Thursday, May 23, 2013

2 More Days.....

Currently Reading:  Finished Teen Fury:  Unleashed by Amanda Torrey, and LOVED it!  This is the 2nd time an author has combined fiction and mythology, and now I can hardly wait til I can purchase book #2.  Recommended Read.  Now reading White Chocolate by fellow SCP author Lydia Michaels.

My youngest only has two more days of school; technically only one, because tomorrow is a 'Field Day'.  They'll play games outside and have a picnic lunch, then come inside and watch a movie.

Today is 'tie-up-some-loose-ends' day.  Daughter is graduating tomorrow, so have to whip the house into shape; take her shopping for necessities; and begin preliminary packing for myself, which includes keeping an eye on the weather forecast.

I did go to the T-shirt shop yesterday, and ordered two more tees with the correct website on them.  I'm planning to wear one to the 500 race on Sunday, since the weather's due to be lower 70's.

Really nothing more to say this morning; Kenzie will probably run a contest, and I might even have her on here next week as she gears up for TWO releases two days apart.  So stay tuned!  And tomorrow I'll be flashing back to the 1993 Indy 500.  So see you tomorrow:)

Happy birthday to my BFF!!!!  Hope you have a fantastic day:)

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