Monday, January 27, 2025

Life in Lumber: Y6, W48

 Day 189: Warmer; high 30s; 77 t/a

Arrived and took over for Kem; was busy for 2 hours. At one point, Pro Kim was operating the forrklift, carrying drywall, and accidently bumped against the lollipops, knocking them down. Lollies everywhere. A customer even ran over one.  I grabbed a bag and gathered them all up, then swept up the destroyed ones. Things slowed down after 5:30, so did my LU and AP4Me. Did the prelim duties; swept; fronted soda; sanitized the coffee bar and all registers, since Pro Kathy is sick. HC Kay sent me to lunch at 7:15; ate some pulled pork and chips. Returned and pulled trash; final customer left at 9. Locked the doors; HC Kam cleaned me out. Took the trash to the hopper and returned an item to RTM. Clocked out at 9:25

From the Stupid Files.....

A) Customer wanted 350 2x4x16s delivered, but our flat truck has finally returned from the shop and all deliveries are delayed by 2 weeks.  He wasn't happy and said he was going to Menards.  Okay:)

B) Customer wanted to know if a drill had a metal or plastic chuck. Opened it up; it's plastic. He didn't want it, even though Pro Kathy told him they all come plastic now.

C) Customer had bought a dremel for the sole use of the adapter, which he'd misplaced. Returned an hour later; the adapter was missing. Swapped it out; this one had one.

D) Final customer had a ladder, insulation, various other items, 20 2x4x16s, 20 80lbs bags of a cargo van. Had to swap out 8 of the 2x4s, since the ones Loader Joe had picked were 'sketchy'. Surprisingly enough, it all fit.  They had to strap the doors to the lumber though.

Outfit:  Brown sweater, black l/s tee, faded jeggings, LJs, small gold hoops

Day 190: 40s, 90 t/a

Arrived and took over for Marilyn, and things were slower. Did the prelim duties, and Kim C sent me to lunch at 5:15. Returned and did my LU, then swept the place, sanitized the registers, coffee bar, and counters. Loader Jax brought in the concrete; Loader Joe took my trash to the hopper. HC Austin cleaned me out; returned an item to Plumbing; clocked out at 9:30.

From The Stupid Files.....

Lady bought 4 damaged concrete and 14 more. After I rang her up, she double-checked the receipt! Wanted so badly to tell her I did know what I was doing......*eye roll*

Another customer had 4 carts; he stood there and watched me unload his cart until I moved around the counter, then asked him to please finish unloading it.

Outfit:  Black vest, gray leapard stripe tee; black l/s tee, faded jeggings,LJs, sapphire hoops

Day 191: High 40s; 60 t/a

Arrived and took over for Kem; did the prelim duties. Was extremely slow all shift. Kam sent me to lunch at 6; returned an item to Electrical. After, rang up a few customers; pulled trash at 7:30 and swept. Sanitized the coffee bar, the registers, the counters, and mucked out the mats. Final customer left at 9; locked the doors and Loader Joe took the trash and brought in the concrete. HC Austin cleaned me out; put up my vest and clocked out at 9:30.

From The Stupid Files.....

The woman who bought 14 bags of concrete and double-checked the receipt? Returned 7 of them. And had us count to make sure SHE counted correctly.

Customer arrived to pick up his order, but discovered it wasn't ready yet.

We're still out of the flooring my DIL's brother is looking for.

Customer returned 11 water heaters from last summer, then turned around and bought $1700 more, between doors, insulation, and a lot of plumbing.

ASM Alex chastised me again for being too far away (I'd swept the aisle in front of the concrete board; yesterday he caught me at the front of Aisle 19). Told him I thought it was last year's rule, lol....then he came back, asked me if I was causing trouble, and dumped out the pen caddy.  I told him, "No soup for you!"

