Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W33

 Day 136: Chilly, low 60s

Arrived and took over for Ivree.  Was fairly steady until 7, then was able to do the prelim duties.  Had to seriously bite my tongue when a man wearing an "H-W" political tee came through; I said something snarky to the next customer after the man was out of earshot, but can't remember what I said!  Had another customer hand me his $405 one bill at a time, so my sense of humor kicked in, and handed back his change, one bill at a time (he's a regular, ha ha!)! HC Kay sent me to break at 7:30, and when I returned, pulled trash, then helped Trevor ring up a customer with 5 carts! Swept the area, and helped a Pro customer save $$ by running his order through VSP, which he didn't know he was eligible for.  I said, "This is when you say 'thank you Molly'.....he grinned and did so. When I locked the doors later, I discovered he'd left his grout behind. Pulled it inside and stuck a note on it....just as HC Kay called me and asked about it.  After Loader Joe took my trash and brought in the concrete, and HC Kay cleaned me out, I returned items to Tools and Flooring, then put up my vest and took the cart full of grout up front, stashing it in the Fulfillment area.  Clocked out at 10:30.

We're also playing Front End Bingo, but it has to be cover all.  *blows raspberry* I've already got one across, but don't think I'll EVER get the Cover All. I did complete all 3 crosswords, with HC Kay's help.  Think I get a Starbucks coffee, but since I don't like it cold, I'll snag a candy bar.

We also received a small lunch box with a soup or coffee mug, charging bank, keychain, and socks.

Outfit:  Bless This Mess sweatshirt, new faded jeggings, large zirconians

Day 137:

Day 138:

Monday, October 14, 2024

BB26: Week 12 and Finale

 HOH Comp: Chelsie gets 4 answers correct, Rubina 2, and Cam 1.

Chelsie wins!  Nominates Mack and Cam


Rubina is eliminated 1st, followed by Chelsie.  Mack wins!!!!


Mack evicts Rubina.

Julie, not a fan of those shoes with that outfit.  Just sayin'.....

HOH Comp #1:  Endurance Comp

Mack falls first, followed by Cam, ten mins later:)  Chelsie wins Pt 1:)

Pt 2:  Cam vs Mack

Mack wins!!!!!

Jury Roundtable:  Taylor...ugh.

Pt 3:  Mack vs Chelsie

Mack wins!!!!!!  Takes Chelsie to the end with her:)  Bye-bye Cam!

Jury Interrogation/Vote:

The winner of BB2024 is........

                         Chelsie!!!!!   7-0

America's Favorite:  


And....Jankie was rebooted?!?!?!?

Monday, October 7, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W32

 Day 130: Cool, low 70s

Arrived; paid D's cc bill, then took over for Kem. Was fairly steady until 6:30, then began the prelim duties. HC Kay sent me to lunch at 7; returned and started the closing duties. Final customer left at 9:15. Was able to give Brianna her free book, and sold a sample chapter book to Gil. Closed and locked the doors at 10, then ASM Alex brought in the concrete; HC Kay cleaned me out. Took the trash to the hopper and returned items to Plumbing, Appliances, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:25.

Also managed to do my AP4Me and LU, AND reinstate my crappy medical insurance.

Outfit:  Black Dog USA tee; new faded jeggings, diamond flower studs

Off tomorrow for drs appt!

Day 131:  Warm, mid 70s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Was busy until 6:30, then was able to do the prelim duties. Jared sent me to lunch at 6:45; returned and checked out a few customers, then did my LU, my ADA and Credit Card training. Final customer was at 8:30; pulled trash and swept; mucked the mats; sanitized the registers and coffee bar. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash; HC Austin cleaned me out. Returned items to Fashion Bath, RTM, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Gray USA tee; new faded jeggings; dangly r/w/b stars, and the 'I Voted' sticker.

Day 132: Warmer, low 80s

Due to laundry, was slightly late to work (clocked in at 3:01). Was busy until 7; spent the majority telling people the difference between the MLRCC and the MYRLOYALTY program.....I seriously want to bash someone over the head for calling both the CC and the Loyalty program THE SAME NAME!  "But I've got MLR..." (holds up the CC).  "Yes, but do you have the LOYALTY program, where you earn points and get $$ back?"  "Oh, I don't want to mess with that."  "Then you don't qualify for the special sales this week."  "Well that's stupid."

I agree.  By the time HC Shel sent me to lunch, I was sooooooo over people not 'getting' it, I wanted a drink!

Things calmed down after lunch, and was able to get the closing duties and my LU done. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Con brought in the concrete and took my trash; HC Shel cleaned me out; I returned items to Plumbing, Electrical, Tools, Lights, and ISLG. Clocked out at 10:30.

Saw Tasha, former front end ASM.

