Monday, July 15, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W20

 Day 84:  Hot, mid 90s

Arrived and joked I'd suffered from heat exhaustion just by walking from my car to the building! Took over for Kim; Alice was at self-checkout. Was busy; got 5 surveys in the 1st hour, and 9 by shift end:) Did the prelim duties; AP4Me; and LU. Discovered someone (corporate, maybe???) wants all dustmops to be at the back of the building. WTH?????  Will confer with ASM SCH on Wed. HC Kay gave me a pit stop break at 9, and when I returned, I sanitized the coffee bar and finished sweeping. Pulled trash; Loader Joe took it to the hopper, then brought in the concrete. I locked the doors at 10. Put up my vest and took returns back to Tools, Lights, Plumbing, Hardware, ISLG, and Aisle 1. Clocked out at 10:30.

In the you-never-know-who's-in-your-line file....had the OWNER of TX Rdhouse give me a $15 voucher. He'd asked me what I like to eat there, and when I told him I'd given up on the steaks, due to never getting mine cooked 'right', he told me to ask for him and he'd cook it for me personally:)

Outfit:  Gray-blue USA tee, dark cut off capris, blue sapphire hoops.

Am off tomorrow, to hang out with the grandkids while S and A got to Holiday World:)

Day 85: Hot, low 90s

Was called in early, due to Scott not feeling well.  Arrived at 2:30 to discover Alice in LG and Kem in a snit; said she wasn't going home until 3. I went back and did the Best Survey, then was paged as I was on the last question, and forgot to mention being upset over no quarterly bonus.  But I did bitch about the health care!

Went down and hopped on #2, then when we got the line busted, and Kem left at 3:15, I went back on #1. D arrived at 4, just as Alice came down and sent me to lunch. D slipped on the spilled sand and fell down; took me to Denny's. Came back an hour later; swept up the sand that Charles was asked to sweep, and couldn't find my dustmop. Talked to Mike and ASM Shan about D's fall. Clocked back in; Alice left; did prelim duties, then was busy until 7.  Spot-swept; pulled trash at 8:30, then had to have Loader Joe watch the register while I took a pit stop and tracked down the trash bags, because we had the wrong ones.  At 9, HC Austin sent me to break. Returned and spot-swept, sanitized the coffee bar; did my LU. Locked the doors; Loader Joe brought in the concrete; HC Austin cleaned me out; returned items to Plumbing, Tools, ISLG, and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit::  USA Flowers, dark cut off capris, diamond studs

Tomorrow:  Dyeing my hair pink for Imaginarium:)

Day 86: High 70s

Arrived; everyone seemed to like my pink hair. Did the prelim duties; found my dustmop and swept, but then realized my dustPAN was MIA, so swept it out the door. Was strangely low-key today. Did my LU and wrote, and at 8, had to hop to #2, due to being out of $1s. HC Shel sent me to break at 9 (took my broom back) and when I returned, pulled trash, sanitized the coffee bar and counters. When HC Shel cleaned me out, took the trash to receiving and returned an item to Flooring. Put up my vest; ASM Alex helped Loader Harlan bring in the concrete; clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Mama Bear tee, dark cut off capris, lt blue studs

Off to Imaginarium tomorrow!

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