops

Day 100: Sunny, low 80s

Was asked to come in at 3, to help cover. Arrived and it was 'contractor central'....several contractors with many carts. Things settled down at 5; did prelim duties and my LU. Went to lunch at 6:30 (McA's) and when I returned, things had really slowed down. Pulled trash at 8:30, took a pit stop at 9:30 and got trash bags and my Clorox wipes. Wiped down the coffee bar and mucked out the mats. Locked the doors as final customer was checking out. Loader Charles took the trash and brought in the concrete. Kait cleaned me out; put up my vest.  Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Blue MVP tee, faded cut off capris, silver chains

Off tomorrow to go to Lafayette:)

Day 101: Hot, humid high 80s

Was asked to come in at 2, so I did. Was fairly steady until 5, then did prelim duties. Marilyn sent me to lunch at 5:30 and when I returned, she'd already pulled the trash. Did my LU and was steady until 8:30, when I took my 2nd break. Pulled the outside trash and swept. Sanitized the coffee bar. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joe took the trash and brought in the concrete.  HC Shel cleaned me out; returned items to Plumbing, Paint, and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit:  Blue flowered tee, faded cut off capris, small gold hoops

Off this weekend!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

BB25 Intro Players

 Ep 1:

LOVE Rubina's intro!

Cam: Football player, but zen...really?

Mackensy:  A) spells her name wrong b) construction worker c) volleyball player

Joseph:  Video store worker; seems strategic

Angela:  Realtor; mom-type

Kimo:  Hawaian, LGBTQ; super fan

Chelsie:  Motivational speaker

Tucker:  Looking for a showmance

TWIST:  Vote in another player (female)?  Players vote 4-4, so no

REVEAL:  "Ainsley" is actually BBAI

Comp 1:  Color or Fear Factor

Color:  Help BBAI learn colors:  

             Angela: Only hits 1 color

            Joseph:   Gets 4 colors

            Rubina:  Gets 4 colors

            Makensy:  Gets 4 colors in fastest time WINNER of UPGRADE:)

Fear Factor:  Help BBAI learn about fears

            Tucker:  1:03

            Kimo:  :52

            Cam:  :  46

            Chelsie:  1:16 LAST PLACE! Will have her game DOWNGRADED....

Quinn:  Musician, long hair, superfan

Brooklyn:  'Spicy cupcake', pageant coach

Matt:  Urban Cowboy, southern gentleman

Lisa:  Celebrity chef, 'vibe curator'

Leah:  'Chubby chaser'???, owns underwear company

Cedric:  Former Marine Intelligence, nickname 'Playboy'

T'Kor:  Crochet queen; Queen of the Nerds; from LGBTQ parents

Kenney:  Police officer

TWIST:  Vote for houseguest!  Vote is 2-6; not voted in

Comp 2:  AI Chip Installed or Facial Recognition

AI Chip:

            Quinn:  :54 Upgrade!

            Leah:  1:03


            Brooklyn:  1:00

            T'Kor:  1:00

           Matt:  1:00

           Lisa:   1:00

           Kenney:  1:00

           Cedric:  1:00 Downgraded

Chelsie and Cedric:  Downgraded to 'Mascot', meaning they can't play in the 1st HOH or POV, BUT ARE ELIGBLE for eviction.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W23

 Day 95:  Hot and humid, 90s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Did the prelim duties; at 5, fronted the soda and did my LU and AP4Me. Went to lunch at 6:30 and when I returned, began sweeping. Took another break at 8:45.  Pulled trash and did a quick soda count. Sanitized the coffee bar and counters. Got an LCA app, so was able to punch the tree, and won a Lowes GC (I'll find out Thurs how much $$) and a grill brush. Loader Con took my trash and brought in the concrete. After HC Shel cleaned me out, returned items to Tools, Plumbing, Paint, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:40, then brought in another cart that was left outside.

Outfit: Blue LU tee, dark cut off capris, silver chains

Off the next two days!

Day 96: Cooler, 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice. Did the prelim duties, fronted soda. Did my LU and checked my schedule, plus requested off for my Sept dates and a few in October. Around 7:30, Loader Con brought my dustmop to me and began sweeping. Izzy sent me to break at 8:30 and when I returned, pulled trash, mucked the mats, sanitized the coffee bar and my counter. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Con brought in the concrete and took the trash. HC Austin cleaned me out; returned items to Electrical, Hardware, and OSLG. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Brown tee, dark cut off capris, brown 'dreamcatcher's.

Day 97: Cooler, low 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice. Did prelim duties, and did soda count.  Did my LU. Pro Nel didn't leave until after 6 and swept the entire area. HC Austin sent me to break at 8:30, and when I returned, pulled trash and sanitized the coffee bar. Put the soda away....and then 9:45 happened.  Customer A returned 70 pieces of lumber; Customer B had 2 carts; Customer C had two pallets of flooring, plus 3 toilets AND a cart.  Customer C nearly left without one of their items; I had to chase them down as they started to pull out of the canopy area!  Loader Joe took the trash and brought in the concrete as I was finishing up the soda. HC Austin cleaned me out; returned items to Plumbing and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.  ASM CB is off for the next 10 days:)  THAT'S why we got out of there ontime, lol!

Was pissed; never got to talk to DS Kari about tomorrow; she led me to believe she was taking care of getting coverage, but to my knowledge, nothing's been done.  I can't get there until 6, so told HC Austin I'll be calling in to be late tomorrow.  As for Sunday....I think I'm trying to catch something.  I've not called in sick since Jan, so I should be fine.

Outfit:  Yellow Fla tee, dark cut off capris, sea horses

Day 98:  Rare Sat 

Finally arrived at 6:30 and took over for Dawson.  Blah evening, but busy, and my energy level crashed around 8. Did manage to sanitize the coffee bar and registers, and sweep aisle 19...and front the soda, but that's about it. Pulled trash, brought in the carts, and watched the clock. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Con took the trash and brought in the concrete; HC Austin cleaned me out. Returned items to Electrical and Plumbing, put up my vest, and clocked out at 10:30.  Felt like crap, and told ASM SC I was calling in tomorrow.  My glands are swollen; I started coughing yesterday.

Outfit:  Gray IN tee, dark cut off capris, blue T-Rex