Saturday, August 23, 2008

"How Many Chips Did I Eat, Anyway?"

First of all, a huge Happy Birthday to my favorite niece! She is now the big 3! To be fair, her birthday was actually Tuesday, but the party's today. She's having a 'pink' party, and it's being held at Great-Grandma's cabin on the beach up in Vancouver. She's asked me twice if I could come, but honey, it's a long way for Aunt Molly. I'll see you again sometime:)

I was craving chicken fajita nachos last night, so we ate dinner at the local Mexican restaurant. I not only scarfed down my nachos, but I also brought home the leftover chips on the table. After I finiished eating all my chips, and finally satisfied, I settled on the porch swing with my hubby to enjoy the night air.

Ten minutes later, his end of the porch swing collapsed! Neither of us were hurt, and I cracked, "That's what happens when you get frisky on the front porch!"

He said he'd blame it on me, not wanting to stay on my own side of the swing! So today, they are off to get a new hook for the swing.

'Sunday, Monday, Happy Days..."
I had completely forgotten I'd also DVR'd the morning news this week, and I found a Happy Day's Reunion! The Fonze has had a statue erected in Milwalkee, Wisconsin, and almost all the cast members showed up, save for Ritchie, Al, Arnold, and Chatchi. Anson Williams (Potsi) and Erin Moran (Joanie) still look the same! Potsi was my personal favorite; yes, I loved the Fonze, but in later years, it was Potsi I wanted to meet, to have him sing to me.

BIAW Goals
Not doing a whole lot; I managed to re-write the synposis of Forbidden Love, and I've written about a page on something totally new. Wrote two and a half pages yesterday, so I'm a third of the way to my goal for today.

I'm also doing Lundry Goddess duties, of which two loads are already finished. Molly's really kicking everything into high gear today!

Olympic Coverage
Does anyone else find it disturbing that the divers are shown in the shower while they await their scores? I'm just waiting for one to forget about the camera and remove their suit or 'adjust' something. I swear I've already seen some crotch-grabbing during the men's synchronized springboard.

Didn't watch last night, as I was working on my wip!

Have a good weekend:)


anny cook said...

The showers are out in the open. Everyone can see them. There was a recent article written about the showers... they're there to keep the swimmers warm between dives, etc.

Molly Daniels said...

I wish we would have had a hot tub when I was on the swim team:)