Outfit:  Palm tree sweatshirt, black l/s tee, faded jeggings, LJs, sea horses

Am off until next Tues!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Life In Lumber: Y6, W47

 Day 184: Cold; 15 degrees; 85 t/a

Was slightly irritated when I arrived, b/c Marilyn complained about me 'always' being 5 mins late.  It clearly states we have a 5 min window of arrival.  *eye roll*  Anyway, took over for her and was busy the 1st hour.  Learned Pro Kathy made the Million Dollar Club!  HC Kay sent me to lunch at 6:30 and when I returned, swept, sanitized the coffee bar, and tried to stay warm.  Did my LU, AP4Me, and my PCI refresher. Locked the doors at 9; Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took my trash...then I realized I'd missed the trash can at the far end, UNDER MY COAT!   Joe took it also. Put up my vest and returned items to Tools, Paint, and Toys. Clocked out at 9:20.

From The Stupid Files.....

1) Customer had a cut sheet of plywood, and when I went looking for the tag, realized the rest was on another cart. "Oh, I have to take the whole thing?"  Ummmm....yes, yes you do.

2) I mis-heard Pro Ian....thought he called me 'grandma'!  Nope, he'd asked, "How are you doing?"  Geez.....

3) At times, words failed me.  Could not remember 'Are you a rewards member?" It came out, "Are you a........(brain fart)"  Wanted the customer to hand me the toilet connectors...."Can you hand me the doohickey?"

4) I was also amazed at how many parents brought their small (5 and under) kids out in this frigid temps.

Outfit:  B/W fleece shirt, black vest, black l/s tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, red headband, and fleece jacket.

Day 185: Frigid, 6 degrees; 74 t/a

Arrived in a crabby mood, due to the cold temps and the knowledge I forgot to take my meds. Somewhat snippily told Marilyn I'd attempted to be more punctual (arrived at 3:01), to which she thanked me. Was busy for a half hour, then did the prelim duties, and was busy until 5. Fronted soda and tried to stay warm. Swept entire area, mucked the mats, and did my LU. HC Kay sent me to lunch at 7 and when I returned, pulled trash and sanitized the coffee bar. Final customer left at 8:50; locked the doors at 9. HC Kay cleaned me out; Loader Brighton brought in the concrete; put up my vest and clocked out at 9:20.

Outfit:  Blue crew Cabela's sweatshirt, white turtleneck, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, red headband

Off the next two days!

Day 186: Cold, 20s; 100 t/a

Arrived and marveled at the new front end....ASCO closer to the door, expanded Fullfillment. smaller CS area. only 2 registers up front.  Took over for Kem and was instantly busy for an hour. Did the prelim duties and LU. Kait sent me to lunch at 5:30, and we had a pizza party, due to being 90 days w/o an incident. Returned and swept, pulled trash, and was slammed at 8pm for the entire hour. Locked the doors after the final customer and sanitized the coffee bar.  HC Austin cleaned me out; took my trash to the hopper. Loader Jax took the hopper; Loader Con brought in the concrete. Shut the door again and returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Fashion Bath. Clocked out at 9:30.

Outfit:  White textured sweater, black l/s tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, blue posts.

Off again tomorrow!

Day 187:  Rare Sat 40s; 63 t/a

Was asked to come in; arrived and send Dawson up front; did the prelim duties and was fairly steady. Did get my LU done, plus swept the area, mucked the mats, and pulled trash at 8. Sanitized the coffee bar. Locked the doors at 9 and after HC Austin cleaned me out, returned items to Tools, Aisle 10, Paint, and Hardware. Clocked out at 9:30; D met me at Denny's.

Outfit:  B/W sweater; white turtleneck, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, red wavy posts

Day 188:  Rare Sun 40s, sunny 15 t/a

Discovered I'd been on Marilyn's log in since 3!

Arrived and finished ringing up Marilyn's customer, then apparently never logged out until my break! 

Theresa came down until 6; Reg 5 wasn't working. We traded taking customers, and I did the prelim duties and LU until she arrived. I took my break at 5:30, and when she left, I swept the area and sanitized the Pepsi cooler (had an inch of dust on it, ha ha!). Loader Joe brought down some discounted insulation and said ASM Chris had instructed me to get rid of it at any price.  Ended up selling it for 50%.. Final customers left at 9; locked the doors; Loader Joe brought in the concrete.  HC Kay cleaned me out; I took the trash to the hopper. Put up my vest and clocked out at 8:30.

