Saturday, August 24, 2024

BB26: Week 4

 HOH:  Angela wins again!

Quinn activates his Deep Fake HOH and nominates Tucker, Cedric, and Makensy.  Angela is flummoxed by this.


Ainsley brings back Jag (winner BB25??  Did I miss one?), Tayler (BB24 (ugh!)), and Cody (All Stars.sweet!) to disect the first 3 weeks.  They're saying EVERYTHING I said!

POV:  Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Makensy, Joseph, and Brooklyn

Binary Bridge:

Brooklyn vs Cedric:  3:13 Cedric

Mack vs Angela:  7:15 Mack

Tucker vs Joseph:  1:55 Tucker

Cedric vs Mack:  1:32 Cedric

Cedric vs Tucker:  Tucker wins!  

Seriously, Tucker, you're thinking about tempting Fate AGAIN?? Thankfully, he decides to use it on himself.

"Angela" (really Quinn) puts up Rubina

AI Arena:  Makensy, Cedric, and Rubina

Mack wins!  It came down to a photo finish between her and Rubina, but Mack hit her button first.

Kimo and T'Kor consider voting out Cedric.


Does Leah have her dress on BACKWARDS????

Cedric is evicted 6-3

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