Sunday, August 18, 2024

BB26: Week 3

HOH Comp:  "Ainsley Land"

T'Kor:  9

Quinn:  18

Kimo:  12

Cam:  0

Brooklyn:  0  

Rubina:  1

Joseph:  12

Angela:  9

Makensy:  Had 19, but fell, so 0

Cedric:  27  

Kenney:  21

Tucker:  21

Leah:  1

CEDRIC WINS!!  Nominates Angela, Kenney, and Tucker

POV:  Cedric, Angela, Kenney, Makensy, Leah, and Tucker

"Recharge My Core" Maze

Cedric:  40%

Mack:  65%

Leah:  35%

Angela:  20%

Tucker: 85%  

Kenney:  80%

Tucker wins; pulls ANGELA off!  

Cedric puts up Makensy.she activates her America's Veto.  Tucker is PISSED he didn't put Quinn up.  Now they have to wait until before the AI Arena to find out who the 3rd nominee is.

Tucker spills the beans on Quinn's power.

AI Arena:  Tucker, Kenney, and Quinn

Tucker, why do you look like Wolfman?

Tucker gets his 20 red balls in the tube before the others:)


Kenney is evicted, by a vote of 10-1.

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