Thursday, January 10, 2008

And the Waiting Begins...

Currently reading: The Exorcist, by William Peter Blatty. What a book to pick up at 10pm last night...I believe I'll only read this during the day! And I had no desire to see the movie...
E-Book: With the craziness around here, I haven't bought one this week...yet. Keep checking back; I'll get one!

I finally sent my manuscript off into the big bad world...and what a trial it's been so far!

First, I sat down to go through it, line by line, to make sure no errors existed. And promptly got a call to come pick up my toddler from school. I won't go into details, but let's just say myself and several other moms had to immediately switch to 'operation fumugation' mode.

Secondly, during this period, I was doing massive amounts of laundry, and was up until 4 am. I was also able to make it to page 51 and was pretty happy with the changes thus far.

Wednesday, I sat down again, only to discover that my disk had apparently crashed, and my five hours of hard work was now lost in cyberspace, or roaming around somewhere on my hard drive. I still haven't found it, but received a pop-up from WORD that it's in there. This pop-up occured after I had already made another copy on another disk and was now on page 102. Was not going to stop to retrieve the old data; I'll do it later.

Today, I finished the final 20 pages; did some minor research on the NASCAR site, to make sure my facts were straight; spell-checked again thoroughly; and sent it off. And just a few moments ago, realized I had not saved the spell-check changes before I sent it off! But the good news, they were minor. One double word; a couple of extra spaces between words; others the dictionary didn't recognize. So I think I'm okay.

And now I wait.

During this process, I realized something: I have a tendancy to use 'and then', 'so', and I've apparently forgotten to capitalize 'she' or 'he' after the quotation marks! Since I've only had to edit my work previously five years apart, the brain had forgotten about that little problem. But six months, yeah, I remembered having the same issues with Love Finds a Way!

And my mother will be pleased when she learns my use of the "F" word is continuing to only appears 3 times in Forbidden Love:) Contrast that with 4 times in LFAW and profusely throughout LIS...a couple of my blogmates are probably laughing about now...haven't counted the number of times it's used in Love the Second Time Around, and I'm thinking seriously of changing that title. More on this later. One step, or in this case, manuscript at a time!

A big 'Thank You" to my hubby, who has been patient with me this week, only seeing the back of my head for most of the day:)

Oh, and did I mention my son now has his driver's license? Today was the first day he drove to school by himself. Thank God I was still asleep when he left, with his dad's blessings...but it's 3:38 and he's not home from school yet. Yeah, Mom's a little anxious...

The crazy serial blog is back! New year, new problems for Emmaline, and it's got more than one of us scratching our heads in puzzlement. Go check out and see what I'm talking about! Brynn's managed to crawl out of her computer and post, but she didn't post the 80's movies...maybe she'll do it tomorrow? Visit her at And please leave Dakota a comment at ; she's thinking we're off having a party without her. As if we'd do that...


Unknown said...

Good luck with the submission

Carol Preflatish said...

Best of luck with your manuscript, Molly. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Oh, and I've been there with the teenage driver and I have the gray hairs to prove it.


Bronwyn Green said...

Let us know how the submission goes!

Molly Daniels said...

So far, I've had an email thanking me for sending the manuscript, and it is on its way to a screener. When it gets back to the E-I-C, she'll let me know:)

Anny Cook said...

Good luck!