Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's Finally Here!

Currently Reading: I mentioned yesterday I'd finished Eclipse and loved it! Now I'm waiting for S to finish reading Breaking Dawn. She's got about 150 pages left. I settled down yesterday with Dakota's To Hate and To Hold, and I gotta say...she paints a better picture of vamps than Stephenie does. In Twilight, the vamps are cold, don't sleep or eat, and I have to wonder what the attraction is. Dakota's vamps are warm, and as a person who can't stand it when the temperature drops below sixty, I can't fathom holding someone close who doesn't warm me up! So in that regard, I'll take Dakota's vamps over Edward...though I love the storyline and the relationship between he and Bella! But if I were in that town, I'd take Jacob over Edward. Not going to give anything away; let's just say his body heat is more to my liking!

Also finished To Catch a Casanova by Erica Scott, and it was...interesting. I wasn't expecting a certain scene, and it sort of repelled me, but as everything turned out well in the end, I was satisfied. Next up is a pair by Ashley Ladd, Liquid Heat and Submissive Dreams. And I'm also reading Lori Foster's Scandalous, which has two stories in it. I finished Scandalized last night and am now on Sex Appeal.

Every morning this past week, W has woken up with one Very Important Question on his young mind...

"Mommy? Am I five yet?"

"Not yet. Sunday."

"Is tomorrow Sunday?"

This morning, when he called out, I pounced on him and spanked him lightly, five times with one to grow on. A pretend pinch, a genuine kiss, and a round of 'Happy Birthday' had him squirming.

"That tickles! Is today my birthday?"

I checked the clock. 8:30.

"You've been five now for 5 hours!"

First on the agenda is a huge breakfast of eggs, bacon, and sausage, followed by church, a trip to see his Grandma Jeanne, and then a trip north to have a late lunch with his Grandma Sally and Grandpa Mike. When we arrive home tonight, his friend I and her family will be coming over for ice cream and cake, and he'll open his presents from us. I don't dare give them to him before church; he'll want to stay home and play with the 'big' one, and it's just not that portable!

Great Day Yesterday!
I sold two books; nearly had a third sold, but the woman didn't come back. She did take my card with her, so maybe she'll order it later? And it was soooooo nice to hear kids say, "Oh yeah, I saw your poster at my dorm/classroom/library!"

Proof that promotion does sometimes work, hehehehe...

It was also great to see eyes light up when I explained the concept of the e-book. Several students said the computer is where they spend the majority of their time anyway. Some even signed up for my newsletter.

This coming week should be a lot slower than last week, and I should be able to do more work on my edits. Sadly, I was only able to do a whopping seven pages. If I do a chapter a day, I'll have the thing knocked out by Friday:)

Instead of traveling north yesterday, D took the boys SOUTH to the BSA store. K was able to get his uniform pants, socks, and a new belt. They also stopped at Home Depot to walk around, and finished with a late lunch at a Chinese Buffet. I teased them about not stopping at Gander Mountain, and was told they thought about it, but resisted temptation!

Hopefully, I'll have pictures to share tomorrow. Have a great day:)


Sandra Cox said...

Happy BDay, W:)

Anny Cook said...

Happy Birthday to the big boy, W!!!