Outfit:  Gray Purdue tee, new faded jeggings, black danglies

Day 133: Warm, 81

Arrived to find things definitely slower. Was steady until 5, then things dropped off. Did my LU and prelim duties, then HC Shel sent me to lunch at 5:30. Returned and swept the area, and generally goofed off between customers, lol. HC Austin sent me to my 2nd break at 8:30, and at 9, pulled trash. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash. HC Austin cleaned me out; put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black blouse, Halloween denim shirt, new faded jeggings, Halloween Hearts

Day 134:   Rare Sat Low 80s

Arrived to discover I was 30 mins early; did my LU and ate a slice of Brent's banana bread. Took over for Dawson; first customer paid with $100 and cleaned Reg #1 of $1s, 5s, and 10s.  Hopped over to #2 until nearly 7:30, when HC Austin could bring the $$!  Things were slow. Did the prelim duties; HC Austin sent me to break at 8:10; returned and pulled trash, sanitized the coffee bar, and swept a little. Final customer left at 9:30, then we had some hilarity.

Former HC Shelby arrived to say hi; her b/f Nick and ASM Alex walk in. Nick flipped up her shirt; Shel's not wearing a bra and yelps. Alex and I burst into laughter! Finally, everyone calmed down. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Jeff brought in the concrete and took the trash; HC Austin cleaned me out. Returned items to Plumbing, Tools, Paint, Clothing, Flooring, and Fashion Bath. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Orange Halloween shirt, new faded jeggings, skeletons

Day 135:  Rare Sun Mid-70s

Arrived and took over for Marilyn, and had an issue with a delivery order. Saved it, in order to get through the line, and called HC Kay down to help. Then things died down for 90 mins....then picked up again and stayed steady until close.  I was able to get the closing duties finished, and had to shoo my last customer out of the store when we closed, and told another pair we were already closed. After HC Austin cleaned me out, I locked all the doors, took my trash to the hopper, and returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Paint. Clocked out at 8:30.

Outfit:  Blue Colts Jersey, new faded jeggings, silver chains

Friday, October 4, 2024

BB26: Week 11

 HOH: Constructing a tiny key card

Mackensy wins!!!!!

Puts up Kimo and Rubina.

POV:  BB Comics!!

Kimo:  30:27

Mack:  13:51 WINNER! Smart move, finding the differences 1st, then the order.

Mack decides to NOT use it on Rubina and put up Cam, even though she's furious at him for not doing anything all season.

Jury House:  Quinn, TK, Leah, and Angela

Leah (chubby-chaser) confesses to have a crush on Quinn!


Kimo is evicted 2-0

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W31

 Day 129: Sunny, 70s

Arrived and took over for Marilyn.  Was busy for an hour, then did the prelim duties, my AP4Me, and LU. Printed off my October schedule and the sneak peeks of Mandela Effect. Swept, then HC Kay sent me to break. Returned and pulled trash. Final customers left at 9:30. Sanitized the counters and the coffee bar. After HC Kay cleaned me out at 10, locked the doors. Loader Con brought in the concrete and took the trash. Returned items to Electrical and tools, then put up my vest. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Red LU tee, new faded jeggings, small gold hoops.

Only worked one day this week, due to cutting hours, and the fact I'm taking off Friday to work the First Friday Art Walk.  Was supposed to be involved in a vendor fair this weekend, but the organizer never got back to me.  Which is fine; I found out I can tour the Toyota Plant and see where my child works:)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October Goals

I wasn't very productive last month, but I DID finish one book and have added words to another:)

-Lose 5 pounds (238) Crap....gained 5.

-Clean out storage Nope

-Take pics for tax hearing Check:)

-Finish writing Mandala Effect Check:)

-Add words to Heart Song Check!

-Have an enjoyable class reunion Check!

-Watch SE 10 of 2.5 Men Almost; have reached Ep 17.

-Watch SE 1 of Love Boat Think I've made it to Ep 9?

-Watch BB26 Only 2 weeks and Final 5 left!

-Order copies of Whispers (6), Beach (5), River (5), Holidays (20), and Mixed Bag (5) $164 Check!

-Work enough hours to continue paying off CC and med bills Got a raise!  Whoot!

-Fix MBA Still waiting....

-Cut carpet out of S's room Not yet....

-Upload digital copies to Patreon Nope

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) Nope

-Read more in evenings Check!

Books Read:  7

            Print:  5

        E-book:  2

             DNF: 0

Karaoke Songs Added:  10

2024 Events:

October 4th:  First Friday Art Walk, 5-9 Main St

October 19-20th:  MHS 40th Reunion

October 25th:  Halloween Stroll, Creative Market Pop Up Shop, 5-8pm

November 6-9th:  Indpls Christmas Gift And Hobby Show

December 4-5th:  GSH Vendor Fair

December 6-7th:  Kringle Market

2025 Events:

July 20-22nd:  Imaginarium, Louisville, Ky (Pd 9/12)

2026 Events:

April 11th:  Dreaming Dirty In Michigan Pd $60; still owe $120

October Goals:

-Lose 5 pounds (243)

-Clean out storage

-Do well at First Friday Art Walk Sold 3:)

-Get clean bill of health Oct 8th Check:)  Note To Self:  Don't skip thyroid meds until after next blood draw early Dec

-Have an enjoyable MHS Reunion

-Do well at Pumpkin Stroll/Pop Up Creative Market

-Add words to Heart Song

-Watch SE 10 of 2.5 Men Check!  Now on SE11

-Watch SE 1 of Love Boat

-Watch BB26

 -Order 10 more Mandela Effect

-Work enough hours to continue paying off CC and med bills

-Fix MBA

-Cut carpet out of S's room

-Upload digital copies to Patreon ...

