Friday, August 7, 2015

Flashback Friday: "I'm A Big Kid Now!"

Aug. 1975
Mom took my sister and I to be registered, W for afternoon kindergarten, me for 4th grade.  While I was thrilled to finally be allowed to check out books from the 'big kid' library again, I was less than thrilled with my teacher assignment.  But I resolved to be good, do well, and best of all, I was awarded the responsibility of caring for my younger sister for two hours after school.

The first day of school, I received a surprise.  We would be changing classes every so often, and were given green 'washtubs' to hold our book and papers as we switched.  The big surprise came when I realized I'd be spending most of my time in Mrs. R's room!  Maybe this would be an okay year, after all?

Next Month:  Sinking To The Bottom of the Pecking Order

Present Day:
I've dealt with severe computer issues this week, after an AWESOME time at the Watermelon Festival, selling five books, which means I broke even for once:)

Floyd Root

I completely sold out of Hotel Stories, and someone even bought one copy of Heart's Last Chance:)

Next event:  Washington Wine and Art Fair, Sept 4th:)

Oh, and did I mention.....

In other news, we're headed up to Indy tomorrow for MDQ and ME's birthdays.  Hard to believe they're 14 and 13!  I should be back in time for karaoke, and plan to sing the following songs:
If I Can't Have You-Yvonne Elliman
Behind These Hazel Eyes-Kelly Clarkson
If You Love Me-Olivia Newton-John
I'll Be-Edwin McCain

Have a great weekend!

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