Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Red State, Blue State

Currently Reading: Finished Erotikos, The Spirit of Christmas, and Meeting Mr. Right Online. OMG! You have got to read all three! Erotikos is at Amber Quill, and Cindy Green's books can be found at By Grace Publishing. All three will keep you scrolling, guarrenteed!

Tonight, I'll be rewarding myself with The Violin, by Sarah McNeal. And then I'll be out of reading material again. Maybe I'll get a head start on next week's titles??

Anyone else like the song, 'Red State, Blue State Blues' by Harry Smith?

My state switched our electoral votes last night, but unfortunately we kept our idiot governor in office.

Come Over and Talk to Me!
I'm chatting today over at Coffee Time Romance. The Novel Sisterhood has a month-long forum, and today is one of my days to talk about my series, promo efforts, or whatever anyone else wants to know. Come over and say hi. Here's the link:
http://www.coffeeti meromance. com/board/ index.php

I'll also be dropping by throughout the month, and am chatting again heavily on the 12th. So there's ample time to catch me.

NaNo Word Count for yesterday:
1071. And while at my writer's meeting, I got a brainstorm and wrote two paragraphs on something totally unrelated. I know; I'm nuts. But hey...with my decision not to confuse my flash drive, I let my daughter use the laptop to check in with the election results. Yes, she went with me, and I even bought her ice cream. Okay; to be fair, it was her friend's smoothie. S and A were already at Zander's when I arrived, and S had already bought her own snack. But A wanted to try a smoothie, and being the generous 'adopted' mommy, I paid for it.


Carol Preflatish said...

OMG, I couldn't agree more about our governor. Don't even get me started on him.


Gracen Miller said...

Hi, Molly. I took my son voting with me too. Course it wasn't because I wanted to, he was sick and throwing up the day before. But it was a great learning experience for him.

I'm terrible. I don't have a clue who won the local elections. *hides in shame behind my hands* I was more interested in the presidential election.

BTW, in case you missed it, you were picked as one of the winners of Lisa Hendrix's book, Immortal Warrior!! Please e-mail me your mailing address so I can send the information along to Lisa Hendrix and she can mail you her book!!!

When picked your name, I thought "Molly is lucky lately!" Crossing my fingers that that luck crosses over to your book contract!!!!

Unknown said...

Good luck with NaNo