Friday, December 14, 2018

Flashback Friday: Finals!

December 1988:
I think DB had his mom bring me a dozen roses (I could be confusing this with Valentine's Day??).  I finished up my finals; ended up spending my entire Christmas vacation with DB, and his mom got me a beautiful mint green bathrobe.  I think I did go home Christmas Day.

At the country club, I managed to get both my boyfriend and my best friend to my Staff Christmas party:  I said DB was another girl's 'date', and E was my 'dancing partner'.  The three of us had a ball, and my boss, Mr. G, got drunk and was running around with someone's falsie and holding it up to all the women, asking 'is this yours?'

Nowadays, that would be construed as harrassment and grounds for a nice fat lawsuit.  Same with the busboy's behavior when I hired in.

I don't remember how many drinks I had that night, but I'm eternally grateful that I wasn't pulled over for a DUI....when I drove the three of us back to DB's house, I stopped on a green light and drove through a red one, prompting fits of hilarity.

"New concept:  Stop on the Green Light!"

I never got sick, but I did have a slight headache the next morning.

I was tapped to work the New Year's Eve ball, and proved to be a good cocktail waitress, though I did get one of the members seriously drunk.  Again. I'm thankful the laws which changed a few years later were NOT in effect at the time!

Next Month:  Happy New Year!  I Break It Off With DB.

Present Day:
My mom went to the hospital last weekend.  On Sat, they simply gave her a shot of morphine and sent her home.  Sunday, they thought she had a herniated disc.  Monday, they thought she'd fractured her hip, but that and the disc issue were soon proven wrong.  Dad said she was adamant about not having a doppler test for blood clots in her left leg, but he was trying to talk her into having it anyway.  When I called on Mon, she was alert.   When I spoke to Dad, he said he was concerned, since she was saying she had internal bleeding (no) and sepsis (again, no).

Tuesday, I called her and she seemed slurry and confused.  She spoke to me about possibly being moved to a rehab facility, but when I asked her to clarify later, she denied it.  Dad called later that evening and confirmed that they WERE looking into moving her to a rehab facility.

Wednesday, my sister called and said Mom was doing much better!  I called later that evening and found out that Mom's coumidin level had gotten out of whack, it caused inflammation in her liver and intramuscular bleeding.  She was finally able to use the restroom on her own, and is feeling almost like herself again:)  When I spoke to Dad Thursday morning, he said there was no need for me to come up and stay, unless I just wanted to.  Given the fact that choir is singing on Sunday; I have a writers meeting/combo birthday party on Tues, and MY birthday on Wed, I think the family may go up for a day visit.  We'll see how everything goes.

While all this is going on, Dad is also having the main bathroom remodeled, so there is a walk-in shower, so Mom can take a shower.  It should have been completed yesterday.

I went to the Old Chicago Pizza with my CHRP group and we had a nice dinner, plus played 'Nasty Santa', where we could 'steal' each other's gifts.  I held onto a bottle of wine until the last round, and ended up with a pink drink bottle.  I should have taken Kathy's bottle of wine!

Also, Monday a bunch a shingles fell off our roof.  We called a roofing company for an estimate, and after inspection, there are 5 layers of roofing material on our 1890 house!  So guess what the spouse and I will be giving each other for Christmas?  I got a couch and he's getting a new roof, ha ha!  We had hoped the roof could wait 6 more months, but oops, no.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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