From the Stupid Files....

Customer yesterday brought in a volt tester that 'didn't work'. George looked at it; the batteries were in backwards. Customer went on his way. Today, he's back and it's still not working.  Okay; I refunded it and he went off to get another one. Then he was surprised when I charged him for the 2nd one; I realized the price was different, so took off $5 and he still refused it!  Rang him up for his tape measure and he went on his merry way.  *shakes head*.

Outfit:  Blue crew neck Cabela's sweatshirt, white turtleneck, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Life In Lumber: Y6, W46

 Day 180: Snow, mid 20s; 68 t/a

Arrived late, due a funeral procession and a 90-car train, plus waiting for the mac-n-cheese to be finished so I could eat something before I left. Took over for Kem, and wasn't busy at all for 30 mins, then the crowd arrived. Was busy for until 5, then was able to do the prelim duties, my LU and AP4Me. Ivree sent me to break at 6:30 and when I returned, was busy for an hour....then discovered I was out of $1s and 10s. Hopped over to #2 (protesting, lol!), then sanitized the coffee bar and swept the floor. Locked the doors at 9 and while HC Austin cleaned me out, took the trash to the hopper. Returned items to Electrical and Hardware, then put up my vest. Clocked out at 9:20.

From The Stupid Files:

a) Customer wanted 1/2 sheet of plywood, then rejected it when I informed him he'd have to pay (and take!) the entire sheet.  When I saw him again, I showed him the other sizes, which made him happy.

b) I didn't see this customer walk in, but the temps last night were dropping into the teens. I saw her leave, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and.....short shorts!  I sooooo wanted to yell after her, "Where's your PANTS?  Your COAT?"  Idiots.

c) We're still out of salt and shovels; they're on order, and no idea when they'll arrive.  People STILL ask me if the snow shovels our guys use are for sale! Um, NO, they are NOT!

Outfit: Blue hooded Cabella's sweatshirt, hot cocoa tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, small gold hoops.

Day 181: Cold, temps dropping to 13; 70 t/a

Steady shift; picked up the paint to repaint the bathroom cabinet; did LU; was fairly steady until 5, then things died down. Did the prelim duties. HC Austin sent me to lunch at 6. Pulled trash at 7:30; began sweeping at 8. Sanitized the coffee bar. Loader Joe brought in the concrete; HC Austin cleaned me out. Took trash to the hopper, then returned items to Tools, Electrical, Clothing, and Hardware.  Clocked out at 9:30.....and found D in the parking lot. Went over to Denny's for a late meal before heading home.

Outfit:  Gray sweater, white turtleneck, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, double pearls

Off tomorrow!

Day 182: Cold, 30s; 80 t/a

Arrived and took over for Kem, then was informed DS Charlie had called in leaving me with Loader Jax. DS Ian told me Brighton was called in, but never showed up. Was not busy for an hour, then steady. Did my LU at 5; went to lunch at 6:30 (then I noticed HC A, who relieved me, calling for at least two forklift drivers and a spotter!). When I returned, HC Austin informed me he'd had a rough half hour, lol! I began sweeping, then mucked the mats; sanitized the coffee bar; pulled trash. One of the evening associate, John (don't know him very well) came down and brought in the concrete. I closed and locked the doors, then took the trash to the hopper. Returned one item to Plumbing, then put up my vest. Clocked out at 9:30.

From the Stupid Files:

A) Truck behind me took the cresecent-shaped drive from Vigo to 2nd; I turned at the light.  We meet; he STARTS ACROSS, but thankfully I'm watching him, and not going very fast. He hit the brakes; I drove on.  Idiot...

