Thursday, May 23, 2024

Survivor 46 Finale

 OMG....I mean, I can't even.....

(deep breath)  Okay, here goes.

Final 5:

Ben, Maria, Charlie, Kenzie, Liz.

Challenge:  Major obstacle course, with finishing the puzzle reveals the clue to unlocking the gong clanger.

Kenzie and Maria race through the puzzle first, but K is stumped about the # of holes on her plank. Liz, far behind, races back to get her plank and helps K out, just beating Maria.

Tribal Council:  Maria voted out, 4-1.  She gets standing ovation and hugs from her tribemates.

Final 4:  Ben, Charlie, Kenzie, Liz

Liz, Kenzie, Charlie all practice fire.

Liz is getting on my last nerve.  First of all, she's allergic to EVERYTHING!  Why the hell the producers even let her go on the show is beyond me!  Can't eat chicken, coconut, citrus, pasta....but rice and popcorn and beef are okay (she admitted she eats burgers at Applebees, and the night Jeff brought popcorn, she was able to eat it). NOW, the issue is her wrists.  Her ligaments are too large for her body, which makes her physically hard to hold the knife?  And, she reminded Ben she's got money, so she doesn't NEED the prize money!

Not surprising, Ben tells her he's choosing her to make fire, which makes us subjected to Liz moaning and groaning, and saying 'Fudge' as she tries.  *eye roll*

Tribal Council:  

Ben chooses Charlie to go to the end.  Now there's Kenzie vs Liz.....and Kenzie comes out on top!  She's very relieved and grateful....Liz blows a raspberry and hides her eyes as Jeff snuffs her torch, then cries as she leaves.  In my eyes, that's a sore loser attitude.  At least she'll be able to go to Ponderosa, shower, and eat a decent meal for the 1st time in over a MONTH!

Final 3:  Kenzie, Ben, Charlie

And the winner is.......

                                                     Kenzie, 5-3!

But only because she's been on her own since she was 15.  That swayed a lot of votes.  Charlie wanted to use his to pay for law school and to set up some non-profits.  Ben didn't even get a vote.

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