Tuesday, April 23, 2024

BB2021: Weeks 5 and 6

 HOH Comp:  The Wall!

Derek F falls off 1st, followed by Claire, Sarah Beth, Hannah, Kyland, Britini, Azah, Tiffany, Alyssa, and Xavier.  Derek X wins!!

Tiffany, Tiff, Tiff, Tiff.....you asked D if he was ready to 'royal flush' someone WHILE HANNAH WAS RIGHT THERE!!!  Oops....

He nominates Sarah Beth and Britini.

Brit immediately starts to cry. SB knows she's a pawn, so Christian can be back-doored.

SB, now YOU get your hair out of your face.  What is WITH these girls?

POV Comp: Derek X, SB, Brit, Claire, Kyland, and Alyssa

Derek X:  4th out.  Prize:  Lord of the Latrine:) Gets to unlock the toilet and announces whomever needs to use it!  "Lord/Lady has arrived to use the Porceline Throne!"  The Power of the Potty:)

SB: 2nd out.  Prize: $5K, which raised some eyebrows.  She didn't take the veto away from C, rationing that Brit needed it more, but others saw it as being greedy.  Esp when Derek floated the idea of giving her the Jackass punishment; she whined it was her birthday week, so please don't.  This didn't sit well with people.

Brit: Wins!!!!!  Picks Veto:)

Claire:  Eliminated 1st.  Prize:  Duke of the Deck

Kyland:  3rd out. Prize:  Jackass of Clubs

Alyssa: 5th out.  Prize:  Count of Communication (new smart phone, laptop, and video chat from home)

SB, what is up with that dress?  You've got 2 clashing patterns!

Derek, Derek, DEREK!  WHY did you tell Alyssa about your plan?  You just blew everything up!

Nomination Ceremony:

Whoa....before it even takes place, Christian (who got wind of the plan!) corners D in the storage room and lays it out:  If he puts C up, then people will come for him and mess up the Jury management.  What happens when Brit takes herself off?  Now D's thinking of Derek F.  Stay tuned...

Eviction Night:

Brit takes herself off; Derek X puts up Christian.

Cookout Alliance has an issue with Tiff, trying to boss Derek F around.  Tiff wanted to talk to Brit; both Derek F and Azah showed up, which pissed off Tiff.  Xavier:  "We had one job....stay together.  But now they're yelling at each other."

Love Christian's hair, btw....and whoa....Britt's wearing makeup!?!?!

Is Alyssa wearing a bandana as a shirt???

Azah, what is it with showing off your cleavage?? 

Tiff, wth are you wearing?

Christian is evicted, 7-2, and plants a HUGE liplock on Alyssa before leaving!

New Twist:  High Rollers Room!  Gamble for powers!

Get an extra Veto vote

Replace a nominee

Overthrow the HOH

Week 6:

HOH Comp:  Kyland tried to throw it to Tiff, but she got the wrong answer.  Azah also wanted it, but Kyland was too fast on the trigger.

Noms:  Claire and Derek F

High Roller Room Opens!

SB:  $50 Plays Veto Derby, scores 4

Hannah:  $75 ; banks her $$

Xavier:  $75; banks it

Brit:  $100; saves it

Azah:  $50; banks it

Alyssa:  $50; banks it

Kyland:  $50; plays Veto Derby; scores 9

Tiff:  $75; plays Veto Derby; scores 0

Derek X:  $100; banks it

Derek F:  $100; plays Veto Derby; scores 5

Claire:  $50; plays Veto Derby; scores 4

Kyland, Claire, Derek F, and Sara Beth get to bet on a houseguest to win the veto.

POV Comp:  OTEV is back! (sounds like Arnold Swartzenegger???)

Kyland (Alyssa) Out 5th, after throwing it to Alyssa, and wins 2nd POV

Claire (Kyland) Out 4th

Derek F (Britini) Out 1st

Alyssa Won POV!

Azah (SB bet on her) Out 2nd, after throwing it to Brit

Britini Out 3rd

At the Veto Meeting, Kyland saves Claire and puts up Brit.  Alyssa chooses not to use hers.

Brit throws a major tantrum about being on the block 4/6 weeks.

Eviction Night:

Britini is evicted, 7-1

HOH Comp:

Claire:  34.97 Eliminated by SB

Xavier:  Fell off twice; time ran out

Derek X:  So close, but couldn't beat SB's time

Derek F:  Couldn't beat Claire's time

Hannah:  Couldn't beat SB's time

Azah:  Couldn't beat SB's time

Tiffany:  Couldn't beat SB's time

Alyssa:  Fell down at the end; eliminated

Sara Beth:  21.03 WINS!

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