Wednesday, May 1, 2024

BB2021: Weeks 9 and 10

 Week 9:

HOH Comp:

Derek F and Alyssa were the 1st two to fall off; then Claire drops, having to throw it, since she's the secret HOH.   All 3 are now Have-Nots for the week.

Hannah falls off, followed by Xavier, Azah.  Tiff was supposed to throw it to Kyland, but she still hangs on.  Ultimately, Ky falls off.  Tiff gets HOH two weeks in a row, due to be 'dethroned' by the 'anonymous' HOH last week, Claire, who couldn't even take advantage of the perks.

Nominations:  Alyssa and Xavier

POV:  Tiffany, Alyssa, Xavier, Hannah, Derek F, Azah

Alyssa wins:)  She takes herself off and Tiff nominates Claire.

Does Claire have a zit problem???

Eviction Night:  Double Eviction Night!!!

Claire is evicted, 4-1

HOH Comp:  Hannah wins!

She nominates Alyssa and Xavier

POV:  Hannah, Alyssa, Xavier, Tiffany, Derek F, and Azah

Xavier wins!  Takes himself off the block.  Hannah puts up Kyland.

Eviction #2:

Alyssa is evicted, 3-1 (X voted Kyland)

I now see why Kyle (BB2022) was worried about the 'certain group' becoming another 'cookout situation'!  I thought it was a group formed around an actual cookout, not just a secret alliance that worked BRILLIANTLY!  Normally, any 'named' alliance usually disintegrates over a week or two, but these 6 had EVERYONE completely fooled.  NO WONDER Kyle was paranoid, though I'm wondering why his thinking out loud was considered 'racist'?  Guess I'll never know.  The sensitivity police were working overtime....

I'm still confused....isn't Kaycee considered a 'person of color'?  She won against Tyler a few seasons back.....

Week #10:

HOH:  Kyland wins:)  Big D was sooooo close!

He nominates Tiffany and Hannah.

POV Comp:

Big D:  14.05

Azah:  20:22

Tiffany:  Timed out

Hannah:  14:06

Xavier:  20:56

Kyland:  11:44 and WINS!

Ky decides not to use it.

Eviction Night:  Another double eviction!

Oh Ms Chaddah....PLEASE take your hair out of your eyes!!!!

Tiffany is evicted, 3-0.  Derek, how hard is it to say 'I vote to evict...'?  


Xavier and Azah (!) face off in round 2!  I thought Hannah was going to beat her.

Azah wins, 5 balls to 3:)

Azah nominates Xavier and Hannah.


Kyland wins in a tie-breaker over Xavier.  He takes Xavier off; Azah puts up Big D.

Eviction #2:

Hannah is evicted, 2-0

Final Four:  Xavier, Kyland, Big D, Azah

That's not the first time Azah's worn that pink outfit, with the skinny strap on the same side as the thick just looks weird.

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