HOH Comp: Chelsie gets 4 answers correct, Rubina 2, and Cam 1.
Chelsie wins! Nominates Mack and Cam
Rubina is eliminated 1st, followed by Chelsie. Mack wins!!!!
Mack evicts Rubina.
Julie, not a fan of those shoes with that outfit. Just sayin'.....
HOH Comp #1: Endurance Comp
Mack falls first, followed by Cam, ten mins later:) Chelsie wins Pt 1:)
Pt 2: Cam vs Mack
Mack wins!!!!!
Jury Roundtable: Taylor...ugh.
Pt 3: Mack vs Chelsie
Mack wins!!!!!! Takes Chelsie to the end with her:) Bye-bye Cam!
Jury Interrogation/Vote:
The winner of BB2024 is........
Chelsie!!!!! 7-0
America's Favorite:
And....Jankie was rebooted?!?!?!?
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