Saturday, May 4, 2024

BB2021 Weeks 11, 12, and Finale

 HOH:  CSI Vegas-inspired!

Big D:  15:44

Xavier:  10:18

Kyland:  14:52

Xavier wins!!!

Nominates Azah and Kyland.  Azah's 1st time on the block!

I'm sorry; Hannah's b/w picture does NO justice to her lips!

Kyland....why did you just sniff ALL the tortilla shells, then PUT THEM BACK IN THE WRAPPER???  Ugh....

Xavier chooses Azah to watch the screening of CSI Vegas:)

POV:  What Day Did It Happen?

Round #1:  Derek earns a strike.

Round #2:  Ky earns a strike.

Round #3:  Ky earns his 2nd strike and is out.  

Round #4:  Azah earns a strike.

Round #5:  Azah earns her 2nd strike and is out.

Round #6:  Derek earns his 2nd strike and Xavier wins POV!

Yo,'re finally opening your mouth, but Big D's right; you've done NOTHING but win ONE COMPETITION!  Keep it up and you're gonna find yourself headed to jury.

Ugh.  I just want to sweep Claire, SB, and Hannah's hair out of their faces!!!!

Eviction Night:

Xavier keeps the nominations the same.  Big D evicts KYLAND!!!!  See there?  "I vote to evict' FINALLY came out of your mouth!!  Where was it the rest of the show?

Ky, Ky, just couldn't keep your mouth shut?  And accept your defeat gracefully?  I honestly thought for a moment you and X were about to come to blows.  Not cool, dude.  Not cool AT ALL, to try to hold his nephew over his head like that.

Week 12:

Azah, you're about to fall out of your dress.'re lucious in that Lucious look!  You know you're going to win, right?

Girl, the way you've played, you're only going to #2 if X goes back on his word to Big D.  AND....I want you to make music!  You have an AWESOME voice!

D, yes, you're a social butterfly, but you haven't won ANYTHING!  What makes you think you can win a mental and physical final?

HOH Comp, Pt 1:  Endurance Comp:  Holding onto Your Boat!

X;  Riding it like a broncho

D and A:  Plastered against it, using their arms and legs to hold on.

Big D falls off 1st.

Azah tries to readjust herself and falls off.

Xavier wins Pt 1!  (Was there really any doubt?)

Finale Night:

HOH Comp Pt 2:  Big D vs Azah

Answering 4 questions about houseguests, using a slot machine to get the right houseguests.

Azah:  13:19

Big D:  20:22

Azah wins!!!  Her 2nd comp win:)

HOH Pt 3:  Xavier vs Azah

OMG you three....A vs D:,A wins.  A vs X, X wins.  D vs X, X wins.

Azah, pull your damn top up!!!

Memory comp:  Xavier wins, 8-7.  Chooses to evict Azah.

Winner:  Xavier!!  9-0:)

America's Fave Houseguest:  Derek X or Tiffany?   Tiffany!!

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