Monday, May 6, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W11

 Day 44:  Rain, then sunny and mid 70s

It began raining as soon as I got out of the car, and was pouring when I clocked in. Fortunately, it didn't last, and I took over for Katelyn. At 4, did my LU, AP4Me, the prelim duties and the soda count. Got sent to lunch at 5, and when I returned, began sweeping. At 8, put the soda away.  By 9, I'd pulled the trash, sanitized the registers and counters. Locked the doors at 10; Loader AJ brought in the concrete; HC Britt cleaned me out; AJ and I took the two carts of trash (HC Britt pulled the outside trash) down to the hopper. I put up my vest and went up front. Clocked out at 10:25.

SOMEHOW, I got the highest credit score.  DS Kari came down and took my picture.  Thank god I'd taken a shower!

Outfit:  Black/white checked sweater, new dark jeggings, thick 'pirate' silver hoops.

Off tomorrow for choir practice!

Day 45: Rain, low 80s

Arrived and took over for Kem, then Alice and I began trading customers, we were so slow.  I decided to go on a soda run, which took me up until 4 to track down the Diet Coke (in receiving!), then to fill the meager count. Customer A came up and asked if we had any 1x6x8s; I looked it up; we had 300.  Alice looked up the placement; Aisle 50, bay 13.  I took him down; none of the signs said it.  I even looked in other bays; couldn't find it.  We DID locate some in top stock; I went back and called for a forklift driver.  Finally Pro Jeremy arrived; went back and found it in a mis-marked bin.

Alice left at 5; I was sent to lunch 20 minutes later, just as the downpour began. When I returned, we only had a few cars in the lot; I began sweeping and doing the prelim duties, plus my LU.  Found out I'm getting vacation pay for my ENTIRE NYC trip!  Whoot!  Customer B and I got on the subject of pets.  DS Kari brought down a box of lollipops and asked me to count them.  Dumped them in a bucket, then counted by 50s as I dumped them back into the bin.  Total was 342....then Conrad bought one. Customer C brought a LOT of stair rails, but had no clue how many.  Got another cart and began counting.  Grand total:  125!  Mucked the mats, sanitized the coffee bar, locked the doors at 10.  Conrad brought in the concrete; I shut the garage door and put up my vest.  Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Gray Purdue tee, long capris, small gold textured hoops

Day 46:  Sunny, mid 70s

Arrived and took over for Kem; Alice went to break. Things were slow; checked out the occasional customer.  When Alice left at 5, I did the prelim duties, fronted the soda, and did my LU.  Actually got 7/7 today!  Swept the floor, and was sent to lunch at 6:30.  Came back and finished sweeping, put away some snacks, sanitized the registers, and pulled the trash. Finally saw Gil and gave him the book he wanted:)

Had two irritating customers:  A held up the glue; I scanned it; he put it on the counter.  After scanning his lumber, I went back to my spot, picked up the glue, and he said, "You already scanned that."  "I know; I'm putting it in the bag."  (duh!)  B came in and said they had an order to pick up.  I told them FIVE TIMES to go to CS; she finally did after the 5th.  Geez....

Locked the doors; AJ brought in the concrete and took my trash; I closed the garage door and after HC Britt cleaned me out, put up my vest.  Clocked out at 10:40.

Outfit:  Brown tee, dark capris, dream catchers

Day 47: Sunny, high 60s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Was instantly busy and stayed steady all night. At 5, did the prelim duties.  Hubby brought me Pad Thai at 7:15, but didn't get my break until an hour later. Swept the floor, mucked the mats, pulled the trash, sanitized my counter and the coffee bar. Returned items to Hardware and OSLG. AJ brought in the concrete; HC She cleaned me out; clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Blue crew neck Cabela's sweatshirt, new dark jeggings, small gold hoops

Day 48:  Rare Sat Sunny, mid 70s

Worked the Washington SpringFest (sold 4!), then went out to lunch with K and the girls. Called to say I'd be 30 mins late, and arrived 5:40.  Took over for Austin and was busy all evening.  Did manage to get the soda fronted, the prelim duties done, and the floor mostly swept. Final customer left at 10. Closed the garage door and put up my vest after HC Shel cleaned me out. Loader Jax took my trash. Returned two items to Hardware and clocked out at 10:40.

Outfit:  Alaskan Hwy tee, new dark jeggings, blue T-Rex

Off tomorrow for Mother's Day!

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