Tuesday, January 8, 2013

And The Winners Are.....(Drum Roll Please)....

Currently Reading:  Finished Just Breathe by Susan Wiggs.  Enjoyed it, but it dragged in spots.  And I wasn't thrilled with how the arsonist was revealed.  But maybe that's just me.  I'm on Charm School now and really enjoying the first few chapters!

E-book:  Still on Love Lost and Found by Jean Joachim and Ben Tanner.  I'm enjoying the pacing of this story!

Laura T and Stacey P!!!

Congrats!  Your gifts are on their way:)  Thanks for cruising with us on the SS MJ Daniels....(aren't you glad you weren't on the Minnow?  LOL!)

On second thought, being shipwrecked on St. Maartin's Island wouldn't be so bad right now.  There is still snow on the ground and the temperature has been in the single digits every morning.

Kenzie posted her goals for the year; what about mine?  Well, since we share a brain and body, pretty much the same, with a few exceptions:

-Figure out how to balance my wife/Mommy duties, the grandmother duties, and the writing job.  According to my family, I'm severely dropping the ball when it comes to the wife/Mommy duty.  It's true that since the SU retired, he watches TV and I thought I was being respectful by not barging in on him every Monday to dust and vacuum.  But he sees it differently.

"There's nothing I'm watching that can''t be interrupted.  If you want to clean, go ahead.  I'll even help you."

-I'm determined to increase my sales somehow.  Spending more time networking online?  More contests?  Or more signings?  It would help if my book were to arrive in print soon.

-I also want to attend more conferences.  RT in May (a definite, according to the SU!); Lori's in June (3 hour drive); and maybe even RomantiCon (October) or even RomFest (held in Gatlinburg, another of my favorite vacations spots!).

-Self-edit Book #7 and get it subbed, so it can arrive next fall, and write/self-edit/submit #8; begin writing #9.

And on a personal note....
-Move us into a better home
-Convince the daughter to get rid of the dead weight in her life
-Encourage College Kid to return to school (currently, he's sitting out a semester to work)
-Help the youngling be ready for 3rd grade

Is that asking too much?

1 comment:

Yüz Germe said...

Thank you,
The given information is very effective.
I'l keep update with the same.
Yüz Germe