Monday, October 7, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W32

 Day 130: Cool, low 70s

Arrived; paid D's cc bill, then took over for Kem. Was fairly steady until 6:30, then began the prelim duties. HC Kay sent me to lunch at 7; returned and started the closing duties. Final customer left at 9:15. Was able to give Brianna her free book, and sold a sample chapter book to Gil. Closed and locked the doors at 10, then ASM Alex brought in the concrete; HC Kay cleaned me out. Took the trash to the hopper and returned items to Plumbing, Appliances, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:25.

Also managed to do my AP4Me and LU, AND reinstate my crappy medical insurance.

Outfit:  Black Dog USA tee; new faded jeggings, diamond flower studs

Off tomorrow for drs appt!

Day 131:  Warm, mid 70s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Was busy until 6:30, then was able to do the prelim duties. Jared sent me to lunch at 6:45; returned and checked out a few customers, then did my LU, my ADA and Credit Card training. Final customer was at 8:30; pulled trash and swept; mucked the mats; sanitized the registers and coffee bar. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash; HC Austin cleaned me out. Returned items to Fashion Bath, RTM, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Gray USA tee; new faded jeggings; dangly r/w/b stars, and the 'I Voted' sticker.

Day 132: Warmer, low 80s

Due to laundry, was slightly late to work (clocked in at 3:01). Was busy until 7; spent the majority telling people the difference between the MLRCC and the MYRLOYALTY program.....I seriously want to bash someone over the head for calling both the CC and the Loyalty program THE SAME NAME!  "But I've got MLR..." (holds up the CC).  "Yes, but do you have the LOYALTY program, where you earn points and get $$ back?"  "Oh, I don't want to mess with that."  "Then you don't qualify for the special sales this week."  "Well that's stupid."

I agree.  By the time HC Shel sent me to lunch, I was sooooooo over people not 'getting' it, I wanted a drink!

Things calmed down after lunch, and was able to get the closing duties and my LU done. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Con brought in the concrete and took my trash; HC Shel cleaned me out; I returned items to Plumbing, Electrical, Tools, Lights, and ISLG. Clocked out at 10:30.

Saw Tasha, former front end ASM.

Outfit:  Gray Purdue tee, new faded jeggings, black danglies

Day 133: Warm, 81

Arrived to find things definitely slower. Was steady until 5, then things dropped off. Did my LU and prelim duties, then HC Shel sent me to lunch at 5:30. Returned and swept the area, and generally goofed off between customers, lol. HC Austin sent me to my 2nd break at 8:30, and at 9, pulled trash. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash. HC Austin cleaned me out; put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black blouse, Halloween denim shirt, new faded jeggings, Halloween Hearts

Day 134:   Rare Sat Low 80s

Arrived to discover I was 30 mins early; did my LU and ate a slice of Brent's banana bread. Took over for Dawson; first customer paid with $100 and cleaned Reg #1 of $1s, 5s, and 10s.  Hopped over to #2 until nearly 7:30, when HC Austin could bring the $$!  Things were slow. Did the prelim duties; HC Austin sent me to break at 8:10; returned and pulled trash, sanitized the coffee bar, and swept a little. Final customer left at 9:30, then we had some hilarity.

Former HC Shelby arrived to say hi; her b/f Nick and ASM Alex walk in. Nick flipped up her shirt; Shel's not wearing a bra and yelps. Alex and I burst into laughter! Finally, everyone calmed down. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Jeff brought in the concrete and took the trash; HC Austin cleaned me out. Returned items to Plumbing, Tools, Paint, Clothing, Flooring, and Fashion Bath. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Orange Halloween shirt, new faded jeggings, skeletons

Day 135:  Rare Sun Mid-70s

Arrived and took over for Marilyn, and had an issue with a delivery order. Saved it, in order to get through the line, and called HC Kay down to help. Then things died down for 90 mins....then picked up again and stayed steady until close.  I was able to get the closing duties finished, and had to shoo my last customer out of the store when we closed, and told another pair we were already closed. After HC Austin cleaned me out, I locked all the doors, took my trash to the hopper, and returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Paint. Clocked out at 8:30.

Outfit:  Blue Colts Jersey, new faded jeggings, silver chains

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