B) Customer brings me a faucet with a turtle security thing. I can't get it to open, so I cut the straps and called George in Tools.  HE can't even get it open, and POUNDS on it with the magnet before giving up and taking it back to Tools with him!  I told everyone, "No charge for the floor show!" They all laughed.

Outfit: B/gray l/s tee, black l/s shirt, black vest, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, small textured gold hoops

Off the next two days!

Day 183:  Rare Sun Frigid, single digits; 82 t/a

Arrived and took over for Marilyn, and was immediately busy for an hour. Did the prelim duties, then was busy again until 6:30. Theresa sent me to break and when I returned, pulled trash and began sweeping. Final customer was at 7:55; locked the doors. HC Austin cleaned me out; Loader Joe brought in the concrete. Took my trash to the hopper, then put up my vest and returned a Pepsi rack to Receiving and a toy snake to toys. Clocked out at 8:20, and had D check on a customer whose car had broken down. Drove them to Hucks so they could stay warm, then came home.

Outfit:  Blue hooded Cabela's sweatshirt, black l/s tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, red headband

Monday, January 6, 2025

Life In Lumber: Y6, W45

 Day 176: Snow, mid 20s; 45 t/a

D drove me in, due to the foot of snow on the ground, and Kem and Ian were happy to see me.  Turned out there had been 38 call outs, and for the evening shift, there were only 8 of us running the store!  Me, Loader Charles, DS Ian, Brighton, Trevor, Jared, Kerrie, and ASM Chris B. Had mainly customers buying shovels and ice melt, but had a few buying plywood, plumbing items, or electrical.

Got paid to stand around and write.  Actually did my AP3Me and LU; sanitized the coffee bar thoroughly, and pulled trash at 7:30. Loader Charles watched the register while I took a pit stop at 6. Locked the doors at 8:50; Charles brought in the concrete; ASM Chris cleaned me out. Charles took my trash; I went to put up my vest and swap back into my snow boots.

Outfit:  Brown cowl neck striped sweater; black l/s tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, large zirconians.

Day 177: Snow, mid 20s; 48 t/a

Arrived and took over for Kem; did prelim duties. Was fairly steady for 1st hour, then did my LU. Ivree sent me to lunch at 6:15; had 40 customers by then. The final 8 were after. Sanitized the coffee bar and registers; wrote; PM'd friends, and Brighton decided to take my shift tomorrow. Final customer left at 8:30. HC Austin cleaned me out; Brighton brought in the concrete and took the trash to the hopper. Locked the doors and put up my vest.  Left my boots there by accident; will have to stop and get them before I head north.

Outfit:  Red hooded sweater, white turtle, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, red headband.

Off the next 2 days!

Day 178: Snow, low 20s; 37 t/a

Arrived to discover we would have another skeleton crew of 9. Wasn't very busy; did the prelim duties; Adam came down and sent me to lunch at 5:15; Loader Jax mopped aisles 19 and 20; Did my LU; pulled trash at 7; sanitized the coffee bar; swept the floor and mucked out the concrete board area; fronted the soda. Loader Con brought in the concrete at 9 after I locked the doors; HC Chris cleaned me out. Put up my vest, then we had to wait for her to finish, since it was her 1st night closing by herself. Clocked out at 9:45; D took me to BK for a snack.

Outfit:  Blue/white striped sweater, white turtleneck, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, red headband.

Off tomorrow, though have a sneaking suspicion I'll get called in; Dawson is on the schedule, but not the flow chart.  Robin leaves at 4, so who will take over?

Day 179:  Rare Sun snow, mid 30s, 51 t/a

Arrived and took over for Marilyn, and did the prelim duties.  Around 4, did my LU. Halle sent me to break at 5, and when I returned, rang up a few customers, sanitized the coffee bar, and fronted the soda. Final customer left at 8. Loader Con brought in the concrete and took my trash to the hopper.  After HC Chris cleaned me out, rode a scooter up front, put up my vest, paid for my Wet Jet wipes and bleach, and clocked out at 8:20.

