Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Friday!

Currently Reading: Thoroughly enjoyed Cindy's Three For All, and I really like the way she tied it to Between a Rock and a Hard On, with the 'update' on Bram and Twyla! Also read Desiree Holt's Teaching Molly, and enjoyed it too. I like the way the emotions ranged from self-deprecating to confident! Now I'm on Cindy K Green's A Night of NovelTea. This one is intriguing:)

There's a party going on today. Why? Kenzie was offered a contract! Click on the link and let her know if she's violated any code of blogging behavior! She's pretty darn excited, and by golly, so am I!

And somewhat jealous; I've been writing (seriously) since 1985, and she's only been at the smut thing for just over a year. Heck, her name's not even a year old yet! But that's okay; my alter ego has worked hard, and last July wrote a fantastic short story that will now be recognized as an official e-book. Go over and congratulate her on a job well done:)

Yes, reality hasn't really set in yet. I will celebrate by insisting on being taken out to dinner this week! I'm craving Mexican again (stop laughing at me, Regina!!).

For a day that started off on the wrong foot, yesterday certainly ended on a high note!


Regina Carlysle said...

Mmmm. Mexican Food! Want to come to Texas and have some of the REAL stuff??? LOL. Awww. You know I'm kiddin' ya hon!

Molly Daniels said...

Never been to Texas, but always wanted to see Dallas and/or Houston:) My so-called 'agent' lived (lives??) in San Angelo, and I'd love to go sift through the confiscated manuscripts and get my other 2 back! Oh...and the rest of my money!