Monday, September 9, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W28

 Day 118: Warmer, low 80s

Was called in, due to Hallie NCNS. Discovered #1 was still having chip issues, so went back to #2. Did prelim duties and fronted soda. Was steady until 7, then did my AP4Me and LU. HC Shel sent me to break at 8:45, and when I returned, pulled trash. Final customer left at 9:50. Locked the doors. When Loader Con brought in the concrete, he took the turn too fast and dumped maybe 1/3 of the red bags. While he restacked them, I put my trash in the hopper. HC Shel cleaned me out. Shut the garage door and put up my vest, then returned items to Flooring and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black Mom tee, dark jeggings, large gold hoops

Today should be a National Day of Mourning,....James Earl Jones passed away around 5pm.  RIP Darth Vader and Mufasa.

Day 119: Hot, 91

Arrived and took over for Alice; discovered the chip reader on #1 was still acting up, so moved over to #2. Really only had 2 'rushes' when I arrived and the other after Marilyn asked me to do the soda count!  Did get it done by 7. Swept, did my LU, and discovered I'm getting a .75 raise, effective Oct 4th!  Going up to $16/hr!  Watched Nick place a Kobalt Gangbox on a high shelf, first with the Ballymore, then with the order picker, to straighten it out. Loader Joe took the hopper around and brought in the concrete; HC Kay cleaned me out. Returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Aisle  32. Clocked out at 10:30.

Sold a book to Ted Hazelwood:)

Outfit:  Spare Parts tee, faded cut off capris, silver/blue/pink hoops

Day 120: Rain, mid-70s

Arrived; did prelim duties and checked out the occasional customer. Fronted soda.  After Pro Kath left at 5, did my LU and wrote. Was promised a break at 6:30....then 7:30.....then HC Shel gave me a 15 at 7:30, where I cleaned out the coffee pot, then she came back after closing Garden and sent me to my hour lunch at 8:20. Came back and pulled trash; put away what little soda we needed,  and did a quick sweep of the floor. Sanitized the coffee bar. Final customer was at 9:55; locked the doors after he left and sent the trash out with Loader Joe, who also brought in the concrete. HC Shel cleaned me out; returned items to Roofing, Electrical, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

My sense of humor kicked in at one point:  Customer: "We're not from around here."  Me:  "I won't hold it against you."  LMAO!

Outfit:  Black Alaskan Hwy tee, dark jeggings.

Sold a book to Pauline Mangin:)

Day 121:  Rare Sun Hot, Mid 80s

Store Meeting (6am-7:45):  Enjoyed bagals, apple slices, cheese, chocolate milk, and an airy cruller. Won a fire extinguisher. Scott showed the pic of Amy and I sitting in the rocking chairs.

Regular Shift:  Arrived and took over for Marilyn, and was relieved to see Halle was with me the 1st 2 hours. We were busy and I worked through my break. She went to relieve Deja, and HC Kay came down at 6 to give me mine. Returned and pulled trash, swept, mucked the mats at Reg 2 and 3.  Locked the doors at 8; Loader Vince brought in the concrete and took the trash to the hopper. Final customer was at 8, all decked out in Green Bay; I was wearing Colts.  Told her I was NOT going to make her go through SCO!  Clocked out at 8:30

Outfit:  Blue Manning jersey, faded cut off capris, Colts earrings

Colts lost, 16-10.  When I put it all on, the score was 10-0, Green Bay.  So it helped, lol....

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