Matt M and Connor K came in; they were shoveling snow somewhere when someone decided to help themselves to Matt's tools. Said the police were looking at the tape. Also saw Jeanna's brother John and Ron L.

Outfit:  White blouse with black stripes, black vest, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, sapphire hoops

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January Goals

If you saw yesterday's post, you'll know I dropped the ball on a LOT of goals.  I'm sincerely going to try to make more of an effort on my monthly ones, maybe even modify them a bit, since several of the Home Repair ones are subject to the spouse's whims.

 -Lose 5 lbs Bleh....scale is going in the OPPOSITE direction; gained a few pounds.  245.

-Buy BP machine Was hoping I'd get one for Christmas; didn't happen.

-Finish Heart Song Made it to Ch 9, so getting closer!

-Do well at GSH Vendor Fair Sold 7:)  5 Wed, 2 Thurs

-Do well at KCPL Author Fair Sold 5:)

-Buy Beautiful Noise tix?? As of this post, Mom is still insisting she does NOT want to go, so have held off.  Will keep working on her....I have until March.

-Have fun at TSO Concert Check!  OMG...SO GOOD!  GREAT time with Erica and Sara!

-Have enjoyable Christmas Check:)  Had X-mas on 24th with kids, then quiet day on 25th.

-Make another payment to Dreaming in Michigan Not in budget just yet; I've been concentrating on paying down my credit card.

-Start chipping away at med bills Not yet.....

-Fix MBA Almost done!  Just have to replace trim, paint vanity, and figure out where to put everything back, lol!

-Cut carpet out of S's room Not yet...

-Upload digital copies to Patreon Not yet....

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44)  Not yet...

-Read more in evenings YES!  Managed to read 7 books!

Books Read:  7

            Print:  7

        E-book:  0

             DNF:  2

2025 Events:

Feb 7th:  Winter Market, 1972 Vincennes, 4-8pm ($40)

Feb 15-16th:  Saluki Con, Carbondale, Il ($80 Pd 12/2)

March 22nd:  SI Con, Benton, Il

March 29th:  Big River Comic Con, Hannibal, MO (Pd 1/15)

April 3-4th:  GSH Vendor Fair

July 20-22nd:  Imaginarium, Louisville, Ky (Pd 9/12)

Aug:  Watermelon Fest

Aug:  CCC

Aug:  Geek Con, Evansville Museum, Evansville, In

Sept 19-20th:  Cil-Con, Effingham, Il ($60 Pd 12/29)

Sept 27th:  Book Nook Book Fair, Peoria, Il ($75 Pd 12/27)

Nov 12-16th:  ICGAHS ($700-making payments)

2026 Events:

April 11th:  Dreaming Dirty In Michigan (Pd $60; still owe $120)

January Goals:

-Lose 5 lbs (beginning 245)

-Send Christmas Cards Check:)

-Buy new soap dish, toothbrush holder Check!, and toilet roll holder for MBa

-Add words to Heart Song Check:)

-Send Future Unknown to editor Check! and pay editor

-Add words to new fairy story Check:)

-De-decorate house Check!

-Buy BP machine

-Pay for SI Con Still haven't received invoice

-Pay for Big River Comics Check! Pd 1/15

-Pay down CC Sort of....but need it for hotel stay 2/15 and start pecking away at med bills Not yet

-Read 6 books Check!  Read 9, lol

-Finish current e-book Check!

(baby steps, right???)

January Reading Schedule:

The Husband List-Janet Evanovich DRR!!  Excellent story!!!
Delusion In Death-JD Robb RR! Lots of visual dialogue; easy to follow
New York To Dallas-JD Robb RR!  Should have read this one first, though; DID referenced it.
Special Circumstances-Sheldon Siegel DRR! I figured out some of it, but did not see the rest of the ending coming!  Very good!
Split Second-Catherine Coulter DRR! Very good, with two exciting stories existing at the same time!  The ring subplot causes one to suspend belief, but the way it played out was well written.
Romancing Miss Bronte-Juliet Gael  DRR....esp if you're a Bronte fan. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I found this fact/fiction was highly interesting, and it did make me want to find a copy of Wuthering Heights and one of Charlotte's to see if I could actually READ it, or simply skim it, as I do Austen's work. This was always on author interviews..."Bronte or Austen?"  My response was always "Neither...Alcott".
Live Wire-Lora Leigh Interesting story....
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn-Betty Smith RR!  Esp if you're a history buff...excellent look at NYC in 1915

Reckless Royals-Emily Silver Good story!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year! Let's Make (and keep!) Some Goals!

