Today was another one of those rush-rush days.
Overslept due to being at the hospital until 11pm last night.
Decided to go file taxes and realized I'd never calculated the lodging. Took 30 minutes to do so.
Found out I tripled my personal income. Seriously. Last year, made $40; this year, $140. Woo this rate, I'll be independantly wealthy in, oh the year 2065? No comments about my sarcasm...right now I have a reason.
Just got word about my aunt. Does this make any sense? She's lingering. A strange doctor took one look at her, removed the IV, ordered intermuscular (intramuscular??) shots every hour on the hour, and wanted to discharge her and send her back to the nursing home. Where, in the Hippocratic Oath, does it say to cause more pain and suffering? She still has moments of lucidity...I was there last night when she woke up and asked for water! She spoke to me and said she was glad I was there; even squeezed my hand. (I was afraid I had nearly drowned her with the water, but she simply said, 'Damn, that tasted good!' Yes, it's a good thing I'm not a nurse, ha ha!). Right now, her blood relatives are fighting to keep her in the hospital. There's a stay on her until another doctor can evalute her in the morning.
Went to a scrapbooking class. Due to the taxes, I got there as it was breaking up, but as it meets weekly, I'll be there for the whole shebang next week.
Went grocery shopping, and did some stocking up for the snow storm that is due to hit sometime after midnight. We're supposed to get 3-6 inches. The kids are hoping for a delay or even a closure.
Found out my 16-year-old finally has his first official girlfriend.
Finally, my monthly parent meeting. Since nearly everyone chose to stay home due to the weather that was supposed to arrive between 5 and 7 (and is now arriving after midnight!), there were only 6 of us present.
Got home and found a note from hubby to go visit his mom. So I went. And got the Final Jeopardy question right.
The good news? I've got the rest of Kelly's 'little ditties' composed. Ran them by my hubby and he asked if I was going into the Jingle business. Forgive me if I'm not amused...
Sigh. I did win Dakota's contest, and I do have the peace of mind knowing I'm going to get a nice meal on Thursday that I don't have to cook. And I'll also be able to make a huge dent in my TBB list:) Now if I'd only hear about my submission, and from the managers I called last Friday! And with the weather arriving, at least I'll have the time to make my phone calls tomorrow.
Kelly's countdown: (I seem to have appointed myself her personal cheerleader...)
Anyone Hannah Montana fans? (Tune to "Best of Both Worlds")
You've got just 3 more days girl...
It's been long, it's been slow,
Time for Love is the show,
You've got just 3 more days girl...
Put it all together and
Your next one will be coming out soon!
I guess this answers Brynn's question: What do I do when I'm angry? Get sarcastic and compose music parodies...Actually, I also scream, see red, and tend to kick things. It just depends on how mad I get. I have a long fuse, but when I do blow up, watch out; it ain't pretty!
It's been several hours since I read my blogmates' posts, so wander over for yourself and see what they're all up to. I still haven't found today's Eternity clue...but maybe the person hadn't posted it yet? Time for another look-see...
The healthcare system boggles my mind. Maybe your aunt will take matters into her own hands and let go once she talks to everyone she's waiting for.
Maybe I should send you Kelly's Boys are Stupid shirt since she can't wear it at her house. I like your musical tidbits. Oh by the way, Dakota and I are both in the Bound Brits releasing Feb 25. Do we get a joint ditty?
Hmmm...don't know what Hannah Montana sounds like but I'm sure your song sounds really...
I love the ditties and I am ever so flattered to see them. Thank you.
Jingle business... almost sounds profane.
Glad you like far it's the only creative thing to come out of my brain this week...
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