Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Currently Reading: Kelly sent me Marriage Mart! Surprise, surprise...I was planning on getting it May 1st, when I finally get to meet her! I opened up my Christmas pistachio nuts and settled down to read, but the TV became available. Basketball....e-book. Sorry Kell...the Purdue game won the battle. I shall now be forced to eat more pistachioes tomorrow, when Purdue takes on Xavier, ha ha:) No, seriously. I'll read it this afternoon, when all TVs are occupied.

And it is good in more ways than one. My kids have no school, so we slept in. What is 'sleeping in' for me? Seven-thirty. I know, shocking. Normally, I would have slept until nine or so. Especially since I went to bed shortly after midnight!


Here are my picks for today's games:

N Carolina-WON! 113-74:)
St. Joe's-Lost:(
Louisville-WON! 79-61:)
Butler-WON! 81-61:)
Tennessee-WON! 72-57:)
Villanova-WON! 75-69:)
Georgetown-WON! 66-47:)
Memphis-WON! 87-63:)
Miami (Fla)-WON! 78-64:)
Texas-WON! 74-54:)
W Kentucky-WON! 101-99 OT:)

Hmmm...not bad! 10 out of 16 today:)

Yesterday, I picked 13 out of 16. Hubby says he's going to start betting! But knowing my luck, he'd actually bet money and I'd miss every single one, LOL:) That's why I bet meals.

Easter Memory

When I was 12, the Easter Bunny gave my sister and I hula hoops. Mine was blue; hers was red. After we'd dressed for church in our new dresses, we decided to try out our new hoops. The morning was a rare warm snow, but we did have to wear light jackets. My dress was lavendar, and the skirt reached to my ankles.

Well, imagine the horror on my mother's face when she called to us to take a picture and I was running up and down the street, chasing my blue hula hoop and doing a fairly good job of keeping it upright!

The picture shows me in the street, the hem of my dress slightly wet, holding my hoop steady. My younger sister is in the foreground, her pink jacket gaping open as she holds her hoop around her middle, her white stockings and shoes slightly wet from the dew on the grass.

Mom was none too thrilled with either of us, but since I was the oldest, I 'should have known better'!

Ahh, memories! Tomorrow, the 'Shopping Trip From Hell'.

Have a great day...we're doing a quick cleanup, and then dying eggs for the toddler! Or maybe we'll dye the eggs tomorrow...depends on the motivation of the other 4 people in the house. And whether or not I get to watch basketball all day...


Unknown said...

I just started reading Donna Grant's Prince of Love published by TEB.

When I was a kid, we spent Easter lunch with my dad's family. My cousin Denny and I loved grandma's macaroni and cheese and her cheery pie. She picked the cherries from her own tree. I helped her pick cherries several times. I loved doing that with Grandma.

Then we spent Easter dinner with my mom's family. I used to play with my second cousins who were closer to my age than my first cousins who were ten years and more older than me. We usually got relegated to a kids table which I hated. We'd go outside if the weather was nice and try to catch some of the wild cats that lived under her house. Or we'd play at Grandpa's picnic grove on the other side of his lake.

Molly Daniels said...

Not doing as well's 10:44 and I'm 7 out of 12 so far...

Hi Ashley:)

Anonymous said...


I had forgotten about the hula hoops! Your memory is remarkable. Happy Easter!


Molly Daniels said...

Wendy! Glad you stopped by!

Not bad...picked 10 out of 16:)