First of all, let's take a look back at 2024's goals and see how I did:

 -Publish Choosing Your Best Life Changed the title to Defending Destiny and it was published in April:)  

-Pull ALL my books (except Kindle ones) and go wide with D2D Nope

-Make my e-books available on Patreon Nope

-Put a shelf above my bed Still waiting....

-Put a shelf in the MBA Still waiting, though I now have a new floor, toilet, and the vanity's been raised 3 inches!

-Evict items from Brown House Nope

-Evict items from basement Nope....seriously?  I had this as a GOAL?

-Rip out carpets in Daughter's room Getting closer, but no...

-Empty Mom's storage unit No...have to either evict items from Brown house or get Daughter's room squared away first.

-Work enough hours to pay for NYC trip YES!!!  Plus did a lot of fundraising and my sister helped out:)

-ENJOY NYC TRIP DEFINITELY!  And am planning to return in 2026:)

-Get my voice back 1/11:  Sang karaoke successfully!!!

-Finish any of the following: 

    -Paranormal Preacher Added maybe 100 words

    -Singer Story No

    -Aiden Kross antho  Not yet

    -Heart Song Am up to Ch 9!

   -Short story for Antho Yes!  Midsummer's Festival in Central Park:)

   -Short story for BKM antho Think I finished and sent it???  Need to check on this

-Sell 200 books Hand-sold 146.  Cut back on events this year.

-Promote Patreon page and get more sponsors No....think I picked up a couple of freebees, though...

-Sign up for Venmo and Cash App, for cashless/non-CC readers Venmo, yes. CashApp, no.

-Be a vendor at the following events:  Check!

    -First Fridays

    -March:  GSH Vendor Fair

    -April:   Eclipse event and SI Con Was knocked sideways by the amount of support from Washington during the Eclipse, selling 18 in 2 days!!!

    -May:  SI Con moved to April

    -June:  Superman

    -July:  Imaginarium

    -Aug:  IABE, Geek Con

    -Sept:  Cil-Con Cancelled this year

    Nov:  Christmas Show, GSH

-Carve out more reading time Check!  Look at numbers below

-December, put out the Nativity and Morty Depression set in; had to force myself to even decorate the damn tree.

How Was My Health In 2024?  Started off rough, with needing ortho visit, X-rays, and MRI on my left knee, but nothing was torn or damaged by the falls in November or December.  Learned in April the eye doctor DOES IN FACT run my vision through medical insurance, despite my due diligence checking BEFORE I decided not to renew it (and putting $40 back in my paycheck, something I DID enjoy!), so bleh....had to reinstate the crappy insurance in October.

Youngest Son had quit his job at Christmas last year, and even though he claimed to be applying 'everywhere', he did get hired in September at an aluminum recycling plant, which he enjoyed......for a week, due to being razzed by some long-time employees, and he threw a tantrum and quit.  Didn't get hired anywhere else until October, and sprained his ankle 6 weeks later, ON THE JOB, so workman's comp covered him until he healed right before Christmas.  Kid's already still talking about finding something else. He's been told no quitting/getting fired until he has something CONCRETE lined up, none of this,"Well, they said they'd get back to me...."

I know,,,,kids. Think they know everything.

