Monday, August 26, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W26

 Day 108:  Hot, humid, high 90s

Joked that I was already wilted when I arrived, and after a 'rush', the crowd left. Cooled off as I did my AP4Me and LU. Didn't do a whole lot; just did the prelim duties, checked out customers, sanitized the coffee bar. Went to break at 8, and when I returned, pulled trash and fronted soda. Locked the doors at 10 and took the trash to the hopper. Loader Con brought in the concrete; after HC Shel cleaned me out, returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit:  Gray USA Flowers tee, long capris, gold and crystal danglies

Day 109:  Hot, humid, high 90s

Was busy the first hour of my shift, then needed an emergency pit stop. Came back and spot-swept, then things were slow. HC Shel asked me to do soda count, then pulled trash.  She brought down about half of what was needed. Final customer left at 10....after returning boards we'd cut too short last night.  I didn't know we could, but if it was our mistake...then okay.....

Had a customer trying to go through VSP.....there's a new system and it took me 3 tries to figure it out....then he had an issue with his card.  Ended up calling customer service and switching to a new register, b/c his card wouldn't swipe.  Had to look it up....and it went through!  After the CS guy hung up on me....

Returned an item to Roofing, then put up my vest.  Took the extra soda back and clocked out at 10:20.

Off tomorrow, to watch Ramsay while S is having her hysterectomy.

Outfit:  Gray Plank LU tee, dark cut off capris, Yukon Colors.

Day 110:  Hot, high 90s

Shift went fast!  Arrived and was busy for the first 45 mins, then things slowed.  Did prelim duties, LU and my harrassment training, then fronted soda, was busy for maybe 30 mins, then dead again. Sabrina sent me to break at 7:30 and when I returned, had maybe 4 customers before it died again.  Loader Vincent came in; he and I talked....and talked.....and talked.....I pulled trash and sanitized the coffee bar, and locked the doors.  Did a quick sweep in front of the Pro counter and took the trash to the hopper while HC Kay cleaned me out. Returned items to Plumbing, Tools, and Hardware. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:25.

Outfit:  Red Classy tee, dark cut off capris, silver diamonds

Off tomorrow to take Mom to cardio appt!

Day 111:  Rare Sat Cloudy, low 80s

Was a good shift!  Arrived at 2, and was immediately busy on #2, then helping Marilyn after Robin arrived from her break. After M left, R and I were each busy. Was able to do my LU. Took my break at 3:30, then R left at 4 to cover Deja's break, then took her 2nd. I went to lunch at 5 (met D and W at Denny's when Dogwood was closed). Gave Loader Vince his $24 and the keys to the van so he could pick up his pkg. He slipped them back to me when he returned from his break. Robin left at 6, and things were at first busy; Loader Jared stepped in to help. I got the place swept. HC Austin sent me to break again at 8:45, and when I returned, pulled trash. Final customers were Barry, who bought the six discounted windows and another customer, whom ASM SCh rang up, then we had to return a few items. While he was getting his truck and trailer, I locked the doors; ASM Shan pulled my drawer. ASM SCh had everything under control, so I left and returned items to Tools, Plumbing, and Toys (area by the ASCO). Clocked out at 10:25.

Was able to see former ASM Maria, and Max and Monica, choir director Becky's son and wife.  They now have 4 kids, Nicholas, Ruby, Indie, and Plum:)

Outfit:  Lt blue USA tee, dark cut off capris, sea horses

Day 112:  Rare Sun cloudy, low 80s

Arrived to discover I wasn't supposed to be there until 3:30; clocked in anyway and did my LU.  Went down and Marilyn was swamped!  Helped her out until 4:15 when she finally left. Hopped back on 1 around 4:30 and was busy all night! Kate sent me to break at 6:30, and when I returned, pulled trash and swept a little. Final customers left at 8. Whew!  As I was locking the doors, some dude rolled up on his motorcycle, then spotted me locking the door and left. Loader Con brought in the concrete; HC Kay cleaned me out. Put up my vest and returned items to Hardware and batteries.

Had one customer ARGUE with me over her card; it wasn't activated and all she could say was 'they've used my phone #" Her son finally paid for it, then I noticed they still hadn't left the lot.  Half an hour went by and they exited, saying CS had helped her activate her card:)

I also gouged my right ring finger on a pipe cutter as I was getting out the trash bags...blood oozed everywhere.  I couldn't keep pressure on it AND unwrap the bandaid; a customer kindly helped me.

Clocked out at 8:30.

Off tomorrow!!!

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