Sunday, July 30, 2017

Nomination Night! #BB19

Brief Recap:
Paul won HOH and Jess revealed she and Cody would be 'safe' the next three weeks.  Whaaaa-aat?

Tempted Again!
Jason, Alex, Mark, and Matt opted to play in the Temptation Competition.  Rules are as follows:
-Anyone except HOH may play.
-If only one plays, s/he is safe for the week.
-If multiples play, the person coming in 1st place is safe.
-Last player goes up as 3rd Nomination.
-As in the case of Week #2, if the 3rd Nom wins POV, noms stay the same.

Jason completely loses it, with a time of 3.5 mins.
Alex puts up a time of 1.5 mins.
Mark wins with 1.18 mins.
Matt tries, but scores 2.5 mins.

Therefore, Mark is safe, and Jason is 3rd nominee.

Calling Their Bluff
Paul nominates both Cody and Jess for eviction, fully expecting a protest/pendant/some sign 'Jody' is safe.  Thoroughly confused, Paul sets a Plan B in motion, but since Mark is safe, the only other person he'd like to put up would be Elena. Needing a Plan C, Matt decides to be a pawn.

SO......if Cody wins POV and takes himself off the block, Jess can use the hex to save herself.  Elena and Matt go up; Elena goes home.

If Jess wins POV and takes herself off, she can then use the hex to pull Cody down.  Matt and Elena go up; Elena goes home.

If JASON wins, and Jess can only use the hex to save herself OR Cody, Elena goes up.  Half of 'Jody' goes home.

Will someone talk to Paul about Kevin and his leaky mouth?

Until Wed.....

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