Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 Days Left...

Gads, where did the day go? I woke up around 8; was in the shower by 9; dropped S and her friend A (aka 'adopted daughter #2') at the school at 10. Turns out I did NOT have to stay, so came home, threw dinner together in the slow cooker, grabbed W, and took him to HIS new school.


We found his classroom; debated whether or not the only 'B' in his class (and the entire kindergarten roster) was his bff from last year; and investigated the gym. Returned home.


I jumped online long enough to read my favorite blogs, swallowed a sandwich, and went back to pick up the girls. Returned about twenty minutes later.


Spouse insisted I accompany him to the bank, so off we went. He put some money on my prepaid charge card, bought some batteries, and decided to take me to Arby's for lunch. And then laughed at me when I ordered the kiddie meal, because I'd already had lunch, and wasn't really that hungry. But when he offers to take me out, I don't refuse! Arby's also has new flavors of iced tea: Peach, Diet Peach, Mango, Blackberry, and Diet Blackberry. He chose the Blackberry; I opted for the regular Sweet. I did try a sip of his, but I'm just not a fruit fan when it comes to my tea!


After Arby's, we dropped of K's football T-shirt order, picked up the husband's meds at CVS, and came home.


Helped spouse reset his online banking password, and went downstairs to finish the laundry K started earlier. K's been infected with an intestinal bug, so washed the dishes for him; made my husband's sandwiches to take to work tonight (he's beginning night shift tonight), and hopped back on the internet. And now I have thirty minutes before leaving for Laptop Society!

Oh, and throughout the past two days? My shoulders are peeling from last week's sunburn. Wearing certain undergarments has been a challenge! And my twenty-five year old one-size-fits-all strapless no longer fits so well. (Sorry for the TMI moment...)

I'll be back tomorrow. I simply ran out of time today.

1 comment:

Sandra Cox said...

Have a good day, Molly.....breathe:)