Monday, March 10, 2025

From The Stupid Files: Y7, W3

Day 7: Warmer, sunny, high 60s; 112 t/a

ASM:  Alex, Shannon

HC:  Austin

Loader:  Jax

1) Pro Jer was arrested over the weekend, for supposed theft. We were too busy to quietly question anyone.

2) Holly noticed my vest and told me she'd get me a new one, then informed me we're no longer carrying the Pro one.  :(  I tucked my old one in my purse to bring home.

3) SM Matt arrived as I was ringing up a complicated order; told Ian to call for a Code 3.  Matt arrived; rang up 2 customers before the line ended.

4) Loader Joe called in, leaving me alone with Jax.

5) Jax went to lunch, and needed both a loader and a forklift driver.  Brent helped with both.

6) Customer arrived with 4 bolts/nuts/washers, and had no idea what dimensions or even what they were.  *eye roll*

7) When I returned from lunch (9pm), customer had large order and 2 items for delivery, plus a phone order.  Took me 30 mins to get him rung up, and did manage to get the closing duties done by 10.

Outfit:  Blue sparkly shirt, dark jeggings, blue sapphire hoops

Off tomorrow; getting taxes done.

Day 8:

Day 9:

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