Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony

 I was finally able to watch to Opening Ceremony, and was both thrilled and appalled.

First the good things:

-Enjoyed the entertainment sprinkled in with the Parade of Nations. Even though I don't speak French, and didn't entirely understand the Lady Gaga performance, I still enjoyed it.

-I WISH they had continued the geographic location of the nations as they were introduced; I did not recognize several countries, and would have liked a map of where they were located.  BUT, the boat parade was wonderful, and a nice change of pace from the athletes walking into an arena.

-LOVED the way Paris showcased their culture, through the segments...Enchante, Synchrony, Liberte, Festivale, Fraternite,Equality, etc. I thought it was a great way to show off the city, with the Masked Torchbearer traveling through the Louvre; channeling the Phantom of the Opera; racing through Louis Vittain; running across the rooftops.  I hope he will be 'unmasked' during the Closing Ceremony. 

-Torch:  I'll admit, I teared up when I saw the Oldest Living Olympian, who got to carry it before passing it on.  The balloon was a surprise; I thought it was a giant cauldron.  I'll agree with the commentators; it was rare for non-host country people in the final relay:  Serena Williams, Nadia, and Carl Lewis.

-Commentary:  I'll agree with the critics....there were a couple of times there was 'dead air', as the co-hosts were too caught up in the pageantry to keep the dialogue running.

-Celine Dion was amazing!  I absolutely love her.

-The dancing was amazing, even in the pouring down rain.  Nobody slipped (at least on camera!). Sane for that runway for the mock fashion show....some were wearing HEELS and never slipped.

Now the negatives:

-A lot of people are in a snit over the scene on the bridge, which was NOT the Last Supper, but a scene out of Greek Mythology, with Baccheaus/Dionysus.

-I noticed the focus seemed to be more on the people of color, with the exception of one swimmer. I'm sorry; I'm not a fan of Sha'cari or Simone, and it turned my stomach when one of the reporters seemed to gush over her family and get her on Facetime.  Geez....let the lady get some rest!

-There was one segment I didn't care for....same sex holding hands; men wearing skirts; a menage depicted.  Thankfully, I was able to fast-forward through it.

-I wasn't a fan of Simone when she first arrived on the scene, but I did acknowledge her talent. I lost respect for her in Rio when her anxiety got the best of her, and she pulled out of the Team Event.  Why?  You just made the other 4 have to work twice as hard, you selfish brat!  Suck it up, meditate, do whatever you need to in order to do your damn best!  Don't let the pressure get in your head and make you quit. Otherwise, you are NOT the GOAT everyone says you are.

-Finally, the song 'Imagine'.  I'm a John Lennon fan, and when the singer began, it was enough for me, so was able to fast-forward through it.  I was also not a fan of the Beyonce segment.....when did she go blonde?  Bleh.


On an unrelated note, I saw a post on FB that just steamed me. Now you know, I don't get irritated enough by what I see on social media to post here, but this just got me.

One of my friends, who does not share my political views, posted she was 'stepping away' because too many friends had differing views and are 'misguided' and she can't 'bring them out of their Kool Aid induced beliefs.

One of the comments made me want to applaud.  She wrote, "I don't understand why other's opinions would disrupt your peace...why does it upset you for someone else to support a different viewpoint? I think you need to let go of the belief we should all share the same view..."  BRAVO!

If you're a snowflake who can't handle the fact someone doesn't agree with you, GET OVER YOURSELF!!!  It's OKAY to agree to disagree!

*steps off soapbox*

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