Books Read:  84

            Print:  57

         E-book:  27

              DNF:  5

So....Here Are My Goals For 2025:

-Lose 5 lbs per month 

-Publish Mandela/Butterfly Effect

-Pull ALL my books (except Kindle ones) and go wide with D2D

-Make my e-books available on Patreon

-Put a shelf above my bed

-Put a shelf in the MBA

-Evict items from Brown House

-Evict items from basement

-Rip out carpets in Daughter's room

-Empty Mom's storage unit

-Save $3-4K for 2026 NYC trip

-Finish any of the following: 

    -Paranormal Preacher

    -Singer Story

    -Aiden Kross antho

    -Heart Song

   -Short story for Antho

   -Check on story progress for BKM antho

-Sell 200 books

-Promote Patreon page and get more sponsers

-Be a vendor at the following events:

    -First Fridays/Creative Market

    -Feb:  Saluki Con

    -March:  SI Con, Big River Comic Con

    -April:  GSH Vendor Fair, Kokomo Con, E'ville Craft Fair

    -June:  Superman, Farmer's Market, Pride

    -July: Imaginarium

    -Aug:  Watermelon Fest , CCC, Geek Con

    -Sept:  Cil-Con, Peoria Event

    Nov:  Christmas Show, GSH, Kringle Market

-Carve out more reading time

-December, put out the Nativity and Morty

Yeah, they look familiar....for a reason!  Just look at the top of this post.  I need to stay on top of this.

I'll post my January Goals tomorrow.  I've got some reading to do.

                         Happy New Year!!!!

Words to Live By 12-20-24

 A few weeks ago I happened to be in the company of two colleagues who do not share my political views, and that's okay.  But what bugged me the most was the FEAR they exhibited, and "we will be planning to see how we can best survive this setback."

I soooooo wanted to chime in and say I'd been praying for 4 years for her side to 'wake up' and see the damage they've done to our country, and that my FAITH is what was getting me through every day.  After several minutes of biting my tongue, I found an opportunity and simply said, "You gotta have faith."

They nodded, probably NOT realizing we were on opposite sides of the aisle!

Then today, in my daily devotions, I read this:

"What will the new year bring? Do I stick with fear or move forward with hope?  My faith tells me to move forward with hope. To trust in the living Word of God-and let Him be a light unto my path."

-J. Brent Bill, Walking In Grace (formerly Daily Guidepost)


No matter what side of the political aisle you're on, you need to trust God.

Four years ago, yes, I cringed as someone I did not want in the White House was voted in and began a four year-trek into the worst example of Elder Abuse in action.  Yes, I do NOT believe he was actually in charge, but those around him were propping him up when the man should have been made to retire gracefully.  He became a joke for pundits everywhere....and it was sad to see.

But instead of getting angry.....or retreating into a 'snowflake safe space' (I'm being VERY sarcastic here), I simply went on with my life as before, watching the news in horror as the crime rate soared; state governors retaliated like children at times; and biological MEN taking over women's sports.  

Let me digress a moment.  I remember seeing a story about a transgender WOMAN competing on the men's swim team several years ago. Yes, s/he didn't break any records, so there was no bruha over it.  In fact, one of my favorite stories growing up was abuot a girl who was so good, the coach put her on the MEN'S tennis team!  And I was one of the early women percussionists in my HS band.

Okay; not sure where I was going with that.....

The point is, you can't simply hide your head in the sand and wait four more years like a toddler who no longer wants to play. Life must go on, and you have a CHOICE. You can choose to live your life in FEAR or continue on in FAITH.

God has a plan; you just aren't seeing it.

