Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Amazing Race 2024: Ep 5-8

 Episode 5:  Chile

LOL....there's always one team who can't drive a stick shift....and this time, it's the Cousins, surprise, surprise....

Team Nurses aren't communicating effectively......even though Vinny thinks they are.

Firefighters can't navigate....

Team Orange went to the mountains....

Team Boyfriends arrive 1st....

Team Pilots

Team Nurses

Team Mom/Son

Team Orange

Team Girlfriends

Team Firefighters

Derek and Shelisa

Team K&K....eliminated.  Karishma couldn't put her skateboard together.

Episode 6:  Argentina and Megaleg!

1st challenge:  Only 3 teams were able to 'rope' the cow; the others went for the bicycle/recycling challenge.  Teams Mom/Son, Orange, and Nurses worked together with navigation and the challenges, which was a good strategic decision at this time, since they're in the front of the pack, and the goal is to SURVIVE the Megaleg, not exactly to WIN it.

RB:  Team Boyfriends struggled with remembering the race car map; got it after 4 attempts; Team Pilot got it on 1st try. If they just focus, they'd realize it's a PUZZLE; you don't actually have to MEMORIZE it (I think, anyway??); Team Mom/Son thinking about taking the penalty, due to Mom's carsickness, but got it with Nurses' help.  Then Nurse helped Team Orange, so they all were onto the next one:)  Girlfriends and Firefighters got it soon after. Team D&S got it after 7 attempts!

Bubble Soccer!!  Pilot got it 1st try; Boyfriends finally get it after realizing he can knock down the other team:) Firefighters and Nurses did it; then Orange, Nurses, and M/S. D&S got it 1st try:)

2nd Challenge:  Putting Beef on the board in the correct way (parts of the cattle): Pilots got it 1st, then Boyfriends. Firefighters and Girlfriends teamed up, as did Orange, Nurses, and M/S. The trio got it 1st; then the others.

Team Pilot wins!  Followed by







Derek and Shelisa were eliminated.

Episode 7:  Uruguay

RB:  Welding!  

B/f: Got it on the 3rd try:)

Pilot: Got it 4th:)

Orange:  Got it 2nd:)

Nurses: Got it 1st try!

M/S:  Got it 5th:)

FF: Got it 6th!

G/F:  Got it 7th!

Ugh....I'm getting fed up with the way Vinny speaks to Amber (Team Nurses).  They may have been dating for 4 years, but I don't think their relationship is going to survive this race.

Team Firefighters are hopelessly lost!

1st Challenge:  Drums or Singing

Drums:  Nurses, M/S, Pilots, Orange, Firefighters

Singing:  B/f, G/f

B/F got it after 3 tries; wins leg!

M/S got it on 1st try; finish 2nd

Nurses 3rd, but can't find their vehicle. Finally locate it, but the bickering continues.  Amber's finally standing up for herself; again, I don't see their relationship surviving, unless something changes at the end of this leg.  End up 4th.

Pilots 4th; end up 6th

Orange: 5th, but end up 3rd

G/f got it after 8 tries! 6th, end up 5th

Firefighters after 1st try; eliminated

Episode 8:  Barbados!

RB:  Street Tennis, aka Street Ping-Pong

Boyfriends 1st, then Mom/Son; Girlfriends; Orange; Pilots; Nurses.

Rhianna's childhood home.....wow.......very colorful and tiny.

Team Mom/Son had issues driving in the roundabout (traffic circle) and their crew went one way and M/S went another....then couldn't get their crew on the radio.  They arrive at the challenge, and have to wait until the crew arrives.

Detour:  Seaweed Cleanup or Fish Pot Building

B/f and G/f start with fish pot. then Nurses arrive.  Orange arrived, then finally M/S's crew showed up:)

Pilots decide to do the seaweed.

B/F finish first

Pilots finish 2nd!  2 1/2 wheelbarrows to fill the barrel:)

Nurses 3rd, followed by the G/f. Team Orange doesn't realize they're missing their corner supports. Finally, they get it, but get stuck in the mud. Finish 5th.

Team Mother/Son Eliminated

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