Monday, October 12, 2020

Life In Lumber, Week #62

 Day 275:  Hours Cut Again, 5-close

Arrived; Jill was ready to leave, so I immediately took care of the next two customers in line, then did the pop count.  Matt came down to get it just as I was finishing up at 5:30.  Was fairly slow; did all the sweeping and gathering the trash, then did my AP4Me.  Brea came down at 7 and sent me on my 15 min break, and when I returned, rang up a few customers and did some writing before starting on the closing duties at 8.  Scott came down and complimented me on my 15% LPP close rate, then joked he didn't have to yell at me for the door being open (I'd closed it about 30 minutes before!).

Kyle took my trash down at 8:30, so when HC C came to clean me out, I was ready.  Returned a tube to plumbing and three items to Paint, then put my vest away.  Took my final Tax Exempt to CS, then we all clocked out at 9:15.

Was approved for the 20th off and the 17th, though think she meant 19th???  Will check next time I see Mgr. T.

Outfit:  Teal flowered long-sleeved tee (it rained), faded jeggings.

Day 276:

Arrived; Jill had already begun the pop count (yay!), had bagged the trash, and sanitized Reg #2 and 3. Things went well for fifteen minutes, then Jerry K asked me to load his LAR.  I'd already rung him up, so used Reg #2 to do it, then returned to 1, and he needed an approval code.  I had 4 people behind him, so called for a Code 3, while we spoke to the approval person.  At one point, had to turn it over to Jerry to verify things, and when we finally got the code, he paid and was on his way.  Double-checked the soda count, then handed it over.

Next, had a guy buy the LPP, and we got stuck in a loop.  I'd total it out; enter his phone #; it would return to the sale page; I'd total it and lather, rinse, repeat.  Had to call HC C down to take care of it.  I hopped on Charlie's register and took care of the next person in line, and when I was finished, C had solved the issue and that customer was on his way.

Third, the system wouldn't find a veteran, so after three attempts, I gave up and used the promo code.  This would also happen two more times during the evening.

Brea relieved me at 6:30 for my break, and put away the pop for me.  When I returned, things went smoother, and was able to finish all closing duties.  Got mildly ticked at Olivia, who took my trash before I began the closing duties, but calmed down and filled another trash bag.

HC MK cleaned me out at 9, so I took that lonely bag of trash to the hopper and put my vest away.

Outfit:  Maroon plaid shirt, Livin' On A Prayer tee, dark jeggings.

Day 277:

Arrived and was able to chat with Marci for a few mins before she left; our 5 pm rush lasted until 6:30.  Was able to get the pop count done and the trash consolidated before being sent on break.  Mgr T called and said she was trying to find someone to cover my shifts next Mon and Tues.  HC C told me we were hoping to close up shop as close to 9 as possible.

After break, I bagged the trash, swept the floors, and handled customers....then at 8, began the cleaning.  Had everything wiped down by 8:50, and my last customer walked out the door at 9:01.  Locked the doors; HC C cleaned out my drawer, and when Cam brought the hopper back, I went to put up my vest.

Outfit:  Las Vegas tee, dark jeggings.\

Day 278:

Arrived; swapped places with Marci, and had an enjoyable shift:)  Only had two 'oopsies'....Dan V was in, to get insulation.  I thought he was taking it with him, but after ringing him up, he wanted to pick it up later.  So sent him down to CS to fix it.  Turns out VU 'retired' him, so he's bought a house in Decker to fix up and live in.

My 2nd 'oopsie' came at 7pm.  Had a customer who was just approved for a credit card, but her coupon was expired.  Took Aggie three tries to find the coupon, but it didn't take the 20% off.  She called Mgr T while I rang up Nancy's parents.  Turns out it takes the 20% off at THE END.  Good to know.

Also had a customer griping about the price of tools....apparently the one he wanted yesterday was now $50 higher, and the toolbox is sold out.  Customer C also shook his head over the price of lumber, and when I explained I'd gone to Vegas and the price went up when I returned, he said it was MY fault!

"Soo....I should go back to Vegas and see if it reverses itself?"  *wink*

Alexa relieved me at 7:40 for my break, and she was scared; she didn't know how to work the old system and we couldn't get #2 to switch to the new one.  Told her I'd be speedy.

Aggie cleaned me out at 9, and we were clocked out by 9:15!

Day 279:  Hazard Pay and Off To Kokomo!

Good news!  Mgr T called and said she found someone to cover my shifts both Mon and Tues!

I was in a good mood, and things went well.  Was running low on glass cleaner, so only wiped down the register plexiglass.

Outfit:  Colts jersey, white v-neck tunic, faded jeggings

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