Saturday, February 2, 2008

Getting Ready...

We're having guests over for the Big Game tomorrow, so after my usual Saturday morning 90210 fix, and checking out all my favorite sites and dropping a comment here and there, I finally got dressed.

And found out I have some good news to pass along!

I sent Aphrodite's Apples a polite email, inquiring about the status of my submission, and they very nicely informed me my ms officially made its way to the screener on the 31st, and that I should hear back by the 9th! So keep your fingers and toes crossed, light candles, say prayers, rub the lucky Budda, or whatever, that the news is favorable.

Washed the dishes which had piled up from Friday (I think we used every damn bowel in the cabinet!) and made another pitcher of iced tea. Also tossed some stew meat in the slow cooker with two cans of French Onion soup, and a can of Golden Mushroom. Left to go visit the aunt and the MIL, and watched 2 episodes of Dinner: Impossible and Throwdown with Bobby Flay. Now my hubby wants me to revise my lasagna recipe. Darn Bobby...why is there no scratch and sniff TV? Okay...that would be a bad idea. The nursing home would have to disinfect the room after I finished drooling...

Anyway, don't know when we're going shopping for the stuff we need for tomorrow. If we don't go tonight, then no White Russians for me...I'll have to gently prod hubby into taking me shopping after dinner. The kids can clean up; they've had 2 days off from KP duty!

Along with the beef, I'm fixing rice and some kind of vegetable. Probably either carrots or green beans. Haven't decided yet. And darn it...I forgot to put out a loaf of bread dough...was going to fix this yesterday, but forgot, so we had leftovers. Although...I could go ahead and set it'll be ready before bedtime, ha ha! Nothing more wonderful for breakfast than a couple of slices of homemade bread slathered in butter and rewarmed in the microwave! (See, AJ? I'm a microwave queen too! to understand the comment, lol!)

Had a great time on the promo chat, Fallen Angels Review, with AJ, Kelly, Anny, Dakota, Brynn, Bron, and Cindy last night. Keeping up with everyone was rough; I've either got to learn to read faster or increase my typing speed! Of course, maybe not get so long-winded in my posts, either? But hey...when you love an excerpt, a simple 'WOW' just doesn't do it justice...If my #3 ever makes it to the actual published stage, I'm going to have to have a contest of my own, to come up with a killer title for #4. Right now, 'Control Me Not' is flying around the brain...but is it catchy enough for a romance novel? More on this later.

Okay. Time to say goodbye to Emmaline, Zoltan, Queen Z (yeah, I know...she perished a couple of months ago, but still...), Rinalda, Jonas, Pete, and whoever had cameos in the Blogga Saga. Go read the final installment on And then pop over to Kelly's site and ogle the necklace she's giving away. Wow...I may have to enter now... for details.

Go Giants!


Unknown said...

Making bread? That also seems wrong - why do we have people employed as bakers?

Phoenix said...

The FAR chat was definitely fun. There's a whole CP week at REO starting today where a bunch of the EC/CP people will be chatting and posting. Posting mostly.

Sommer Marsden said...

I will be thinking good thoughts for you and your manuscript! :)

Molly Daniels said...

Thanks, Sommer! REO, Kell? And AJ, there's nothing like fresh, homemade bread, whether the dough is store bought, machine-made, or from scratch! I like the frozen dough. There's no place to set up my breadmaker in this house!