Life In Lumber: Y6; W44

CI Monday -sick

Day 172: NYE Cold, lower 40s (3-6pm); 54 transactions

Felt better, but now D's got it. Went in anyway (think I get Holiday pay today?) and took over for Kem. Was fairly steady for an hour; rang up customers, did the prelim duties, then had some time to do my AP4Me and LU. Pulled trash at 5; Kait sent me to break. Took a pit stop, then found what I thought were the right trash bags for the large trash can under the med cabinet, but no.  Washed out the coffee pot, then returned. Swept the high traffic areas (in front of Pro and in front of the door), then locked the doors at 5:55.  Turned around and my final customer was at the register.  Rang him up just as Loader Con opened the large door to bring in the forklift....and proceeded to help LG Kait refill one of the lumber bins.  As my customer was about to pay, a guy walked in and I had to tell him we were closed. Customer pays and leaves....then two more vehicles pulled up and asked if we were open or closed, and if we were open the next day (yes, 9-6). Con and Kait were still in the aisle, so I went ahead and closed the door.  About 2 mins later, Con's beeping the horn, so I reopened it and let him out to do the concrete. HC Austin arrived to clean me out; I hopped over to the drywall aisle to return some tape, then waited while Con brought the hopper around. Tossed him my trash, then closed the door and returned items to Tools, Electrical, Hardware, and Toys (someone had apparently not wanted a tiny car??). Clocked out at 6:30.

Went to BW3 to claim my free birthday wings, but a) my app refused to let me place an order and b) they were freakishly busy, so I said "F-it" and went to Walmart and got Bagal Bites, some Italian bread, some sliced Mozzarella, and a jar of Ranch dressing.  Came home and watched Grimm until 11:55, then found the NYE Times Square and counted down the seconds. Toasted with the hot Winter Spice White wine from Carousel Winery, then responded to texts; called Mom; then watched the rest of that Grtimm episode (we're re-watching SE 1). D went to bed; I flipped it over to Family Ties and watched 2 episodes, then went to bed at 1am.

Outfit: Gold sparkly shirt, black l/s tee, black jeggings, dangly rhinestones, Happy NY headband.

Outfit for couch: Black PU sweatshirt, fair aisle jeggings, fair aisle slippers, HNY headband (only for 10 mins)

Happy New Year!  Goodbye 2024, Welcome 2025!!!

Day 173: Cold, upper 30s; 114 transactions

Arrived; Holly asked if I was feeling better and laughed when I replied, 'Hell yes!"  Took over for Kem, who informed me of the full moon and to 'watch out for crazies'.  Was fairly steady for 1st 2 hours, plus did the prelim duties and LU. HC Austin sent me to break at 5:30. Came back with small trash bags, then things slowed down. Swept, then ran out of $$ after a 'rush' at 7. Hopped over to #2, and didn't have another cash transaction until 8:45. Pulled trash; HC Austin cleaned me out while Loader Con was bringing in the concrete. Returned items to Electrical and Paint. Clocked out at 9:30.

Did have a guy ask us where to drop the shipping container; called ASM Alex, who had NO knowledge of it, but came down; think it was to go to Receiving (I was busy by that time).  My final customer left at close with 2 carts full of lumber.

Outfit: Gray hooded sweatshirt, black l/s tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, sapphire hoops 

Day 174: Cold, low 30s, 152 transactions

Arrived and took over for Kem; was busy until 5:30, when HC Austin sent me to break. Returned an item to Tools, then cleaned out the coffee pot. Afterwards, rang up a few customers, then did the prelim duties, my LU, and my annual LSR, which took an hour between it and the customers. Swept a little; pulled trash, and locked the doors at 9. Final customer left at close.  Took the trash to the hopper after LG Kait cleaned me out, then returned items to Lights and Hardware. Clocked out at 9:30.

Outfit:  Blue Cozy Sweatshirt, white turtle, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, thin gold hoops

Off tomorrow!

Day 175:  Rare Sat Cold, upper 20s, 44 t/a

Was asked to come in at 6; Dawson had called in.  Rescued Jared, rang up a few customers, then did the prelim duties and swept a little. Pulled trash at 7:30; at 8:30, HC Kait came down so I could clean out the coffee pot. Returned and rang up final 2 customers. Loader Con brought in the concrete and took the trash; HC Kait cleaned me out; returned items to Plumbing, Lights, Hardware, and ISLG. Clocked out at 9:30.

Outfit:  Dark gray In sweatshirt, black l/s tee, new dark jeggings, fair isle leggings, small gold hoops, red headband.

Sun:  Due to snowstorm, store closed at 4. I was told I did not have to go in. Snow Day!!!!