Friday, March 23, 2012

Flashback Friday, March Madness, and Catching Up

Palm Sunday 1992:
A personal dream came true:  D and I, standing with other parents with our new babies, at the front of the congregation, getting our child baptized.  K let out a tiny squeak when Dr. T placed the water on his head, but otherwise was well behaved.  And afterward, Grandpa took us to Morris Bryant's for brunch.

We didn't put him in a traditional christening gown; he had a one-piece blue and white 'suit' with a little red bow tie.  White socks, of which one kept falling off, and his sunny disposition rounded out a very enjoyable day.

March Madness:
I forgot about the games being on last night; that happens when you go out of town and lose all sense of what day it is!  Since I couldn't go to karaoke, Billie and Mel brought 'Rent' over and a bottle of wine, and we had an enjoyable evening:)  I was hoping maybe we'd slide out the door after the movie ended, for a two hour karaoke, but no.  So maybe after Easter I'll 'be allowed' to go?

In the meantime, here were my picks from yesterday and how I did:
Syracuse Won:)
Louisville Won:)
Cincinnati Lost:(
Florida Won:)

Here are my picks for tonight's games:
Xavier Lost:(
UNC Won:)
Indiana Lost:(
Kansas Won:)

They're getting harder to predict:)

Enjoyed my 'vacation', and the best news was the fact the SU was awarded his disability, so that's a HUGE weight off our shoulders.  Now we just need to spend that back pay check WISELY.  I want us to get into a better house; get reliable transportation; and not have the post 15th-of-the-month-panic 'OMG....we're on $30 a week until the 1st!'

I also want to be able to go to Florida in August and be able to buy a few books each month without hearing  any fuss.  Is that too much to ask?

Have a good week:)  I'll post the weekend games tomorrow.

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