Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

And come again another day...

Saw on the news we've had nearly 5 inches of rain the past three days, with more to come today. That's okay; I'll take 5 inches of rain as opposed to 4 feet of snow! And we may get 2-6 inches of that mess starting Saturday...Time to fire up the private jet and head south...

Oh, wait. I don't have a private jet. Or even a fireplace. Guess I'll have to be content standing on my register when the furnace is on!

The good news is, the toddler's last day of school is today, and my other kids get out a week from tomorrow. And hubby is still working! That in itself is a miracle...God is looking out for our finances:) But it doesn't look as if I'll get to do what I want next Wednesday...the person I want most to spend it with has to work. And hubby may actually come home and take me out to dinner...if the weather doesn't throw any curve balls our way! So Erica, if you're reading this, I guess I'll have to put your present in the mail...was hoping to deliver it in person!

Today on the to-do list:
-mini pumpkin loaves
-oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip (didn't make any yesterday)
-take W's teachers their goodies and one to Marlene, my FSW, and 'bribe' her for a job??? Do I really want one? With hubby coming home next week, sure! As long as I can get by with starting at 10, and maybe only putting in a few hours a week? Think she'll go for that? If not, I'll adjust...discovered last night I've passed half of the 'single parent' test. Now can I do it and hold down a full-time job as well? Past history says no, but that was when I was trying to add 'wife' (slave??) to the list of duties...forgive me...this lack of sleep has made me cranky (see Dakota's list of attitude levels!).

Stay warm and dry everyone! AJ, I'll send a few gallons of precip your way for your rain need it more than I do at the moment!


Unknown said...

Yeah, I'll take it or send it over towards the dams

Molly Daniels said...

How about that? It worked! Rain in the morning, and hubby stayed up north!

I guess it's heading your way, AJ:)