Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W27

Day 113:  Sunny, low 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice, whom Jeremy told me had put in her 2 week notice.  ASM SCh MAY offer that shift to me again, but 1) I'd have to be at work by 8am; 2) I wouldn't have the freedom or the counter space to write again (I'd be on Reg #2); and 3) I'd be expected to cook dinner every night. The only GOOD things would be, no weekends and I would no longer have to do closing duties or soda count.

Shift was a good one; was busy for an hour, then swept, did my LU and AP4Me, and wrote, FINISHING The Present Dilemma!!  Sanitized the coffee bar and the counters, then locked the doors, took the trash to the hopper. HC Shel cleaned me out, and after Loader Joe brought in the concrete, closed the door and returned items to Tools, Plumbing, Hardware, Toys, and some hangers to the central clothing horseshoe.  Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Vegas Indian Motorcycle tee; faded jeggings; dream catchers

Day 114: Sunny, 88

Arrived and took over for Alice. Did prelim duties, then needed an emergency pit stop....thank god Loader Joe stepped up! Came back, did my LU and printed my paystub. Fronted soda, and then....needed another emergency pit stop!  Thank god this one was a false alarm. I guess from not on, no more eating D2K before work!  Had a rush at 7 and ran out of $1s....but couldn't call until nearly 8, so hopped to #2. Swept entire area, then HC Kay sent me to break at 8:30. I'd gotten 6 surveys, whoot!  After break, I pulled the trash, mucked the mats, sanitized the coffee bar. Loader Joe took the hopper while Loader Charles brought in the concrete.....and ran out of gas IN THE MIDDLE of the doorway!  Joe swapped out the propane tanks, enough so C could finish bringing in the concrete and park the forklift. Then swapped out the tanks again and put up the hopper.  I shut the door and returned items to Tools and Hardware.

Outfit:  Mama Bear tee, faded cut off capris, small gold hoops

Off tomorrow!

Day 115: Sunny, mid-80s

Arrived and took over for Alice; did prelim duties and LU. Didn't get busy until closer to 6, then was steady for an hour. Swept; HC Austin sent me to break at 8:30. Returned and pulled trash, then sanitized the registers and coffee bar. Loader Vince brought in the concrete and took the trash. Returned items to Plumbing, Tools, Fashion Bath, Paint, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Blue Vancouver Aquarium tee, faded cut off capris, sea horses.

Day 116:  Rare Sat Sunny, Low 70s

Arrived and was busy for 90 mins. Did prelim duties and my LU. Swept the area and fronted soday. HC Austin sent me to break at 8:30 and when I returned, he'd already pulled all the trash. Final customer left at 9:45. Locked the doors at 10; ASM Charlie brought in the concrete and took my cardboard box to the hopper. HC Austin cleaned me out; returned items to Gitters and Plumbing. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Dept of Having Fun tee, dark jeggings, silver chains

Day 117:  Rare Sun Cool; high 60s

Walked into a sh*tshow....Marilyn was slammed; Reg #1 was having chip issues; Robin called in; Loader Vince called in. I was busy until 6:30, then did soda count and prelim duties. Was about to go to break when  my customers who wanted to set up a delivery were ready, and Kim didn't know how to do it.  I took care of it, then needed and o/r....and so did Kim on 2. Used Jeremy's register for stragglers, when ASM Chris finally showed up.  Afterward, I escaped for 15 mins, and when I returned, pulled trash and put away the soda. Final customer left at 7:55. Did get my LU done, but no sweeping or sanitizing. Loader Con brought in the concrete; ASM Kari cleaned me out. Shut the door and returned an item to Lights, then put up my vest, took the leftover soda to the front, and clocked out at 8:35.

Outfit:  Blue paisley blouse, dark jeggings, thin gold hoops

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