-Convert 2 VHS to DVD ($44) 

-Read more in evenings

September Reading Schedule

The Queen-Andrew Morton
Hearts Don't Lie-Sutton Bishop DRR!!!  Really loved this 2nd chance story!  Cried at the end.
Transient Pulse-Laura Juntunen DNF.  After the 6th chapter, I realized it wasn't holding my attention.
The Choice-Anne Greene
A Soldier Finds Grace-Katherine St. Clair
Letters In The Attic-Meredith Lindsey
Memories of Moscow-Harold Lipman
Becoming-Michelle Obama
A Royal Duty-Paul Burrell
A Fantastic Ride-Bob Rohrman
Redemption of the Duke-Gayle Callen
Wildwood Creek-Lisa Wingate
Stitched With Love-Cathy Marie Hake, et al
A Wild Yearning-Penelope Williamson
The Husband List-Janet Evanovich
Delusion In Death-JD Robb
New York To Dallas-JD Robb
Special Circumstances-Sheldon Siegel
Split Second-Catherine Coulter
Romancing Miss Bronte-Juliet Gael
Live Wire-Lora Leigh
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn-Betty Smith
Shores-Tiare H Johnston
Older But Wilder-Elfie Leland Wilder
Killers of the Flower Moon-David Graham
Burr-Gore Vidal
Sex and Vanity-Kevin Kwan
The Neopolitan Sisters-Margo Candela
I Am Sheffrou-Cami Michaels
Letters To Matthew-Amy Leigh McCorkle
Get Jiro-Anthony Bourdain
All Hail The Queen of the Freaks-T Harriman
The Vermin Sleep-James M Watjen
Louise Penney book
A Quiet Strength-Janette Oke
Valley of the Shaman-Arlen Andrews
Joyful Poems For Children-James Whitcomb Riley
I Heard God Laugh-Matthew Kelly
Life Is Messy-Matthew Kelly
Franklin and Eleanor

Because You're Mine-Claire Contreas Good story; slightly too long
Christmas Bargain-Spice Cute story:)
Lynxed-Brynn Paulin
Loving Layla-Brynn Paulin
Come Undone-Jessica Hawkins
Royal-Emily Silver
Closer Home-Kerry Anne King
Pine Grove Sampler-Jean Joachim
Meet Me In Fantasyland-Mary Martinez
Secret Identity-Ava Cuvey, et al
Help Me Remember-Corinne Michaels (Want to get)

Karaoke Songs:
10/3 Brower's B-Day
Head Over Heels-The Go-Gos Not too bad
Borderline-Madonna Good:)
Desert Moon-Dennis DeYoung Forgot to put it on written list
The Warrior-Scandal Always fun to sing:)
Let's Hear It For The Boy-Deniece Williams B appreciated it:)
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around-Petty/Nicks Sang this with Kenny D, and though he dropped his part a bit, we had fun with it:)
Close My Eyes-Ozzy/Lita B and Janie sang it, so he and I did Bring Me To Life and nailed it:)
Holding Out For A Hero-Bonnie Tyler Nailed this one!

The Long Run-The Eagles Good:)
Shop Around-Captain and Tenille Nailed it, including the attitude, lol:)
Should Have Known Better-Richard Marx Not too bad:)
Could Have Been-Tiffany Did well!  Only blew one line at end.
Desert Moon-Dennis DeYoung Nailed it:)

The Longest Time-Billy Joel
Shout-Tears For Fears
Broken-Rachael Bawn

Sunday, September 29, 2024

BB26: Week 10:

 HOH Comp:  Candy Stacking

Rubina: 25

Makensy: 30 wins!!! 

Angela:  20

Mack puts up Kimo and Angela:)

POV:   Mack, Kimo, Angela, Cam, Leah, and Chelsie

Also on the line:  Watching the movie The Wild Robot:)

Translate The Animals' Language!

Top 3:

Leah:  Came in 2nd

Mack:  9:12 WINS!!  Picks Kimo, Cam, and Rubina!  Chelsie is NOT happy at being left out with Angela and Leah,

Chelsie:  35:23

Veto Meeting:

Mack uses it on Kimo; puts up Leah next to Angela.  Whoot!!!!  I reeeeeaaaallly hope Angela is evicted!!!  I am SO tired of her tears, paranoia, etc.

Julie appears as an avatar and warns everyone Ainsley has 'evolved' and everyone is in 'grave danger'.....foreshadowing the double eviction???

Double Eviction Night!

Eviction #1:

Leah is evicted 4-0

HOH:  Chelsie wins between the tie-breaker with Angela:)

Chelsie nominates Angela and Kimo.

POV:  Chelsie, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Rubina, and Mack

Kimo wins and takes himself off the block; Chelsie puts up Rubina

Eviction #2:

Angela is evicted, 3-0  YAY!!!!!!!!!

1) Get the hell out of the house....

2) Shut the f**k up.....

3) Sit the f**k down.....

4) Quit crying!